Sparkles McFaun


Sparkles McFaun joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago
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I would like to cover someones house in crabs in real life, but it might smell and people seem more reluctant to give me their keys.

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Status update
Sparkles McFaun

Someone did that with octopus on my old university campus was not such a bright idea once they thawed.

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1 reply

    OMG seriously? Thats pretty insane. I wonder where they got the octopus.

Osiris ?

The End of Ur

Sparkles McFaun

Goodbye beloved Ur...We'll keep imagining you.

Sparkles McFaun

Our last day...this seemed like a beautiful place to be.


Thank you, and never stop imagining
The deimaginators won this time, but thank you for everything. This game has been a sanity saver and never ending source of joy and inspiration. So much beauty, love, detail and whimsy!

Thank you for sharing your vision with us and may it yet live again some day.
Goodbye and all my love
Dear Glitch and glitchen,
although it may look like the deimaginators have won, the beauty, fun and sense of belonging we shared will live on in our imagiantions, for that is what Glitch truly is. I will miss you all.