Mysterious Hermit


the time has come....


Status update
1 reply
  1. Minkey

    farewell!! I somehow expected you to be tucked away in a cave, waiting for the site to close fully, then you'd sneak out and pet all the trees...that's what hermits do, right?

Five Feat Under Mysterious Hermit earned the Five Feat Under badge
a long time ago
Landgrabber Mysterious Hermit earned the Landgrabber badge
a long time ago


Operation Antidote
Your mission if you choose to accept it is to purchase 5 tree poison antidotes and distribute them to your friends by mail or glitchen you pass in the street by slipping it into their bags as a gift. It has come to the attention of the Sandbox Secret Agents that there have been recent attacks upon the trees of Ur. All agents should keep antidote on them at all times to help combat mass poisonings. There are times when it is necessary to kill a single tree on a stree for a quest or achievement but we must be warry of multiple poisonings emerging as a pattern that would make a desert runway for the rook to swoop in and end us all. Report any mass tree poisoning on group chat so we can respond en masse.
When you have completed this mission, please drop the note off at the lair or send it to an agent requesting a mission on the forum.
Operation Friendly
Your mission if you choose to accept it is to fill Uncle Friendly's Emporium with Friendly Acid compound (made using a test tube R10-G0-B5-S0). You should drop notes that warn shoppers that
exposure to friendly acid may make them more friendly.

When you have completed this mission, please drop the note off at the lair or send it to an agent requesting a mission on the forum.