
(JoyceAnn Jones)

Add me on Facebook, my name is JoyceAnn Jones. The link should show up over there. --->>>


Status update

Hey everyone, I've been looking around for games like our beloved Glitch, and I think I've found something. It's called Mage Faire Online, you can't play yet, BUT, you can sign up for Alpha testing. That should begin in March, hundreds if not thousands of other Glitchen have already signed up, so you might wanna hurry! See you guys there! :D www.magefaireonline.com/

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Happy New Year Everybody! I hope next year will be everything you want to be :)

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Status update

I hope Glitch will come back sometime next year, I'm going crazy without its awesomeness! x_x

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Xiatin joined Reminders of glitch
a long time ago
Mining III Xiatin finished learning the Mining III skill
a long time ago
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