
i am nice funny i never steal i love people


Mining IV zoey10189st finished learning the Mining IV skill
a long time ago
Piece of Serenity Piece of Serenity added zoey10189st as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Little Poundcake

Not even the end of the world slows this place down. It's like they have no idea what goes on outside their own building!


UGH! is there any devs who would like to let me play? again? Come on i know you want too! Im sick of my mother sending me messages every 2 seconds about joining farmville


Fyo Daycare


Lol love how there the cage and the drink and a pill almost makes me wanna buy a cage myself it would come in handy not for my child but for my husband XD


I feel pretty, oh so pretty...


yeah..i dont like weed?
R.I.P Gracerigney
You hanged out with us,
You listened to us,
You understood us,
We will always remember you :'(
And we will always love you
A note!
not very nice to say better then the shiny objectwas a dirty fork play because that one was very worked hard on and hard to put to together
Zoey10189st wants to chat
Hey its me i know your deleting your charater so i will take anything and i mean anything mostly everything you donate will go to new players :) So please help outy everyone and me im sorry your deleteing yourself but you can give your unneeded stuff to people who need it-Zoey10189st
Welcome to glitch
Man oh man grap that bag and get going this is fun well everything is your so is the bag dont sell a thing this stuff is for you and all this will help you along the way and if you need help with anything and i mean anything tips,need information,questions,or help with a quest i am there to help you no matter what! :) Love,Zoey10189st
Hotel guests staying with us
cheese danish king- paid for a week 23rd of Widdershins rook room room service too, Year 23
watchbear- bought for 3 days 35th of widdershins 23yr room service too
Many-Harvest Cordial
Please dont pick up
13 Hard bubbles
7 White bubbles
2 Essence Of rookswort
4 Esssnce of rubeweed
if you want a recipe of this then it is only 25c and i will give it to your butler or give it to you
Soak all solution
13 Bule bubbles 10 Crying gas 4 Essence Of silvertounge 5 Essence OF Gandlevery
Liquid Super-Hoe
15 Hard bubbles 7 white Gas 2 essence of rookswort 1 essence of Hairball