
The Library

Hi Glitches, I'm rather new to the game but having a lot of fun and thought I'd post this idea I've had that keeps popping up in my mind.

The Library:
The Library is a location in the world of Ur (possibly 1 Library for each region) wherein little Glitches go to study. While inside the Library, each Glitch receives the "Studious" buff that bestows a 10% learning speed bonus to the skill currently being learned.

When many Glitches study together, their creativity increases, and its easier to concentrate. When 10 or more Glitches are studying in the Library, the buff increases to a 15% learning speed bonus. However, space is limited - and the Library can only hold 20 Glitches at one time.

All study and no play makes Glitches, well, bored..  while in the Library you lose -2 mood every 10 seconds, so bring lots of Coffee!  And, since space is limited, you can only study in the Library for 60 real-life minutes per in-game day: after 60 minutes the "Studious" buff expires, and you will be forced to leave. In order to enter the Library, you also need a Library Card.

Library Card:
The Library is located on a street, and is locked. In order to enter, one needs a Library Card. There is a Librarian outside the entrance who will give each Glitch 1 free Library Card the first time they talk to her.
The Librarian is rather selective in who she talks to, and will only communicate with Glitches who already know the Meditative Arts II & Bureaucratic Arts II skills, and are above level 15.

The Librarian will also trade 1 Library Card for 1 Lost Library Book. Lost Library Books are collectable items, similar to Musicblocks, and can be found randomly through digging Dirt Piles, tending Patches, or spinning a Spinning Wheel.

Library Cards can also be purchased from iMG upgrade cards.

Posted 12 years ago by Godiva Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +11. This sounds really fun. :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Flowerry Pott Subscriber! | Permalink
  • But what would you do with extra library cards?

    Also, I'd just keep the books and hoard 'em >:D

    But great idea!
    Posted 12 years ago by Sororia Rose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There are a few things that seem odd about the idea.

    Having two know these two skills:  Meditative Arts II and Bureaucratic Arts II.  You phrase it 'already know' as if every glitch will eventually know these.  I unlearned BA1 as soon as I could and never plan to learn any meditation beyond M1.  Not every glitch intends to know every skill, and the way you put it makes that assumption.  I won't ever, and there are others like me in Ur.  We still want to learn and might want library cards.

    And the Library is just to accelerate learning skills?  That makes it a 'transition' area for many glitches that they'd not visit again after they had the skill set they set out to get.  Libraries are centers of culture.  We go to them because we love books, knowledge, and literature.

    Need to drink coffee?  Now you're making it sound like an Undergraduate College Library used mostly by students who don't want to be there,  who are only there to write term papers and 'get a piece of wallpaper for their career,' and to cram for exams.  Again, libraries are centers of culture, not just study halls.  A library in Ur should be a lifetime center, not just a training area.

    Don't get me wrong, its a creative idea, and that's a good thing.  I just don't think the concept the way it is drawn up meets the ideals for what a library could be, and should be, in the Giants' Imagination.
    Posted 12 years ago by Feldspar Gravity Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The requirement to know Meditative Arts II and Bureaucratic Arts II is a balancing mechanic - as stated, a Glitch would need a "Library Card" to enter the Library, and receives 1 for free the first time they speak with the Librarian. Having a skill requirement to speak with the Librarian hopefully stops people from making alt accounts, getting their free library card, and then hoarding/selling them.

    As I said earlier, I'm still new to the game, so I don't know how useful Meditative Arts II and Bureaucratic Arts II are in the long haul. But when I was looking at the Periodic Table of Skills - they made sense -> MA because concentration and learning are similar in concept to meditation, and BA because in my mind the Librarian is a Lizard.

    But instead, a better requirement might be that the Librarian only wants to speak to learned Glitches, and a Glitch must have reached their current Brain Capacity before she will bestow them with a Library Card.

    You don't "need" to drink Coffee. While in the Library you receive a mood debuff, coffee would balance that out. You can be grumpy without Coffee if you'd like.

    After speaking with several players I was under the impression that most Glitches wanted to learn every skill. At the higher end of things, learning new skills can take weeks - even months. So the Library would be a place to alleviate such a high time penalty.
    Posted 12 years ago by Godiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yes please!  awesome idea.
    Posted 12 years ago by Thursday Soleil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Rachel Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think this is a nice idea and I applaud the creativity.  However... what do you do once you're IN the library??
    Posted 12 years ago by ennuienta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Very creative idea!
    Posted 12 years ago by Papa Legba Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Love this idea.!!!
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Kitcat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • this would be awesome. I really want to finish my skills and currently I'm learning Potion making III and it had somewhere around 50 days when I started and I'm not really one to spend all my iMG on upgrade cards like the brain capacity ones so I am still learning it. Though ennuienta had a good question what do you do once your in the library?. Maybe they could have books like 'The Greedy Street Spirit' from the quest or whatever it was. And also bigger books that are about the history of the giants and stuff like that that could lead to quests. Also you could talk to other people. Maybe there could be a new command like /whisper that you have to enter before you talk or the librarian will get mad at you, and if you talk regularly three times in a row then you get kicked out (the /whisper will make you whisper until you enter another command like /talk). As for Dorgan, just like in skills where you need another skill to learn it. You need these skills to speed up learning. I would also recommend that better learning might be a requirement also. Its purpose is to speed up learning so it would go well with the library theme. Just suggesting.
    Posted 12 years ago by Posie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Info Pro by any chance lol

    But love the concept

    But shall we take it online like the housing - mobile access to library? ;)
    Posted 12 years ago by Sonneratti Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1111
    And how about AFKers will be kicked out of the library, and once you get kicked out, you get a debuff that prevents you from entering again for five times the amount of time you spent in there. Similar to the Ancestral Lands.
    Posted 12 years ago by AwesomeCardinal2000 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Posie, Better Learning doesn't exist anymore.
    Posted 12 years ago by Papa Legba Subscriber! | Permalink
  • As far as what to do in the library, you can chat with other players!

     In my head I imagined it kind of like a busy chat room where Glitches go to just hang out while they have nothing to do but wait for their next skill to be learned. Some examples would be if you need a skill to complete a quest, or as a pre-requisite for the skill you actually want, or as Posie said where you have 50 days left on your timer and have just run out of things to do that game-day.

    I really like @Posie's idea of having to whisper while in the library, and @AwesomeCardinal2000's suggestion that you can't be AFK in the Library.

    Perhaps the Librarian NPC in the Library wanders the room, Scolding people who either aren't whispering, or sleeping (AFK). When you receive a Scolding you get the Scolded debuff.

    Scolded: You are embarrassed and can't concentrate. Your learning stops for 60 seconds.

    After 3 scoldings you are auto-kicked from the Library, perhaps? Or have to pay a fine?

    This could also turn into a weird mini-game where Glitches run around the Library avoiding the Librarian :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Godiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yes!  This is wonderful.  There need to be more gathering places in Glitch.  Standing around in Cebarkul can be fun, but I like the idea of a place that's designed for socialization, like a library (or pub or coffee shop or...) with accompanying buffs.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pale Queen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • nice idea
    Posted 12 years ago by Arietty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 I love the idea of more places in Ur with things to do rather than just resources mills.
    Posted 12 years ago by Colette Subscriber! | Permalink