Papa Legba

(Lord of the Crossroads)

Through me, all things are possible.


Little Poundcake

Tamila, but blinged out with rock necklaces, rook skulls, and carnivorous plants. And fog.

Papa Legba

Can I have this as a home street style? *denial*

Gwynne Gwynne added Papa Legba as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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Innie?, Obviously

First Glitch is closed, then 666 park avenue is canned. I give up on liking anything.

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Papa Legba

I've been looking for a replacement for Glitch, like everyone else, I've been playing KoL which is fun but I can only play for maybe a half an hour a day due to the adventure system (currently in hardcore and a boozetefarian so my adventures are sorely limited). Playing miramagia but it's kind of lame so I won't be on it for long. There is nothing like Glitch :( I guess I'll have to experience the real world, make art and go to the gym. Those are my RL escapes.

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4 replies
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    Do you have a place where you share you art? I'd very much like to keep in touch that way, if you do.

  2. Minkey

    what art do you make?? soooo curious!

  3. Osiris ?

    Bollocks. The real world is bollocks. Unless you're talking about the show. That show is awesome XP.

  4. Ooola

    yea... same here... I'm trying to bring some Glitch into RL. Just found a hand chair for sale online.. no joke.. gonna call about it tomorrow. hahaaaaa How could I pass that up? Papa, do you have a website or a Tumblr for your art?

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Perhaps someone needs to point Obama in this direction :)

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  1. Faereluth

    I'm not sure how things work in the US, but I believe as a small trial run Glitch prooved itself in being able to create and maintain a positive culture of social non violent good, and tthat culture manifested itself not only in an online game community but also in real life. Something that continues despite the game closure. It also helped many including myself with mental health issues. Furthermore we found a way to deal with difficult situations in a manner that was non agressive and constructive and that too many will carry with them into real life situations.

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