
(Bunni3 Burn)

Love and miss you Glitchees! *hop hop*


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We've been through this before and we're still here. Hang in there!

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Status update

Maybe we are a cursed group! We should separate and terrorize the world solo? We can cover more ground that way....but sure sounds lonely.

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Status update

Going back to my longest standing outfit and my favorite. I want it to be immortalized after I can no longer log in and decorate myself. *sad panda*

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Status update

While I didn't play as much in the recent months... I will miss this game greatly. And I'll miss all the fascinating people that played along with me. *hugs*

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Potionmaking III Bunni3 finished learning the Potionmaking III skill
a long time ago
Feat First Bunni3 earned the Feat First badge
a long time ago