
(Vicki Clack)

Food-loving, tech-loving, glitch-loving geeky bird.


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Today - just for 5 mins I wish i could teleport into UR. See how little Flotsam is and make sure Cerberus the chicken is behaving. Then perhaps go into the house and throw all the switches randomly on the time machine and see where it takes me. I miss you Glitch so much :-(

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Me too, I could really do with some Glitch today...

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Crying doesn't help . . . nothing seems to . . . and . . . I am left feeling that I failed Glitch . . . that I didn't give enough, worse the tiny speck of light I am holding onto seems fragile and I fear losing it. That makes me want to hold onto it tighter rather than let it go. Why let go something so beautiful so unique, I can see the game is gone but the ache in my soul . . . it just hurts so much

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Hugs from me too. I feel your pain...

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I have been checking out other suggested games, but I don't like them. They only make me miss *this* more.

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Little Poundcake may think she is alone in Ur...

Korra Korra added geekybird as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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I so desperately want to play again, just one more time. Just a few more hours. Or how about days? or weeks?. Who am I trying to kid, give me at least another 6 months. Long enough that I can pretend this isn't happening - because it hurts...

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  1. Celeloriel

    I don't "like" this comment, but I do absolutely agree with it.