
Brain Capacity and Skill learning/unlearning

I don't like very much the whole mechanics behind of brain-capacity/skill-learing/unlearing. 

A few exemples:
- I'm now re-learning skill I learned at beginning and unlearned because I though not useful, and I'm unlearning most of my cooking skills, not useful because of energy tank increase. 
- I'm not buying brain-capacity upgrades anymore, 'cause IMG cost's too high. The time I'd need to collect that amount of IMG would be the same I need to learn an advanced skill. 
- If you need more than 3 days to learn a skill, using tinctures or spending emblems seems useless.

Learning skills is one of the way people gets new quests, and quests mantain the game alive.
Maybe reducing the cost of of brain capacity upgrade cards or giving 1 point of brain capacity for each new level would improve things.


Greenwood (Toni)

Posted 12 years ago by Greenwood Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1
    Posted 12 years ago by lolol Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm not buying brain-capacity upgrades anymore, 'cause IMG cost's too high. The time I'd need to collect that amount of IMG would be the same I need to learn an advanced skill.

    Same here. Plus the fact that you keep on learning even if you're not in the world playing makes them even more useless. That also made unlearning pretty pointless too for me (I wouldn't unlearn anything anyway: it just does not compute ;)

    Learning skills is one of the way people gets new quests, and quests maintain the game alive.

    Definitely. Collecting iMGs by spending days doing the same thing over and over in Balzare or blowing through a new zone isn't really fun.
    Posted 12 years ago by Apolline Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 as discussed many times, brain capacity should be more expandable or the whole mechanic should be removed
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • - I'm not buying brain-capacity upgrades anymore, 'cause IMG cost's too high. The time I'd need to collect that amount of IMG would be the same I need to learn an advanced skill. 

    It takes you 32 days to earn 80,000 img?   (that's not the longest learning time I've heard of for PM3)  

    you probably need to learn to play the game a bit better!
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm not buying brain-capacity upgrades anymore, 'cause IMG cost's too high. The time I'd need to collect that amount of IMG would be the same I need to learn an advanced skill. 

    Actually, the iMG and favor is highly compatible. I took a skill that was going to take me weeks to learn down to days by donating. I spent the favor before getting the emblems and, the act of donating, gave me tons of iMG which I spent on the brain upgrades and faster learning skills. (tip: focus your donating on the primary & secondary giants. spending favor is more efficient than spending emblems)

    Using Yellow Crumb Essence & Pungent Sunrises isn't all that great for super long skills, though not entirely worthless. But the upgrades and favor are super useful. 

    That all said, I do feel your frustration! I really like the idea of getting a bit of a brain boost with each new level.
    Posted 12 years ago by Vera Strange Subscriber! | Permalink