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bored no more

We had a tragedy today (if you are a pet/ cat lover). one of my disabled cats got attacked by a dog. I didn't know what to do- was afraid he would turn on me, nothing really to make noise, so I just watched helplessly while he killed her. I don't know if I can come join you guys today...maybe a little later.

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Gertie Mack

Oh Bored... I am so very sorry. Thinking of you and sending hugs your way. Hope to see you back soon. <3

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Awwww..... So sorry bored! I know how much you love pets. Hope to see you sometime soon. A big ((HUG)) to you!!

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(((HUGS))) bored .. what an absolutely horrific experience !!! So sorry for your loss love XOX

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Tricky Woo

Gentle ((hugs)) bored!! I am so sorry you had to go through that :-(. Poor kitty. I'll release a butterfly cubi for your kitty today.

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Aww bored, I am so very sorry. I know what it's like to watch a beloved pet die. All I can say is time will fade the bad memory, and the good memories will stay strong.

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Doctor Hoo

OMG That is a terrible thing to witness, I am so sorry for your loss and I know how devastated you must be feeling. HUG

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Little Miss Giggles

That's horrific. :( I'm so sorry to hear of such an awful way to lose a pet. The thought makes me sick to my stomach. :(

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Priscilla Parsley

Hi Bored, I am so sorry, same thing happened to my daughter last month. A pit bull came into her garage and took her little dog Jake, he was a family member for ten years. Now my heart breaks for you also. My dogs are my everything,I can only imagine what you are going through. I have a white light around you. Please take things slow for a while, you have been through a terrible trauma. Love, Priscilla

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. What an awful thing to experience. {{{hugs}}}

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I'm so sorry for your loss. My animals are part of the family too, and it is heartbreaking to lose one.

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That is so dreadful, bored. So sad for you. ((((Hugs)))) Do hope you will feel up to joining us soon, we have a nice new thing to distract you a little. Butlers, and they are cute. Hope you feel better as soon as possible.

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Miss Parsley

So very sorry, what a terrible and frightening thing for you to go through. Don't blame yourself for not being able to help her, the dog would most likely have taken no notice of you if you shouted and may have bitten you badly if you tried to intervene, I hope it gets easier to bear in time and you can remember the good times you had with her. (((hugs)))

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Oh no! I'm so sorry, what a horribly helpless situation to be in! We'll be here always, whenever you return.

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(((Hugs))) so sorry for ur loss Bored! What an awful experience & can imagine how upset u r! ((Hugs)) Hope time helps heal the pain of losing a beloved pet & see u ingame again when ur ready! Miss u! Xo

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oh , bored ! I am so sincerely sorry for your loss. So sorry. hugs .

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That's terrible :( I'm so sorry, bored *hugs*

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really sorry for your loss - hope youre ok hun - lots of love xxxx

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Hugs!! So sorry to hear that, and I feel terrible that you had to watch it happen. I'm glad you weren't hurt, it sounded like a horrible situation!

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Piece of Serenity

Oh bored, i am so very sorry to hear this happened to your kitty. (((bored)))

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As a fellow pet lover (dogs) this is up there in terms of worst nightmares and so I send all my positive thoughts your way. Like everyone has said, try your best over time to remember the good moments and do everything you can to ensure that dog doesn't attack another human/animal. Hope you feel better soon

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Brib Annie

I am so sorry. Not only was this tragic but shocking as well. I wish I were there to hug you in person. When you feel better, come back and be loved by your Friends here. ((((Huggies!))))

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I'm so very sorry to read your sad news. Please take care of yourself.

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I am so sorry to hear this happened to your poor kitty. But I am also glad that you weren't injured, too. I hope time heals this pain you must be feeling right now.

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Essie Kitten

Oh honey, I am so sorry. I know what it feels like to lose a beloved furry family member. Know that my thoughts are with you.

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NutMeg Botwin

That *is* a tragedy, and I am so so sorry for you. :( Know that there was nothing you could have done...I have tears welling up thinking about how hurt you must be right now. *hugs* and more *hugs*

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Sir Stank

Thats terrible, I had that happen to me too ;( My dog was killed by a mountain lion. I almost went out there with a stick cause I loved that dog so much. My heart goes out to you...Sending you good vibes!!

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I'm very sorry!!! I am a pet lover and it is very hard when you have tiny pets as they are so ... tiny. I'm sending all my good thoughts your way. Take care of yourself.

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Bored I am so sorry to hear that news, it must have been terrible. I'm so sorry you both had to go through that. Big hugs for you ((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))).

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I'm so sorry for your loss. Please don't blame yourself. A vicious dog like that would have attacked you had you gained its attention or intervened, and would still have killed your poor cat in the end. I hope that your good memories with your kitty will help to ease the pain of this loss eventually.

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Sadie the Goat

Hi bored, I'm so sorry for your loss (((hugs))). That's truly awful :( My heart goes out to you.

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Oh, no. :( So very very sorry to hear this. Hugs and strength to you.

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I don't know you, but I know you're good people taking disabled animals in. My heart is with you.

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  1. bored no more

    I don't really take them in. She and her brother were part of my cat's litter from last year. at some point during the pregnancy, their front limbs deformed, causing an additional bend between the elbow and wrist. I knew they couldn't defend themselves and didn't know what would happen at a shelter, so I kept them.

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Oh, what a tragic and terrifying experience! I am so sorry . I know you grieve deeply. I had a similar one long ago. Some neighbor dogs starting playing with our goat. One drew blood and they turned wild and vicious. I screamed for DH and tried to hit them with a harness. DH scared them off with his rifle. The goat was terribly wounded, but survived. I was shook up for many days and DH was furious with me for even trying to make them stop. Yes, the dog would have turned on you---they get in a frenzy---so you did the right thing. Take care of yourself, bored----you've had a horrible experience and it will take a time. We are here for you, mf.

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Bored, honey, I'm so sorry! I can't even imagine how horrible that was for you. Sending out hugs and lots of love!!!

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Zev Bellringer

Very sorry Bored, know our thoughts are with you.......

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No words can express the sorrow in my heart for your loss and your pain over the horrific nature of what happened. Sending vibes of peace and healing to you.

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Maxy Cat

When I was 5, my cat Bonnie got ran over and I cried the entire day. I know how it feels to have a special cat taken away from you. I feel deeply sorry for your loss.

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Magic Monkey

I can't imagine how horrifying that must have been. There aren't any words that are sufficient.

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Oh bored - so sorry... (((gentle hugs)))

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That is ...horrible. :( oh my :( Big hug for you !!!

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I know that is such a horrible situation to be in!! Love my cat babies too!! I have a lot of rescues!! There really is nothing you could have done, but I know that can't make you feel any better. Bless you and take care!!

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What a tragedy. I can't imagine what you went through. I couldn't stand to see that happen to any pet, let alone one of my own kitties. I hope you find solace in caring for and loving the other sweeties who still need you.

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