


Emblemofrook joined LAST HANGERS- ON
a long time ago
Little Poundcake

Happy new year, Glitchen! May your year be filled with surprisingly high-value iMG quoins and stuck spinach buffs.


Personally, I have activated broccoli about 20 times more than spinach. This is because, when I was low level, I thought I could just level up using the XP from the activation. I seriously did nothing on glitch for two days but grow and activate broccoli. *sigh* old times, old times.


Lost on land again Lost on land again added Emblemofrook as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Reply to
Little Poundcake

Arrrgghhh I found a rare thing that we should've given you guys for that last feat. I didn't realize it had graphics and was ready to go. It is a Pareidolic Giant Image on Toast, which is described as "A piece of toast with what some people claim is an image of Cosma. Initially bought on GleBay." It's cool if you hate me now for accidentally depriving you of valuable, rare toast.

19 replies

Status update

Hmmmmm.... someone should make that IRL. It would be hard, but awesome

0 replies


I just wanted to say thank you for everything. The game, the people in it, the fact that you were able to make a non-combat, non-killing things game so much fun, able to make a game that was such a change of pace, that it totally surprised me and blew me away. Thank you for the humor, thank you for all of the updates that were constantly adding new and exciting stuff to the game to try. Thank you for the fun animals, the avatars, the groups and community, and everything else. I was only here for about a year, but I still was deeply changed by the game and the difference between it and games like World of Warcraft and others that I play. It has given me (and will continue to give me) new ways to look at life. Finally, I have to say thank you for the wonderful team that gave us all of this and made me laugh so much. (I'm looking at you, Kukubee). I hope that you will always be here, in some capacity, making something new or different that makes me think different. Thank you so much. :)