Status update

Wow. You should probably realize that you started out with an amazing rarity. Glitch-quality games are very very rare. I'm afraid you're going to have to lower your expectations considerably. :( OR... become a developer! :D

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    Well, for some of us, the goal is to play the best game out there, whatever that is. And for some of us, the goal is to only play a good game. The important thing is to remember which category you're in, and keep that perspective. On the other hand, if we don't demand what we want, the developers and marketers won't know that there's an opportunity to fill a niche!

  2. Carl Projectorinski

    So, another job that acro, obviously could pick up would be Game Critic. ;)

in reply to

Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Well, for some of us, the goal is to play the best game out there, whatever that is. And for some of us, the goal is to only play a good game. The important thing is to remember which category you're in, and keep that perspective. On the other hand, if we don't demand what we want, the developers and marketers won't know that there's an opportunity to fill a niche!

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