Status update
acro, obviously

Strangely, I could not get into Miramagia... tried a few times and found it baffling and too simple at the same time. Maybe my brain just wasn't ready to move on to a different game, period. Having not been an online gamer prior to Glitch, that seems likely.

5 replies

5 replies
  1. Popcorn☺

    I tried out Miramagia for a little bit....but then when I was asked to change the acronym LMAO to LMBO, I knew that probably wasn't the best place for me. :P

  2. Wynella

    Wow. You should probably realize that you started out with an amazing rarity. Glitch-quality games are very very rare. I'm afraid you're going to have to lower your expectations considerably. :( OR... become a developer! :D

    2 replies

  3. kastlin

    That could definitely be part of it! Since I was already an on-line gamer, it may be a bit easier for me to lower my expectations enough for some of these games to appeal.

  4. kastlin

    And I just saw Wynella's response! LoL -- great minds ....

  5. EmiB

    I'm in the same situation. Only an occasional gamer, fear that I will not be again unless Glitch returns.

in reply to

Status update

Wow. You should probably realize that you started out with an amazing rarity. Glitch-quality games are very very rare. I'm afraid you're going to have to lower your expectations considerably. :( OR... become a developer! :D

2 replies

Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Well, for some of us, the goal is to play the best game out there, whatever that is. And for some of us, the goal is to only play a good game. The important thing is to remember which category you're in, and keep that perspective. On the other hand, if we don't demand what we want, the developers and marketers won't know that there's an opportunity to fill a niche!

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Status update
Carl Projectorinski

So, another job that acro, obviously could pick up would be Game Critic. ;)

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