


Piryan, I found it!


I felt so dumb after the game was over. I started looking at other people's pics and saw that hell had a bar. All I ever did was stomp the grapes and leave. What a dunce!


Reserved One Reserved One added Whatthehay as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Whatthehay joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago

Everything we've done is a FAR cry from Glitch, to be sure. I keep finding Glitch orphans in my games. We is all sad. :-( Still trying to get the book/music. Just found they are going to be offering the book outside of indio. Hope I can afford to snag one of those. Money has just been impossible these past 6 months or so. If you ever try Freggers or Miramagia, I'm Glitchenhaze. I wanted to get Glitch into my on-line name. Hugs!



A note!
Agree, Judkin. If we don't stop it, who will?
A note!
I only found this game a couple of months ago and was enchanted. It made me happy. I dreamed about it. We have looked for other games to play, but so far, nothing has the quality, quirkiness, fun and beauty of Glitch. I hope to know if you ever do another game because we'll be there in a heart beat. Good luck in all you do.
A note!
BTW - Thank you all. :'-)