Slip Fraley

Call me Slip! My name is Slip Fraley (Slip Fray lee) My motto is "Live Your Dreams"


UnvalidPixel UnvalidPixel added Slip Fraley as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Status update
Slip Fraley

i didn't come on, on the 9th cuz i was busy but now i wish i had been o.e

1 reply

1 reply
Biohazard Biohazard added Slip Fraley as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Arborology I Slip Fraley finished learning the Arborology I skill
a long time ago


Anyone need to teleport somewhere? Well i can teleport u there! Illmenskie, or Jal! Jal is all under water, and Illmenskie is in Uralia... I only have those two right now so please don't be mad, i will be changing destinations in a month! My name is Slip Fraley, search me if needed :) im ususally at my house or in Uralia