Happy new year, Glitchen! May your year be filled with surprisingly high-value iMG quoins and stuck spinach buffs.
Xacau Feera Blin
It's my new year's resolution to keep eating spinach until it happens! To be sure, I will wait a few seconds and jump after each bite. All year long.
12 years ago
mira gaia maia
spinach highs!!!! spinach will take you there!! *passes spinach* yay great buff!
12 years ago
*nibbles on some spinach and jump* WHY ISNT THIS WORKING
12 years ago
Juuust had some spinach in salad. :)
12 years ago
Stuck spinach buffs would be sooo useful in the Bay Area.
12 years ago
*nibbles on some spinach and jump* WHY ISNT THIS WORKING?
12 years ago
Because you have to 'activate' it, not eat it. As soon as we all learn to that, watch out!
12 years ago
I would like stuck spinach buffs for the hills and snow where I live, thanks. XD And yes, we need to find out how to activate spinach and broccoli too... I know broccoli involves a finger...
12 years ago
Nelnah Fish
I can't seem to find the "activate" option on my spinach... or on my broccoli, for that matter.
12 years ago
Nelnah Fish
Thanks so much for the awesome snap! :) Happy new year!!!
12 years ago
Misty Mountain
Happy New Year!
12 years ago
I might actually grow to like spinach at this rate... :D
12 years ago
Kitsune Kyomoon
What's all this about eating spinach in the buff? Is this a new quest???
12 years ago
How do you do this? I thought Glitch was closed!
12 years ago
Nelnah Fish
She's staff. See other snaps for more info. Like these:


12 years ago
Little Poundcake
If you submerge your mouse in a can of spinach, then reach your hand in there and click, you may get an "Activate" verb. I have not yet tried this as I have a trackpad.
12 years ago
Gosh, that's GENIUS. *goes to try*
12 years ago
Nelnah Fish
Does it work for broccoli, too? I need more img...
12 years ago
Happy 2013 LPC. Thank you for the lovely snap..please pass the spinach. ( it is tasty sauteed up in butter and a bit of garlic).
12 years ago
DOOMy Nutpuncher
Nice bonus! *does a terrible impression of Popeye* ah huckuckuckuckuck...

I like my spinach blanched and mixed with finely chopped cheddar and scrambled eggs, and dressed with soy sauce, sugar and mirin. Go lunchtime specials in Japanese junior high schools!
12 years ago
Hmmmmm, I do have a mouse that could do with being submerged in spinach ... but I'll need a bigger can. *wanders off to try activating things, like the cats*
12 years ago
*shopping list: mouse, cans of spinach (3), springy shoes, helmet, bigger bag, bandaids*

I'll take my laptop outside as soon as I get back from the store. Wish me luck!
12 years ago
Here's how you do it:

"Activation of sucrose-phosphate synthase from darkened spinach leaves by an endogenous protein phosphatase"

12 years ago
Little Poundcake
Hmmm there's something in that abstract about flouride and something else about phosphate, so maybe we can activate spinach with a combination of toothpaste and laundry detergent.
12 years ago
And sucrose (sugar), of course!!!! [goes to try]
12 years ago
Kayaka Violin
How would you go about activating spinach in real life? You can either eat it or activate it, so eating does nothing. Do you step on it? I need to go test this now.
12 years ago
It's in the spinach's dna, it just hasn't been activated yet.
12 years ago
gimme spinach nom nom nom jump jump jump no this isnt working gah
12 years ago
Personally, I have activated broccoli about 20 times more than spinach. This is because, when I was low level, I thought I could just level up using the XP from the activation. I seriously did nothing on glitch for two days but grow and activate broccoli. *sigh* old times, old times.
12 years ago
The Sunset
Stop to make me saad.
12 years ago
Eye Wonder
I loved it when that iMG quoin was there.
12 years ago
I didnt know that there was an iMG quoin there.
12 years ago
Little Poundcake Little Poundcake snapped this
at 12:53pm on December 31, 2012
with the Boost Filter
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