
[UPDATE] New news coming up - SUPER NEW

I have found the perfect solution. Stay updated this week.

[To see my big apology letter, skim through my latest status update from yesterday - find it and repost it, it is the only status of mine ppl aren't talking about. I'm typing from my nintendo wii, so i'm unable to copy/paste, and i'm suspended from posting an apology to forum, so that's why it had to be a status update.] I don't know why you guys haven't moved on yet. Have some class people.]

I have an amazing announcement that will cheer you all up soon. Until then you will not hear from me - i've moved on days ago.

p.s. - i think nutmeg is a swell person, and she makes great points. Please at least listen to her, and i hope all of you posting in forum can be friendlier and respect each other.

[UPDATE] - Ok, here is my Official letter of apology I posted earlier yesterday - | This is the one people don't want to share, because it doesn't paint me in the light they are trying to paint me in. They cherry pick around it.

Posted 13 years ago by Messy Monster Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • On the subject of roleplaying and the misuse of it as a defense for offensive behavior, I posted this in reply to one of Messy Monster's profile updates:

    From one roleplayer to...a wannabe-roleplayer, you give us a bad name and you ought to be ashamed.  A real roleplayer, when playing out controversial aspects of their character, uses audience awareness to avoid offending bystanders and breaking a game's TOS.  They can also create fun interactive events by subtly offering the audience well-thought-out ways (plural!) to end the threat posed by their character.  They are NEVER careless in their choice of words.  They understand and control their character to a very fine degree, and would never say that a character who threatens to rape everyone around them is merely "mischievous".

    I have been doing online text-based roleplaying as a creative writing outlet for eight years.
    Posted 13 years ago by Wondermumbles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I get the feeling that Messy Monster was really drunk or something, since these forum posts make no sense, while his status updates show much much much better writing skills.  
    Posted 13 years ago by CosmicBitFlip Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Once a troll / griefer always a troll / griefer... simple as that. not exactly the first time that there has been comotions over messy / don. so  no sympathy here. and I wouldnt lie about being hacked... its very easy for tinyspeck to see which Ip's your account has been logged in from. so unless your whole pc was taken over and they logged in to glitch from there at the same time(which i highly doubt)  so more than likily the lying about it contributes to why the suspension is in place. its amusing how uneducated people are about how the internet / access works.
    always why would you even want to roleplay a *picker*... you know people play games to get rid of the stress from real life. not deal with more stress
    Posted 13 years ago by Hootaholic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Mr Click is alive! Hooray! :D
    Posted 13 years ago by Rook Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Messy Monster has my vote of confidence and he's even stolen things from me. The difference between the self proclaimed 'thick skinned' and me?

    I realize it's just a game and the stuff iddn't real. Get a grip yall. If you have thick-skin, if you have a sense of adventure, if you have a sense of win, lose, right, wrong, you'll realize that this isn't a battle worth fighting. Let people like MM live. It creates controversy and interesting situations. Don't freak out and feel violated. Enjoy the experience with interacting with another player in an otherwise interactionless game.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mr. Dawgg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • First off, nice job MM with editing the post so many times that it's un recognizable from the first.

    Oh, and I'm sorry Mr.Dawgg, I forgot to realize it was "just a game" when I was remembering the trauma I and others have gone through. Silly me. Why not have him make jokes about players loved ones that have died, murdering people, and whatever else he likes since its "just a game."

    Those of you saying its no big deal to bring it up, I'd love to show you all the photos I have from the day after being raped. My swollen, unrecogniable face, the clumps of hair missing, the torn nails. But even that wouldnt really do it justice, as most of the damage is mental. Unless you know what it's like to be beaten, and not know if you will make it home to your child, to spend hours that feel like days, being choked until you pass out only to wake up back in the same hell, I don't think any of you have the right to dictate how those that have been through that need to feel.

    I've moved on with my life- I was trying to encourage messy to be more careful with his words, because they can trigger things for people. I didn't freak out on him, I simply asked him to watch what he said. What made this 100 times worse was his condescending attitude, and harassing me after I simply asked him not to say things like that. Oh, and TONS of people reported it- I'm just the one he chose to blame.

    Since he'll be back, it's not even that big of a deal for all his "fans"
    Posted 13 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Mr. Dawgg:

    Weren't you the one complaining a while back about foul language in game? I always thought that threatening to rape someone WAS foul language. Just checking.

    Also: as said numerous times: Rape. Isn't. Funny.

    Posted 13 years ago by Lady Cailia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • what does this have to do with rape.

    edit: also wow airing more dirty laundry nmbw. classy. some things should just be kept to yourself.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mr. Dawgg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Looking at Messy's most resent status updates I'm thinking he's started to see where he's gone wrong and I'm hopeful he'll be more careful in future.

    Aside from his unfortunate choice of words I think one of biggest mistakes he and other "roleplayers" in Glitch make is assuming that everyone else is roleplaying too, or that they at least are willing to engage in their roleplay.

    Glitch is not a 100% roleplay environment. Nobody is obliged to engage in your roleplay or to understand that roleplay is exactly what you're doing. Obviously I have no statistics so I'll just go so far as to say a large proportion (that I suspect to be the majority) are not roleplaying, some may never have roleplayed in a game before. These people are being themselves ... the person behind the keyboard. The "game" for them is interacting with the Ur environment and with other players, there is no assumption that some of those players may be pretending to be a character they made up.

    I'll admit back in Beta I enjoyed watching the antics of Messy Monster (under his previous name) but I was always aware he was treading a fine line because of what I just described. I'm glad he'll be back simply because I think it's a little too much to totally ban him for this one offence (not that it was a small offence), especially since he does now seem to be grasping why he was punished.
    Posted 13 years ago by Angel Slocombe Subscriber! | Permalink
  • What does this have to do with rape? Which part?

    And now you're being condescending because I made you feel uncomfortable by mentioning what I went through- People like you are a huge part of the problem. You're like a 3 year old with his fingers in his ears going "la la la".....

    I take it back, you're not a troll. Pretty much just a total heartless jerk.

    (Ps- I'm not from "the Bronx", I'm from Alabama.)
    Posted 13 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Mr Dawgg, you may have missed this, but the main source of the offence is the OP's rape threats.
    Posted 13 years ago by Saro Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "I take it back, you're not a troll. Pretty much just a total heartless jerk."
    Really just really? Your not helping yourself. I understand being hurt about what messy said but total heartless jerk? He made a wrong internet comment I'm not sure he quite qualifies as a heartless jerk. Also calling people 3 year olds is uncalled for my guess is he missed messy's comment or at least give him the benefit of the doubt before you go nuts on him too.
    All of you are talking about being community minded and about how what messy did is wrong then going on to say how he is a awful person. How are you any better than him? I understand telling him he was wrong but some of you seem to be going to far. Lets all stop being butthurt and get on with our lives what he said was wrong he got suspended and raging even more won't help anything.
    Also how has this thread not been closed yet doesn't it violate the tos? Not to mention it is kinda a unnecessary thread in the first place.
    Posted 13 years ago by koolaroo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • koolaroo, what part of the TOS does it violate?  A player is free to bring up their own behavior and post questions asking other people to comment on their behavior.

    Which is what the original post said.  Before it was edited several times.
    Posted 13 years ago by WindBorn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There are people whose main goal in a shared environment is creating unhappiness for other people there. Of course when they get called on it, they were just "role-playing" being mean or offensive. To them and to their enablers, the really mean people are those who complain. 

    I hope that TS will remove such "role-players" as fast as they spawn. They make up a tiny number of players but they spoil the fun of and drive away many others. This was one of the huge problems for Second Life. New people try it but don't like it because of the griefers. 

    Please, if your fantasy is "I'm a chaotic gangsta and everyone else is my prey," there are better worlds for playing this out than Glitch. 
    Posted 13 years ago by Vocable Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Koolaroo- I was talking to Mr.Dawgg, who told me to stop "airing my dirty laundry" and telling me I should "keep the fact that I'd been raped to myself"...

    Mr.Dawgg knows exactly what had happened, as he commented on my thread on this same matter, as well as commenting on Messy's status. 

    Windborn is right in that this thread was edited SEVERAL times. Messy has drug my name through the dirt in two threads, and on countless status posts. He has likened a victim not liking rape being joked about to someone having a fear of the color yellow. 

    I will not apologize for taking a stance on something that affects everyone. Someone is raped in the US every 2 minutes. It's something that *has* happened to someone you know. If that someone was your mother, your sister, your best friend, your girl friend, etc. you might have a different view on how "butthurt" some of us are. 
    Posted 13 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I see we are on extended time for this grudge match, so I'll just leave this here to sum up:
    Posted 13 years ago by Malus Agricola Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This thread contains all manner of squicky and I would respectfully request that it get locked.

    I feel very uncomfortable about a thread that compels a victim of a violent crime to justify his/her reaction to that crime.   I know that this situation is very far removed from that past situation, and that of course it is NMB's choice to post her reaction or not, but I think some things are powerful enough to compel a reaction from people whether they want to react or not, and this is one of those.  

    I can't imagine that NMB relishes posting about her experience or its impact on her, but I can see why she would feel like she absolutely has to offer an answer to folks who don't think she should be talking about it.  Nevertheless, I would imagine it would be easier on her and everyone else if we just tabled this discussion.

    If I am wrong, by all means continue, but I am not sure how such a discussion would serve the greater Glitch. 
    Posted 13 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 @ Nanookie
    Posted 13 years ago by GreyGoose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah I think this whole drama has already been beaten into the ground. There's really no point in continuing it, I think most of us gets the point and this thread should be locked.
    Posted 13 years ago by Vinchon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Or can we just get a "Pointless Confrontations" forum to keep General unclogged?
    Posted 13 years ago by shipwreck Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Nanookie

    It is disgusting that there are people around here seriously suggesting NutMeg has done something wrong.  She has been courageous and bold for the sake of people who may be less able to cope with remarks that remind them of the real trauma they've suffered.  She is not just a drama queen, and neither are those she is trying to protect.

    I haven't been raped, so I hesitate to discuss its effects, but I've heard that it can result in a loss of self-worth.  To someone who is already compromised in that regard, how do you think Mr. Dawgg's comments sound?  What pain do you suppose those heartlessly (yes, heartlessly) chosen words inflict?  "You were raped--so what!?  You're not allowed to talk about it!  You're weak and whiny!"

    Before I'm accused of putting words in Dawgg's mouth, perceptions and implications are important.  They are the sum of communication, and therefore all-important.
    Posted 13 years ago by Wondermumbles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wondermumbles: Thank you, that was very well-put.

    To the OP: No. There is no need for a "solution." What I'd prefer is for you to take your suspension and stop dragging this out. They say you only get one chance to make a first impression, and my first impression of you is a thoughtless, whiny jerk. You say elsewhere that you're kind and helpful to everyone and want the site to thrive--well, prove it. Let this drop and move on.
    Posted 13 years ago by Shiromisa Kaya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Shiromisa Kaya- This might sound a little odd, but I hope he keeps whining about it. Perhaps then TS will step in and delete his account once and for all.
    Posted 13 years ago by Djabriil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • NMBW that's a misquote. I never said keep the fact that you were raped to yourself. I'm not saying you shouldn't talk about these events at all. I'm not suggesting that they should prohibit any type of discourse on the public forums.

    Let me be clearer as to what I mean. It is in your best interest to not post this type of discussion on a public forum. However, where my condescending nature comes from in regard to this and to you... is that I suspect your primary goal is not to heal, but rather to bring down messy monster with you.

    If that is not the case, as it could not be. I am often wrong. Then I apologize.

    I obviously don't think it's OK to rape literally. I don't promote a rape culture. But, I also think it's ok to say rape or 'get raped' or 'i raped you' in terms of a game. Especially online. We use the words 'kill' 'own' 'dominate' in non literal sense while playing games. Why is rape different? Because it promotes a rape culture? I don't buy it. Literal rape and figurative rape shouldn't be confused with one another. Especially online.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mr. Dawgg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Jokes and flippant comments about rape offend me, and I've never been raped. Also, I'm not easy to offend overall: lots of things are fine with me that are offensive to others. I believe that the majority of people (especially ones that play this game) would be offended by that, and it is thus not acceptable behavior, even if some people think it's OK. Anything that ruins the gameplay experience for a large number of reasonable thinking people shouldn't be allowed. I would also be put-off by threats of other types of violence, like: "I'll kill you all", or "I'll rip off all your heads and ..." you get the point. Glitch is not that type of game, and it is out of place here. There are plenty of other games where that type of language would fit in much better.
    Posted 13 years ago by Shepherdmoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • How can you say that and then say you're not that easily offended.

    I contend that you should say that you are easily offended.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mr. Dawgg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There is a difference between easily offended and righteously offended

    There's also a difference between "I am no longer going to comment on this topic which I obviously fail spectacularly at" and "I'ma take my butthurt over to this other thread on the same topic and troll over there."

    Just sayin'.
    Posted 13 years ago by Epilady Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Mr.Dawgg, I responded to you in the other post.

    I'm really not sure why you've never liked me.
    Posted 13 years ago by NutMeg Botwin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Mr Dawgg: "not easily offended" is not the same thing as "never offended". Different people are offended by different things, and just because you're not offended by rape doesn't mean that people that are are being overly sensitive.

    I agree with Epilady: sounds like you're just starting to troll now. I'm done interacting with you, so if you continue to try to insult me I'll just ignore you.
    Posted 13 years ago by Shepherdmoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Moderators, can we PLEASE lock this?
    Posted 13 years ago by Lady Cailia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Epilady, I'm not sure what I did to bug you, but leave me alone. This is obviously not the same thread as that thread. Duh.

    NMBW, I don't dislike you. But on that same note, you've also clearly shown that you don't like me. There was the art thread for example where you were really on my case.  I do apologize for having a condescending attitude. I admit I didn't catch all that was going on. I was misinformed on all of the points of the discussion. So, I realize I was wrong to assume what your intent was.

    And for the love of god... will you people please learn what to troll is. I'm for the last time... not. a. troll. Individuals cannot be trolls. Trolling is an act not an individual.

    How can you say... in one breath, I'm not easily offended and then in the next say x y z offend me when they are said on the Internet. Yes, quote that dummy guide. But, really? On the Internet, offensive things happen wilnil. If you have the notion to say you are not easily offended... in regards to the Internet... that means that almost nothing will offend you... But, maybe something like 2 girls 1 cup will or tubgirl or something equally offensive might offend you. Might. But certainly not some jackass saying rape. C'mon.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mr. Dawgg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • my trombone is already out of its case; everybody line up and get out your uniforms!
    Posted 13 years ago by flask Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1000 Flask

    Wow Flask you're so original and funny and insightful. I love your humor style and jokes.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mr. Dawgg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I started the lineup on the other thread, but since this is Teh Intarwebs, I can be in two parades at once!

    *tunes up kazoo*
    Posted 13 years ago by Jennyanydots Subscriber! | Permalink
  • dawg, don't like me or anything about me, not even in jest.  it just makes me want a hot shower to get you off.

    ewww, it burns! get it off! get it off!
    Posted 13 years ago by flask Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Are we still seriously talking about stolen herbs?
    Posted 13 years ago by DamitaJo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm just trying to give you the affirmation you so longingly desire.
    Posted 13 years ago by Mr. Dawgg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Can we have this 'OPer updates the OP and title every hour or so' troll thread locked?  It's grown tiresome to look at.

    Yikes!  IHBT!
    Posted 13 years ago by Parrow Gnolle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Messy Monster is clearly an evil evil person and will rot in hell one day...  And so will all of us who think that sometimes a curse word is just a curse word.  I am just grateful that there are all these wonderful people to teach me that I should not rape anybody.  
    Posted 13 years ago by CosmicBitFlip Subscriber! | Permalink
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