Spaghetti Thompson

(Anna / Elyd)

I was imagined Moonday the 28th of Primuary, year 18.


Wynella Wynella added Spaghetti Thompson as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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yum! I have found my stand mixer to be invaluable but I have also found that getting it down from the highest cupboard is not fun. the idea of putting it back when done is also a deterrent. after typing that part out, this kept popping into my head at random yesterday "coconut, ground almond...shouldn't there be vanilla, too?" mmmmm

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Spaghetti Thompson

That would probably be the most taxing part fo the mallowing process, honestly! Also: oooh.

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I'm wondering if you should, I mean "could", toast the marshmallows first? maybe roll the slices in finely ground coconut and a tiny pinch of almond meal, place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet, pop them in near the top of the oven and peek at them through the glass door, taking them out just in time. toasty!! no, because by now they are too good to put on cocoa, what with that crusty and tasty coating...drool...

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Spaghetti Thompson

Oh gosh, yes! My roommate made toasted coconut marshmallows for our holiday party. I think they were a Martha Stewart recipe - seemed easy enough, though she did them in a stand mixer (which makes everything seem easy)!

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  1. Minkey

    yum! I have found my stand mixer to be invaluable but I have also found that getting it down from the highest cupboard is not fun. the idea of putting it back when done is also a deterrent. after typing that part out, this kept popping into my head at random yesterday "coconut, ground almond...shouldn't there be vanilla, too?" mmmmm

    1 reply

Gwynne Gwynne added Spaghetti Thompson as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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They make just tiny marshmallows now, so no cocoa loss! :D They're called Mallow Bits. They're awesome in lots of stuff. Plus, shall we ever meet, you are so totally making me hot cocoa. ;)

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Spaghetti Thompson

I slice regular marshmallows and layer the slices on top of my cocoa. :)

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  1. Minkey

    I'm wondering if you should, I mean "could", toast the marshmallows first? maybe roll the slices in finely ground coconut and a tiny pinch of almond meal, place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet, pop them in near the top of the oven and peek at them through the glass door, taking them out just in time. toasty!! no, because by now they are too good to put on cocoa, what with that crusty and tasty coating...drool...

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Spaghetti Thompson

Well, we sent a woman, distinguished diplomat Iris H. Breakfast. She still will be wearing a top hat, as that is the custom of our people. Huzzah for the mink! Our Kettlebird has no such distinguished origin story, but sings each afternoon 'round teatime, and as such was an obvious choice for state animalian mascotry. Regards, S. Thompson, Earl of Grey PS: The frilly cuffs are for crumb-catching. Politeness!

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