
Make garden weeds decay over time

There are a lot of players who are frustrated at a recent influx of locust-glitchen who are stripping front-yard crops and gardens at an alarming rate. Now, we all know that we can put our gardens in back but this is a collaborative community at heart and community gardens were working very nicely a few months ago so we are resisting.

I had a brainstorm though. What if weeds decayed after a Glitch day or two and the plots were ready to water and plant? It feels particularly icky when your garden gets picked clean and you log in to weeds. The weeds are ugly and it feels like all your work tending and planting was for naught. Then you have to either leave the garden weedy in the hopes someone will come by and want to clear it (uncommon) or hoe/water/replant the whole thing.

If the weeds disappeared after a Glitch day, front yard gardens might feel a little better. Ideally you'd log in and find stuff growing like before, but if it was a while since the herbs had been picked you'd at least have a nice, clean garden that's ready to water and sow. You don't have to invest as much energy/time for a questionable return when you only water and plant and don't have to hoe. The self-hoeing plots might encourage more community replanting too, when it takes less effort to water and toss in some seeds.

Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Please, and +1 and more please.  :)
    Posted 12 years ago by ennuienta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • lazy bones!
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It could actually take a Glitch week and still be a pretty good idea.

    If there are volunteer seedlings, though, they should be really sparse and random (super low probability each given day for each plot) or a kind of herb that can only be grown by waiting for it to plant itself.
    Posted 12 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1

    I like this, especially for the home streets.  Not because I have them, but because I am feeling sorry for all the people that do.

    But also make hoeing a little more rewarding.
    Or have achievements for hoeing (several levels of progressive achievements, including something insanely high) on OTHER people's streets or in the community gardens.
    Posted 12 years ago by RainCat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Great idea.
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Kitcat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • -10 because that would lose me the img points I get for cleaning plots others have left dirty.

    I prefer the idea of weeds *growing* on an unplanted plot -- the same way that unplanted patches quickly revert to the untended state -- so that I can come by and weed.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jenny Wren Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Jenny - follow the herb garden route.  Plenty of weeding there to do :-)
    Posted 12 years ago by ennuienta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 and I agree, the time frame could be several days or even a glitch week.

    Although, if this doesn't fly, I actually also like the idea Jenny Wren linked to.  Really, I'd just like something about the state of weedy garden plots to change.
    Posted 12 years ago by Persephone Pear Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Interesting proposal.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pascale Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hi, Ennuienta -- I fell on the herb garden route the other day and I hit a place where someone had left four or five mature plants so the plot wouldn't turn into a project -- I picked them and went to get the materials needed for the project from home. While I was gone those few minutes, the rest of the garden was stripped. So I fixed the plot up, hoed and watered everything else and used the sprigs I'd picked to plant as much as I could (so the owner could maybe shuck those plants for seeds).

    Then I headed to the next garden in the row. Where there were lots of shouty gnomes and no mature plants but lots of empty plots. I watered a little, but the gnomes kept shouting at me that I was being watched and the owners of the gardens along the route would ban me if I didn't replant... It made me so uncomfortable I left an explanatory note with the butler -- I haven't had any reply to reassure me that I'd be welcome to return. I fled the route worried that I'd be blacklisted with the glitchen concerned or get more bullying emails (the first month I was playing I got sent a couple of harrassing emails by a guy who insisted that I hadn't watered his tree and that he would send me further emails if I ever didn't do that again).

    I may try again, or fall on nicer owners in the route at a later date -- but I come to this game to de-stress, and I prefer to interact with the nice people I've met, not earn visitor img for people who make me feel like a potential criminal every minute I'm there. Sorry. I'll get over it I'm sure, but right now that's how I feel about the herb route (and today I think I need to harvest gas anyhow -- can't be all fun and weeding :) )
    Posted 12 years ago by Jenny Wren Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I prefer Jenny Wren's idea.  Weeds don't just go away by themselves -- they get worse.  A bit of entropy can keep people on their toes.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pale Queen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The reason I suggested this is the stalking and blocking people keep talking about. This is not a healthy situation as Jenny Wren points out. Threatening signs, shouty gnomes, and I'm getting to the point where I'm half afraid to go to a street with a garden because the owner might be paranoid and block me if another player strips it. I have always replanted plots I pick on home streets because it's good karma to treat other players' yards kindly but not everyone knows that about me. This situation where anyone whose name comes up on a butler list potentially gets blocked is really unnerving.

    My thought is that maybe having the weeds decay would defuse the situation a little. I don't see how entropy would be helpful at all. A picked-clean garden would gradually get worse, causing more stress to players who have weed angst. Personally I've never liked hoeing so weeds appearing doesn't appeal to me for that reason either. Happily, there is Liquid Superhoe.

    Raincat has good alternative ideas.  Achievements for hoeing other player's home streets (and you know they will be super-funny!) along with the "hoe 37 streets" quest might be enough to tip the balance.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink