
(Mickey F)

DOI: 46th of Fever, yr. 12. (alpha & beta) Spice-tender and crab pleaser. Past stocker of The Shelf of Legend, and happy scrap miner!


Kip Konner Kip Konner added MicklePickle as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
MicklePickle joined The Memories of Glitch
a long time ago
Batsquatch Batsquatch added MicklePickle as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Samudra Completist MicklePickle earned the Samudra Completist badge
a long time ago


This was a nice meditation spot
I used to love to come here for the bubble tea, and stay for a meditation session. Often there was quite a picnic of food left here!
Is it wrong
to want to do nothing except surround myself with small piles of Flummery and stare at the Great Tower until the end?