dr scion


just an arlington boy - love making friends !


Theremina Lute Theremina Lute added dr scion as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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To those of you still out there and peeking in --- *hugs*! Miss you all. My friend got me a knit heli-kitty for Xmas/Birthday, it was wonderful.

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mira gaia maia

oh this was a great year! let's see... i got a new house, (well, 3, considering the test house and the real one) and went to the moon (also a home) too many times to count, minus the last one (i wanted to go there for the last time so hard!). in the middle of butterflies, pigs and chickens i was able to make food, crystals, potions (and so many more things) and share them with you! yay rainbows, amorous and charades!:) with friends, i helped a drogon getting rid of that red tartar and brought some light to the bogs! never wanted a crown, i ran from the crown all the time in GoC!! i got lots of prizes from the wheel tickets, but the best prize was to be with all of you and welcome you to this great world it was Ur. how many great people out there wanting to share to reach each other's goals!! this is what i take with me from this year! oh, and i bet i made dear Sir stoot smile! thank you for all the possibilities you gave us Tiny Speck!! so, wishing you all a great year and that the kittens cuteness may be with you always! -.~ (that blink was actually my real cat, she will miss chatting too...) Happy New Year!:)

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A note!
sorry my butler is a wee bit shy. he has a few issues we're trying to work through =]
A note!
lobby : pharmacy
1st floor : psychotherpy
A note!
the butler drank the wine, and went back in the box : please drop a note in the tower =]
A note!
he likes to see rooks, the only thing that will pull him out the box
A note!
please take a seat, and the dr will be right with you lmffo =]
lobby : pharmacy / waiting room
1st floor : psychotherapy
2nd floor : the lab : under construction
A note!
wow i love your tower, and your outfit rocks !
A note!
if you need a bag or a script, hola @ the doc