Not even the end of the world slows this place down. It's like they have no idea what goes on outside their own building!
Cat A. Tonic
Bureaucracy has a life of its own. That is why "Cracy" (crazy) is part of the word!
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
This was right before he admonished me for holding up the line.
12 years ago
The Cat Face
I'm not sure the game can actually shut down unless they issue a General Unbuilding Permit. (Crosses fingers, hopes bureaucracy prevails.)
12 years ago
Witty response, TCF.
12 years ago
bored no more
lol TCF
12 years ago
chaz mania
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
12 years ago
"Well, y'see it's like this Mr Butterfelt, of course we'd like to let you close the game down but it seems you haven't read section 5 paragraph 3b"
12 years ago
"...they have no idea what goes on outside their own building!" Staying true to the bureaucratic form! ;)
12 years ago
Count Battra
*like* TCF
12 years ago
lol TCF!!!
also - "So you want to close the game down, Mr. Butterfelt? Okay, first tell me which is better: magenta or Beethoven's Fifth?"
12 years ago
Mt Dew Me
I am confused- this says it was snapped today... how?
12 years ago
Count Battra
she's a dev, they still have access
12 years ago
Hen vla Ham
We need some of these comments in the art book! Hilarious!
12 years ago
? Love you Glitch ?
cant we just all be Devs? :p
12 years ago
Jealous of all the Devs running around, why can't we run around until the end of Dec... :c
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
We whittled it down to one server, and the lag is hilariously bad even when there's only one player in the world. You'll run into a quoin and it takes several seconds to register what happened.

Oh, and there are no more animals, all the trees are dying, and houses and towers have vanished. Bureaucratic hall aside, this is not the Ur you remember! It's a depressing, dead one. But hey, at least the rook is gone.

We're running around repopulating areas with life and houses and whatnot for various archival purposes. I took this snap because I'm making animated gifs of all the animated stuff in the game, and I wanted a variety of bureaucroc looks to work against. All of those gifs will be coming to the encyclopedia soon!
12 years ago
it is so, so sad, to read the accounts of the dying world.

i thank you for your work. and i promise to stand witness.
12 years ago
damn. i thought i was done crying.
12 years ago
Nanookie there going to be a downloadable version of the encyclopedia? I would srsly pay real mohnay for that.
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
Hmmmm we hadn't talked about making it downloadable. We're just going to leave it up forever, but augmented with assets and gifs and stuff.
12 years ago
? elf ?
that sounds depressing. can I have ice cream now?
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
"Indefinitely" is a better word than "forever," as forever is a very, very long time. Let's just change that previous comment to read "We're just going to leave it up indefinitely".
12 years ago
Little Poundcake
No, but I'm pretty sure we can still whip up some onion rings for you. Give me 5 minutes to pull my frying pan out of my pack and pick up an onion.
12 years ago
Voluptua Sneezelips
LP, thank you for all of your notes and snaps from 'the other side'. We all miss it terribly, and while on the one hand it's sad, it helps a little (well, helps me at least) to know and hear what's going on, and it's comforting to know that, for now at least, you're still in there. <3
12 years ago
caley dunn
Whoa, animated gif's in Encyclopedia. WOOT! I'm with Nanookie. I'd pay for that.
12 years ago
I will accept "indefinitely" - thank you so much, LP...
12 years ago
Flowerry Pott
I'll be so glad to be able to look at the Encyclopedia for a good long while. And in my mind the world is still alive and busy - it's just on a different server than the one you're on, LP! :D
12 years ago
A downloadable Encyclopedia would be awesome!! But I'm also quite happy with the "leave it up indefinitely" part. Glad to hear that not everything will go away at the end of the year.
12 years ago
Kitsune Kyomoon
Could you please populate my street with a cute lil pink roofed house, a seven floor tower, 11 piggies, 2 butterflies, and 42 jellisac mounds.....for archival purposes ;)
12 years ago
This snap has got a crazy amount of comments. :D
12 years ago
Miss Coco
Indefinitely?? Oh, wow, that's way more than I ever hoped for! Thanks for doing so much to honor our love for this game! And I'll echo VS--I love seeing the snapshots from the inside. It's like a comforting postcard from home.
12 years ago
Part of me is jealous of you LPC, but 90% of me knows there's not enough Kleenex in the world for me to cope with a week in a dying empty world :-(

12 years ago
I agree, snazzlefrazz... I miss all the Glitchen. LPC, it must be even harder for you to see our beautiful world barren.. Love to you and the other devs...
12 years ago
I don't think I've ever gotten to mention out loud just how much I appreciate the bureaucrats' hairdos. C'est magnifique! I shout it out!
12 years ago
Oh, LP. I'm partly jealous that you can still run around...but mostly I feel awful for you, seeing it like that. <3
12 years ago
Alyx Sands
...and that one croc is *still* playing FacebookVille...someone kick him!
12 years ago
UGH! is there any devs who would like to let me play? again? Come on i know you want too! Im sick of my mother sending me messages every 2 seconds about joining farmville
12 years ago
The trees were dying once before, a terrible sight, and it makes me sad to envision them now. No animals? Civilization gone? Sigh.
12 years ago
Yes! keep the website up indefinitely! and lol zoey. and little poundcake, if you don't let me in, i'll just leave you with half a server and it'll be even more laggy.
12 years ago
thinking back, it isn't strange that glitch doesn't have enough players. they're locking their players out!!!
12 years ago
Midori Melon
12 years ago
Yeah, I agree, Kristabel!
12 years ago
Thanks for the news about the encyclopedia! I suppose in theory it would all be findable via or similar, but this is so much more awesome, and hopefully keeping a server up (or a Cloudfront-fronted S3 bucket, whatever) to serve relatively modest amounts of static content isn't so much of a burden.
12 years ago
Cheery Cherry
Absence does not make my heart grow fonder.
12 years ago
Little Poundcake Little Poundcake snapped this
at 5:44pm on December 13, 2012
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