Status update

"At first I was in denial - wouldn't talk about it, wouldn't go to the forums, would only go to my little house and play by myself, pretending like it wasn't going to happen. Then I started thinking about it." Right there with you. I realized I was in denial about the whole thing when, 60 some minutes til the end, I still had all my stuff in my bags. I thought I had been handling it - I made quests for myself, "I must visit every street before the end" etc. and thought I was coping well...Until I noticed that I was still hanging on to everything as if it would be there for me later. That was when the THIS-IS-IT feeling began to hit and gather momentum until the very end. I cried for a while and it still gets me sometimes if I think about it much. However I will be eternally grateful for this shared experience, and for the confirmation that not everyone is a batshit violent self-obsessed lunatic, but in fact a lot of people are very kind and generous (& a little weird certainly doesn't hurt.) :)

3 replies

3 replies
  1. Hab

    LOL Gegnar! I still had my things in bags to the very end TOO!!! How terribly funny and a bit sad of us! I agree with you though about being grateful for this "shared experience" - what a lovely way to put it! And yes, weirdness was embraced and encouraged in Glitch - along with being nice - how very unique that is in this world! :')

  2. Shmoopie Kerfuffle

    I also was hanging on to everything! I wanted to leave my garden planted and looking pretty. Other people were dumping their treasures and rare collectibles, but I left everything in the SDBs I made for them. I left my house spick and span with everything in place. And yes, I still had stuff in bags, including tons of food and drinks that I always compulsively carried around with me. And I do agree with what you said about the people who played the game, and when you think about it, it is very interesting that most of the people who were passionate about the game were very similar in interests, intellect, personalities, character, etc. That's what made it a real community. It was exciting to meet these interesting people that understood what we loved and felt about it.

  3. Brib Annie

    I kept most of my hard-won stuff too. I dropped some items around Ur but it was the common things. I help on to my collectibles and potions because I thought that maybe somehow, some way I could "keep" them. I know it's silly but it was so hard to let go and I still have not done that. I never will because Glitch is a part of me and will be until I lose my memory (if I live that long). Thanks Everyone for such a wonderful time!

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update
Brib Annie

I kept most of my hard-won stuff too. I dropped some items around Ur but it was the common things. I help on to my collectibles and potions because I thought that maybe somehow, some way I could "keep" them. I know it's silly but it was so hard to let go and I still have not done that. I never will because Glitch is a part of me and will be until I lose my memory (if I live that long). Thanks Everyone for such a wonderful time!

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Status update
Mocha Maid

My house is still waiting for me to come back to it... I left my SDBs stocked up

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1 reply
  1. Brib Annie

    i did too! All the SDBs are loaded and the cabinets are full of bags that are also loaded. LP, if you are listening - go CRAZY!