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Status update

Yes! This game had a community unlike any other!!

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Status update
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  1. Carl Projectorinski

    I have no idea. If they are, the link would be available on that blog page, I would imagine.

Niknik Niknik added RagingAddGirl as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Teleportation IV RagingAddGirl finished learning the Teleportation IV skill
a long time ago
Reserved One

Rube & me...a trade? Sure why not! :-)

Potionmaking III RagingAddGirl finished learning the Potionmaking III skill
a long time ago


Open invite...
I stopped by but you weren't here. Let me know if you feel like playing.
Hiya Neighbor!
I LOVE what you'e done with the place!!!! I can't wait to see what you do with the top floor!!!