Abby Cadabra

(Katu Monsterpants)

I'm a 26 year old lady who loves video games, kittens, knitting, and sleeping in. I write stuff sometimes.


Kip Konner Kip Konner added Abby Cadabra as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Potionmaking III Abby Cadabra finished learning the Potionmaking III skill
a long time ago
Abby Cadabra

You can tell this is a great party.


You know the party's great when the host is stuck.


Status update
Abby Cadabra

Tiny Speck: I wish I could choose to let you keep the money I paid for my subscription. In my heart, I did get what I paid for, and I'm so grateful to have had this experience with all the rest of the glitchen. I just want you to know that the refund is going to the worthy cause of keeping me in my home, and in fact, was incredibly well-timed. <3 I just wish I could keep the whole game on my HDD forever and ever. :(

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Reply to
NutMeg Botwin

I want to cry, but instead, I just made a Facebook group for those interested in being together, sharing photos, and speaking about squeezing chickens....hopefully we could discuss new games, etc.

1 reply

Status update
Abby Cadabra

This is a great idea! I'll spread the word.

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Froot Loops!
Welcome to the Abby Cadabra bend of the Frootiest Loop there is! Next Stop: Herb Herbally! Please help yourself to the resources on my street, and any foodstuffs that may be lying around to replenish you on your long journey. In return, please be respectful and kind.