Status update

Just saw some people in my timeline joining a "nag the devs" group. I want Glitch back as much as anybody, and I haven't found anything worth doing since it's closed, but it's not nearly as simple as nagging the devs. Considering most of them have already been laid off and some have found new jobs, it's not "hit the undo button and everything will be back to normal." I'll admit I think they shouldn't have thrown in the towel so easily, but what's done is done and neither stoot nor anyone else could reverse it at this point.

10 replies

10 replies
  1. SeerQueen

    Exactly. I was actually a tiny bit disappointed to see the names of the people who joined, both now and from the beginning. Come on.

  2. Fernstream

    I agree. The devs are as sad or sadder than we are, I'd bet- nagging them to do the impossible is unfair. I think, though, that some people joining these groups might just be saying yes to any request at this point. I know I feel that way, although I'm *fairly* sure I haven't joined a dev-nagging group.

    1 reply

  3. Ayasta

    So much this. I just think some folks don't understand (or don't want to) that it's over and done. There's nothing any of us can do to bring it back. All we can do is move forward and keep in touch with one another. We may all be divided in the many games we'll play but there's always that small chance we'll find others in other games.

  4. Miss Coco

    I agree, and it seems a bit ungrateful considering everything that TS has continued doing for us even after the game closed. I've seen people say that it's just a way of showing support for Glitch and TS, but that doesn't make any sense to me at all.

  5. Minkey

    well said!!! I'm not going to be upset with those who choose to nag as I fully understand the desperation. still, not really the group for me.

  6. Hellyeah

    I have received an invitation. I am neither joining nor criticizing the the group. After all, I don't believe one can truly "nag" something back to life, no matter how beloved it is.

    1 reply

  7. Mocha Maid

    Agreed - I miss it, but I don't think that Glitch can be made to come back. The devs have been doing a lot for us, after it closed, unlike when Faunasphere finished, when there was nothing. Hugs not nags for devs!

  8. Hab

    +10000 to what all of you have said about this. As terribly sad as I am (never thought I'd be this devastated to the core), I applaud the amazing efforts of the devs and artists to do so much to keep what they can of Glitch for us, and that they would even keep this site open for us to communicate (and even play in the wardrobe!!!) is way amazing and certainly so above and beyond, that I could never say a word against any of them! As Mocha Maid said, "hugs not nags for devs" - YES - BIG BIG HEARTFELT HUGS.

  9. Thysby

    I totally understand the urge to beg, plead, harass, wheedle, threaten and even nag to try to get Glitch back online. Still grieving pretty hard when I start thinking about how much I miss it all. But I just feel I have to trust the amazing TS team really knows what it's doing and is acting in the same classy and heartfelt way it has in the past.

in reply to

Status update
Mocha Maid

Agreed - I miss it, but I don't think that Glitch can be made to come back. The devs have been doing a lot for us, after it closed, unlike when Faunasphere finished, when there was nothing. Hugs not nags for devs!

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