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What's a good country to relocate to? I'm not very picky, just somewhere without a lot of conflict and an inexpensive standard of living.

9 replies

9 replies
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    Unfortunately, most countries that are like that are very picky about immigration. Also, the lack of conflict doesn't seem to last long.

    1 reply

  2. JosephPaul

    I often consider moving to one of the US territories like Guam or the US Virgin Islands. Any of those work for you?

  3. The Cat Face

    I hear that the Vortex of Random is fairly conflict free and even those chucked into Abbasid Jail are provided with a free, endless supply of Gin Fizzes (or whatever is the plural of Fizz...Fizzeses...Fizzezez.....Fizzi).

    3 replies

  4. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    If you are serious, go to Australia...I so want to live there...

  5. Dalco

    I agree Aussie land being upside down means they have a money that isn't able to be used elsewhere. Be sure to live in a part of Aussie that isn't too expensive, because it can be. Check out this link and his resources.

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Status update

I often consider moving to one of the US territories like Guam or the US Virgin Islands. Any of those work for you?

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