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Flowerry Pott

Bacon, do you live in the northern hemisphere where it's winter now? If so, your depression could be caused by short days and lack of sunlight. A UV lamp that mimics sunlight can help a great deal in that kind of situation.

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  1. OMG BACON!!

    I do, as a matter of fact! I read somewhere that winter causes depression-pretty interesting! I will for sure try the UV thing. :)

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I do, as a matter of fact! I read somewhere that winter causes depression-pretty interesting! I will for sure try the UV thing. :)

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There's a specific condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I was borderline living in Minnesota, but moving to Alaska really made it apparent. Check for a company called Sunbox.

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Shmoopie Kerfuffle

I have one of those lights too. It is a HappyLight made by Verilux. It really does work - I use it on cloudy dreary winter days. Just keep it next to my computer.

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  1. Algebra

    I bought a UV vacuum from Verilux... keep getting ads for the happy lights, thinking about it since I live in South Dakota

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I had that once and had no idea I had it!! I had been chatting with a patient at work who really had it bad. I didn't really understand it until spring hit and the sun came out for more than two seconds. Holy HeliKitties, I was soooo happy, like a weight had been lifted. I'll bet the lamp helps :)

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  1. kastlin

    Yeah, suddenly ancient sun worship cultures make a LOT of sense!