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Me three! I'm comforting myself with the memory of the word iTunes in one of the music threads, but that CD sounded so fun, boo!

2 replies

Status update

Just got an update from the Indiegogo campaign that Danny will continue taking payments for CDs/etc. through the end of the month! He put info about it in the forums:

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Status update

I miss you all so much. :( Mefites, do check the group to get links of places you can find many of us these days, including IRC, a message board, and

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2 replies
  1. rook knight =]

    found you village ! chaz and i have started a lil village. we should throw a glitch party there sometime =]

    1 reply

Ihima Ihima added jessypie as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Status update

Me too, inky. I am full of sad.

0 replies


There was this thing with me and Bal and Tea and the toy vendor late last night and I don't really remember but I woke up with all these piggies in my bag
Dear Plate of Beans,

I found this tuna salad sandwich in my locker. I think I put it there on the first day of school last year. It might have been the year before. The color is a little weird but it still smells like tuna. Is it safe to eat? I am very hungry.

P.S. I already ate it, should I see a doctor?
P.P.S. How much puke is normal?