Status update
Ann DramaDuh

I feel so down now, because I can't be there to help in any way. BUT - I'm a good listener, tell terrible jokes, get in a good wisecrack now and then, and pretty much make your day whenever I deign to chat with you. :) Hang in there! I'm knitting you a prosthetic hand as we speak!

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Minkey

    @Ann, did you find the pattern on etsy? lol, I think you are awesome! @Asthner, don't get hurt (anymore)!!

    2 replies

  2. kastlin

    Did I already know you're a knitter? If not, I certainly should have!

    1 reply

  3. Asthner

    In terms of knitting, considering I seem to have also contracted the flu on Sunday, I could really use a sweater. ^^

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

Did I already know you're a knitter? If not, I certainly should have!

1 reply

Status update
2 replies
  1. Minkey

    I know how to break things, especially things that are knitted! All my t-shirts and sweaters have very tiny holes in front, right under my waist. That is where my little dog used to "bite" me when I walked in the door---what? he missed me!

  2. kastlin

    And I can probably keep our team supplied through the zombie apocalypse from my yarn shop!

    2 replies