Status update

Every time I hear the description, I get MORE excited!!

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1 reply
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    That's awesome! Unfortunately, every time I work on it, I get more frustrated. It's a symptom of the technology I'm using. I'm using a platform that's in development to develop my site, so there are new bugs every week. Fortunately, once it's up and running, it should be really, really robust.

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in reply to

Status update
Carl Projectorinski

That's awesome! Unfortunately, every time I work on it, I get more frustrated. It's a symptom of the technology I'm using. I'm using a platform that's in development to develop my site, so there are new bugs every week. Fortunately, once it's up and running, it should be really, really robust.

2 replies

Status update

Hang in there, Mr. Human of the Year!! {{{{hugs}}}}

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Status update
1 reply
  1. Carl Projectorinski

    Thanks! Fortunately, the bugs mostly amount to syncing issues between me and the other devs, so they get fixed in a matter of a day or two. It just makes everything take longer than I'd really like.

    2 replies