
Your Glitch, almost anywhere.

Past. Present. Future. You got it [,baby] ! 

Just put on your favorite outfit and keep it on for a while, or link me the PNG (e.g. public drobox link). Multiple pictures work, just don't get carried away. :) If you don't want to hold onto that outfit forever, but don't use GlitchMash that often, then submit the picture there and link me up (if you want to use the outfit from GlitchMash, the link away!). 

Then give me a link to wherever you want your Glitch to be seen on Earth, etc.Tell us where you want to be placed in the picture (if you care.)


Donations (not real money) is accepted (but not expected). Edit: Please try to post both images, and tell where you want your Glitch in the image if you can. :)

Posted 12 years ago by Rook Subscriber! | Permalink


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