Status update

I just signed up to keep track of this as a new game possibility. FAQ said it all for me.

14 replies

14 replies
  1. Princess Fi

    JW this looks like it could be really fun! Thanks :-)

  2. Genkicoll

    Strangely, this makes me homesick for FaunaSphere.

    2 replies

  3. Minkey

    thanks! I signed up for the newsletter too

  4. kastlin

    Looks like it could be interesting. Thanks!

  5. Talia True

    I have one thing to say about this game you've found- thank you thank you thank you x

  6. Snowpuff

    Thanks!! Also signed up. Looks like a potential new home!

  7. Mollie

    I signed up, too! Thanks, JW! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  8. Sofywofy

    I'm in! Looks like a real possibility. Thanks, JW!

  9. ~Scilly~

    Can somebody explain to me: What is receiving email in HTML format? How is it different from regular email? Thanks =)

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update
Talia True

I have one thing to say about this game you've found- thank you thank you thank you x

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