Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs

In a wUrld unreal, and so surreal. One must stay real, or the deal is sealed. ____________ - Spaz


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Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs

Glitch is still my chrome home page...respect..

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Status update
Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs

Star Trek Online only supplemented my need till I maxed out at 50..already..In a lil over a month. Granted I love space battles..but I like conversation and progression as

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You really did it, glitch. You made us all friends from all over the world. You stole hours and hours of my free time (and not-so-free time). You were absolutely preposterous. Everyone agrees wholeheartedly. And yet, I really miss you.

4 replies

Status update
Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs

Glitch is still my chrome home page...respect..

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs

    Star Trek Online only supplemented my need till I maxed out at 50..already..In a lil over a month. Granted I love space battles..but I like conversation and progression as

Kip Konner Kip Konner added Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Chris P. Cream

What a GREAT time - don't know what I will miss more: the game, or the friends? :c

3 replies

Status update
Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs

I do miss the game, but I miss all of us and our puns.

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lengzzz lengzzz added Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
FTW BACON!! FTW BACON!! added Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


A Word from Mr. iOuS
I have been drinking the past few days, so pluse me if a pound a liddle drunk. LoL. In a seriousness, along with most of us, this game IS weird, and admit it, we DO like it. No need to eat aro-er beat around the bush about it. (;P) I have had the most 'awesomeful' time these past 9 months. I really wish this game wouldn't close, but we will carry along with us some good times, who knows...Possibly not the last...Regardless of what ultimately becomes of the Glitchen: Stasis, banishment, immortalized on our walls or asses, I will see most of you on the other side. ;) Stay true & stay real. And when I mean real I mean this, persona wise, because if we admit to ourselves the truth, playing Glitch, playing out our Glitch, at the courtesy of Glitch, we have brought out the best (and in very, very rare *mumbles*troll*cough*cough* occasions, the worst) in people. (But they do that to themselves) Running out of room, Take care, sucks that for most of us, this theraptuical session is closing..