Status update
acro, obviously

Strangely, I could not get into Miramagia... tried a few times and found it baffling and too simple at the same time. Maybe my brain just wasn't ready to move on to a different game, period. Having not been an online gamer prior to Glitch, that seems likely.

5 replies

5 replies
  1. Popcorn☺

    I tried out Miramagia for a little bit....but then when I was asked to change the acronym LMAO to LMBO, I knew that probably wasn't the best place for me. :P

  2. Wynella

    Wow. You should probably realize that you started out with an amazing rarity. Glitch-quality games are very very rare. I'm afraid you're going to have to lower your expectations considerably. :( OR... become a developer! :D

    2 replies

  3. kastlin

    That could definitely be part of it! Since I was already an on-line gamer, it may be a bit easier for me to lower my expectations enough for some of these games to appeal.

  4. kastlin

    And I just saw Wynella's response! LoL -- great minds ....

  5. EmiB

    I'm in the same situation. Only an occasional gamer, fear that I will not be again unless Glitch returns.

in reply to

Status update

That could definitely be part of it! Since I was already an on-line gamer, it may be a bit easier for me to lower my expectations enough for some of these games to appeal.

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