
Key Rings - but not those kind!

I would like to see a second keyring added.  One for the keys in the game.  This way as you find particular keys, you can add them to the ring and keep them forever.  If you want to make it harder, limit the keyring to only 5 keys per ring or something.

I know they respawn in their locations, but I just think it would be fun to pull out your keyring and have your key.  After all, who drops a key after using it?

Posted 12 years ago by Mell Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Except the keys are designed to disappear once used, a separate ring so you don't have to have them in your bag would be nice, and make it look different than the house keys somehow.  But, having permanent keys is a bad idea, keys go to special locations in turn the keys aren't permanent it makes it so you have to search to access those areas, take that away, well they aren't really as special anymore.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • i'm okay with keys disappearing once used, but i still carry around a bunch and it would be cute to have a keyring instead of a bag to put them in for sure!
    Posted 12 years ago by jerk nugget Subscriber! | Permalink