My House is so nice and narrow now!
Zany Serendipity
Nice... but... maybe you need a little more furniture?
12 years ago
Ewww... what is that.
12 years ago
stoot barfield
Yeah, I cleaned it out when I built my tower, so there is not much left in there.
12 years ago
I Love You TS
I don't think I can comment. But if I would, I would say it's cleaner and better than mine.
12 years ago
Wow, you finally cleaned house!
12 years ago
La Mariposa
What is what?
12 years ago
Now I must go see what Stoot's tower looks like...
12 years ago
Stoot's tower has a great bed for jumping on!

...not that I know this from personal experience. I would never jump on Stoot's bed.

12 years ago
I need to go on the same diet plan your house went on.
12 years ago
now come clean my house! XD
12 years ago
Aww, you have my favorite door!
12 years ago
if only my house was that slim but my house is big as big as a well house. (wish my house would go on a diet)
12 years ago
stoot barfield stoot barfield snapped this
at 1:18pm on July 27, 2012
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