Lenana Banana


Lenana Banana

at my friends having a coffee

queen bella

hmmm looks like you two are having a meeting.............

1 comment

Lenana Banana joined Glitches Anonymous
a long time ago
Jellisac Hands Lenana Banana finished learning the Jellisac Hands skill
a long time ago
Lenana Banana joined Memories Of The Giants....
a long time ago
Helcat purchased Lenana Banana's auction of 1x Bead of Caiyotite Necklace, for 70000 currants.
a long time ago
Trader Carl Lenana Banana earned the Trader Carl badge
a long time ago


Please don't water or pet.
Hi visitors. will you please not pet or water this egg plant. I need it for a quest. you are allowed to harvest but if there's just one egg left on the tree will you please leave it alone? Thx for you're co-operation.
someone did something to my butterflies . please don't do so it is expensive for me to get more. and please do not take anything else. thank you for your co-operation
please stop stealing
please whoever it is stop stealing from my house. i may noe who u are. because i noe who i gave my keys to and who visited my street. please stop. i don't mind when u ask but please no stealing or i may have to revoke my house keys from whoever u are. i won't mention names.