Elle T. Bannion

(Elizabeth Bannion)


TransplantedEntwife TransplantedEntwife added Elle T. Bannion as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Kip Konner Kip Konner added Elle T. Bannion as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Lord Mash Lord Mash added Elle T. Bannion as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Master Gardener Elle T. Bannion finished learning the Master Gardener skill
a long time ago
Transcendental Radiation III Elle T. Bannion finished learning the Transcendental Radiation III skill
a long time ago
BlackWolf BlackWolf added Elle T. Bannion as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


A Prayer to Tii!
A Prayer To Tii
(And The Others, But Slightly Less)

We Cannot Number the Bits of our Lives,
But Tii does for us.

We Cannot Number the Hearts we have Touched,
But Friendly does for us.

We Cannot Number the Trunks we have Hugged,
But Spriggan does for us.

We Cannot Number the Streams we have Crossed,
But Grendaline does for us.

We Cannot Number the Mountains which give us Humility,
But Zille does for us.

We Cannot Number the Flames of the Sun,
But Alph does for us.

We Cannot Number the Stars which for our nights Guide us,
But Lem does for us.

We Cannot Number the Flanks we have Petted,
But Humbaba does for us.

We Cannot Number the Air which our Bodies Sustains,
But Cosma does for us.

We Cannot Number the Thoughts which our lives Propel,
But Mab does for us,

We Cannot Number the Meals which our Bellies do Fill,
But Pot does for us.

The Giants Cannot Marvel at the Intricacies they have Wrought,
But We do so for them.
A Prayer to Pot!
<glug glug glug> We gi' thanksh to you, greatesht Pot Fo' de drinksh 'n de foodsh 'n de drinksh shome more <glug glug glug> We gi' songsh o' joyoush praishesh to you, greatesht Pot Fo' de friendsh new and old, who come to our door <glug glug glug> We gi' danshesh 'n pranshesh 'n shtumblingsh 'ome Fo' tomorrah we'll drinksh 'n den drinksh shome more! <glug glug thud>