
(Lisa Justlisa)

... I love you TS and Glitch Miss you so very much </3...


Kip Konner Kip Konner added Chicalet as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Santa Clause Santa Clause added Chicalet as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Tumahura Tumahura added Chicalet as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


I snuck into your private room and I jumped on your bed!!!!!!!

and again!
That *WAS* a pickle in your pocket...
How did you do that?
I want my icons stuck to the wall.......they are quiet that way.
..Stand quietly maybe they won't notice you.
A note!
Can you believe there are no carrots in carrot margarita?

What chu need with all this lotion ?

happy time?
My Mom
Who I miss everyday since her passing Sept 30, 2011

I think about her all the time
I miss everything about her
This is in rememberance of her
The most wonderful woman I knew.
I licked them first!
Enjoy the apples...
chica was here

today is my birthday!
Today is my birthday.. and all i want is a fox cubimal, a gardening tool vendor cubimal, a hell bartender cubimal, a maintenance bot cubimal, a meal vendor cubimal, a dusty stick, and the most beautiful Scion of purple cubimal, and a musicbox that plays happy birthday, and a random homestreet teleport, and a bajillion currants.
Have a nice day!!
Chica was here.
and there was something to see !
Thank you
for going to Iraq and putting your life in danger for us saps who didn't serve our country. Thank you.
A note!
i put a feeder for piggies
filled with zucchiniss
i dunno if that works
but i hate to see piles of meat
where lovely plump piggies used to be

today is my birthday!
I took the hooch to partay...
A note!
The best place ever!!!<333
I loved Glitch
And I will miss it so very much.
It was a cool awesomeyear spent here being sillly and crazy.
Thank you for letting me be a part of it.