Status update

Oh Glitchen, I am so grateful this board is still here even if it isn't for much longer. I was really yearning to play some glitch today, such a longing in my heart for that old country, but to see your glitchen faces makes me feel a morsel better.

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    I am yearning too...with each day that passes, i miss it more....

    1 reply

  2. Maria Diatorre

    Missing Glitch too. Thankful the dashboard is still here.

in reply to

Status update
Shmoopie Kerfuffle

I am yearning too...with each day that passes, i miss it more....

1 reply

Status update

I DON'T miss it...well, hardly. I don't miss the daily grind, nor the obligation to feed/rescue piggies. I DO miss ... hmmm... let's see.... nope, don't miss that either. I kept what was important to me, that is, this community. We're a group of folks trying to stay afloat in a bathtub...let's hope we stay strong. :)

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    I miss the beauty, the diversity, the quirkiness, the humor, the creativity, the fantasy...

    3 replies