
Staff Topic

Glitch, Unlaunched

We are taking Glitch back to beta. This is some big news. The story’s told in this blog post, which you ought to read before continuing to read this. :)

But I know that reading about the over-arching thoughts behind the decision will raise many questions from you all, the most fundamental being: “How will the game change for me, and what does ‘beta’ mean?”

Playing Glitch will be a very similar experience to what you’ve become accustomed to over the past couple of months, except punctuated with some big changes to the fundamentals (like XP, energy and housing) and the addition of functionality that puts more creative power in your hands and allows you to have more of an impact on of the world of Glitch. To that end:

  • The world will continue to be open around the clock, though there may be occasional (and brief) down-times

  • You’ll still be able to invite friends in limited quantities, but general sign-ups will go back to being queued

  • The player support team will be devoting more time to ensuring these new additions are working the way they should, which could mean slower response times to help cases (though we’ll still aim for the fastest turnaround possible)

  • We’ll encourage players to help us test all of this out, and hunt down bugs with us as new features are released

  • Though you’ll still be able to buy credits and subscriptions, whoever feels they want a refund because of the change (or for any reason) can do so through December 31st.

  • And finally, while we are not currently planning another reset — resetting again is very unlikely — that might change. And even without a complete reset, some of the transitions will be big and the old systems won’t map perfectly to the new ones. For example, the new housing system will be a big change (some details here).

It’s all a bit crazy, but this is an exciting time for us. We’re doing it to make sure that all of you have a game that is awesome to play from the first moment you step into the world to deep into your Glitch adulthood.

If you have any further questions, comments or concerns, I will be reading along and answering them as best I can. You can also take a look at the new FAQ section we wrote just for this (we’ll be editing and adding to it as questions arise).

Posted 13 years ago by Blanky Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • Dear Tiny Speck,  I would give up my 100k plus currants, every tool, all of my resources, and my 50k house to be able to have a buildable environment.  I love Glitch but, truthfully, I have been fighting feelings of boredom / what's the point? lately, and recently realized why this is.

    I am not a very experienced gamer but I am a Faunasphere refugee and before I got into Glitch Beta last April, I played Nord.  In both of those games you can/could build your own little world.  I have come to realize that this is what I am really missing in Glitch.  Heck, I have to move my r/l furniture around every so often in my house just to keep it fresh :).  So, if going back to Beta or even (gasp!) a reset is necessary, then I will be here. Thanks for all of your hard work!
    Posted 13 years ago by Princess Fi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Personally I wouldn't mind another reset, was fun unburdening all my stuff and starting again.
    Posted 13 years ago by Phochai Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh, such a nice explanation post.
    I believe you care about your players and make the game more interesting and cool. Then I really and virtually move in my glitch house ))))
    Posted 13 years ago by Rikki-Tikki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glad to see it's gone back into a more 'closed' state...though I have to agree, we've completed Beta, and this should be Gamma.  Wondering if all the new players are now getting beta pickles, if this is 'gone back to beta'...think there should be something equally cool but be a neat Gamma pixel gift instead...always thought it shouldn't have come out of beta without at least the group halls and the personalized homes, but hey, what did I know?

    Super excited to hear about the upcoming home changes...that should be pretty fun!  I too am wondering if there will be a refund for our current properties.  When they said they were going to do this after launch, I wondered if there would be more of a mix of standard housing you can buy 'as is' (ie the current housing), and then there would be the 'islands' we could separately purchase and customize.  I do have friends that don't enjoy the decorating as much as myself, so I figured that would make all of us happier. But am interested in seeing how this will be implemented.

    Glad to hear the street projects are back, though I hear they are super crowded. Have missed something to do, and have been super bored lately...though I really dislike crowds due to the exceptional lag they cause.

    Glad to see we have some new skills to keep us entertained. 

    Hope the hubbub over the alts gets resolved before the 21 Dec deadline for subscription refunds, so if I choose to cancel my main and "alt" subscriptions because of some silly new rules that are contrary to previous rules, I get something back...telling me after the fact (when it was previously okay) that the way I'm choosing to play the game on my paid accounts (when there are multiple other ways to achieve the same outcome via the use of friends in game) really rubs me the wrong way. But that's me...

    And frankly, a reset doesn't bother me's nice to start over, though it can be a pain in relearning those skills...frankly the game has been rather ho-hum lately, so game changes are always welcome...and if it has to come with a reset...bring it on...
    Posted 13 years ago by b3achy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Everything B3achy said.

    I'm excited about the new stuff, intrigued by the "beta" changes, not bothered about another reset (I'm planning to be playing for a long time what's a month to pick up skills and currants?) and don't understand why the step after beta isn't gamma.

    I love this game and love that the devs actively roll up their sleeves and get stuck in.
    Posted 13 years ago by Momo McGlitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Blanky, Could you please answer a couple of questions (assuming you can).  When we are able to build our new houses will we be able to change aspects of what we have already built, at will?  For instance, I might decided after the fact that 'I would like this thing better over there' or 'I think I shouldn't have put that wall there' (just supposing examples).  Or will it be a matter of 'choose wisely' because once we build it, it will be set in stone, so to speak?  Also, will we be still be able to sell our (now customized) properties and how will they be valued?
    Posted 13 years ago by Princess Fi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am interested to see how it goes, and initially wasn't bothered by the return to beta, but the backpedaling on keys/alts spurred me to go for the refund. 
    Posted 13 years ago by Marka Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Rather than a funpickle or music box, I'd like to get a beta fish to spruce up my house.  One of my favorite things in Animal Crossing was catching fish and decorating my house with them.
    Posted 13 years ago by Crag Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would sugges that if youa re going to reset the skill tree again that it bedone BEFORE you start charging again, rather than after you start charging. The user created content will be exciting and will add a lot to the world Seems like the right direction to go in.
    Posted 13 years ago by Francis_7 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Still hoping for some answers from staff...
    Posted 13 years ago by Audaria Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is super stoked about this. Again, bravo to TS for respecting their creation and those of us that enjoy their creation enough to tell us.

    Would a reset suck? I dunno, maybe, last time it wasn't that bad at all, but then again, I go days without playing, and I know some people have invested far more time than I.

    I'm sure that regardless of what happens, TS will make sure that those of us that have been around will be treated properly, it's no secret that they not only believe in their product, but appreciate those of us that believe in them and their product as well.

    They have yet to let us down, and I don't see that happening.

    Thanks TS, regardless of what happens or how it goes down, I for one (and I know I'm not alone) have full confidence that you are doing what you feel is best to bring your full vision alive.
    Posted 13 years ago by rorschach Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Whatever you decide to call the game's current phase like beta or launched or unlaunched doesn't really matter to me, but when a reset is mentioned it makes me wonder if the staff have lost perspective on what makes people come back to a game over and over.  Primarily it's the feeling that they are building towards something.  A reset takes away all the time they put into that.  So, it's only effective if you actually want to lower your player base so you have more time to optimize the game to deal with larger crowds of players, understanding that it will take potentially much longer to get to that point where the game is profitable as desired and there will be bad press to boot.
    Posted 13 years ago by Troll boy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Troll boy, the reason Stoot mentioned the possibility of a reset is because he understands everything you wrote.  He also mentioned that if you are unhappy about the announcement you can get a full refund.

    I know it's rare to see these days, but this is "integrity."
    Posted 13 years ago by Crag Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Honesty is fantastic but sometimes "damage control" is smarter ;)
    The doubt is worse than a possible reset it self, specially if nothing is detailed what will be reset...
    Posted 13 years ago by Great Brain Robbery Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Back to Beta, as in "on trial"? That is AWESOME! Count me in, I want to help in any way possible. Please IM me assignments. I would be more than happy to do them! (Find bugs, glitches- pun intended- etc.). Thanks!
    Posted 13 years ago by usterki Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Got into the game (weeks ago?)Haven't leveled extremely far, but have majority of skills. Though I have tried to understand all of of this, forums are a wee over my head- I found this thread by accident and just kept reading... Is there a link to go to that will help me understand what is going on so that I can atleast make an informed opinion about changes... Though I understand that ultimately I have no power over whether changes are/ aren't made, I want to be able to understand them. (To express how far behind I am, it wasn't until about 2 years ago that I (somewhat) learned how to use a newsgroup... Are they even used anymore?- let alone a forum...). Rambling aside, where do I even start at so that I can catch up? Any help is appreciated...
    Posted 13 years ago by J-2-THA-B Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @J-2-THA-B,!/glitchlog might help you keep track of changes made in the game, including bug fixes. The most recent tweets of glitchlog are also found to the left of the forums, under the links to the different sections of the forum. In regard to the Unlaunching, Blanky's post at the top explains it, as does the blog post here. For FAQ about Unlaunching, look here. (There are more FAQ there, if you happen to have questions about other things.)
    Posted 13 years ago by Millie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @ J-2-THA-B, the only official info is linked in the OP. That has been the only word.
    Posted 13 years ago by MaryLiLamb Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Moved post elsewhere.
    Posted 12 years ago by WalruZ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I came into a question:

    All credit purchases during the beta period will be doubled once Glitch (re)launches
    Does that include credits bought in this mid-time between reset and unlaunch (like october for example)??

    Can't find anywhere else to ask that and this topic is so huge that I may have lost this info while searching.
    Posted 12 years ago by acreditando Subscriber! | Permalink
  • nevermind, I just found the answer here
    Posted 12 years ago by acreditando Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yes, acreditando, it includes any credits bought since launch :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Rev. Desdemona Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just an observation: since a "house" and its contents are obviously just a bunch of numbers in a database... couldn't you simply offer a "one click housemoving" option? It would at least save people the hassle of actually moving the contents - then placing them around the new house would be no problem at all.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ayzad Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The housing changes are really interesting.  I can hardly wait to see what you guys have cooked up.  Glitch has been great fun for me.  I really appreciate tiny speck's openness.  The Live Help is wonderful.  As a Zynga refugee, I love being able to actually have real, live people on the other end of my keyboard.  You folks have done a fine job!  I'm sure the game will be enhanced a great deal by the new ideas!  Thanks!
    Posted 12 years ago by Dee Licious Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My guess is that the contents of your house will probably be dumped into the mailbox. Saves the trouble of having to place coordinates, etc. in whatever house you end up in.
    Posted 12 years ago by Aoi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Think there'll be an info e-mail when more of this stuff goes in?  The game isn't holding much of my attention right now, but I'd like to come back when the new housing crops up.

    Also: more Rook attacks, please.  I don't recall a single one since the Rookmageddon of the other day, and I miss them.
    Posted 12 years ago by Beefasil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • What about the people with Basic subscriptions that don't come with monthly credits? Can we get a little "thanks for supporting the return to Beta" gift too?
    Posted 12 years ago by Rebelwerewolf Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wow Back to Beta? Kewlness! Just as I always wanted, close the doors!!!! Ahhhahaaa I want Glitch all to myself.
    Posted 12 years ago by Eye Wonder Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is fantastic -- not that you feel the need to do so but that you're being open and transparent about it.  I don't hang out at these forums or talk about the game with players who aren't friends IRL but I've always felt this game is made by a cool group of folks and this seals the deal. 
    Posted 12 years ago by LogopolisMike Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is fantastic -- not that you feel the need to do so but that you're being open and transparent about it.  I don't hang out at these forums or talk about the game with players who aren't friends IRL but I've always felt this game is made by a cool group of folks and this seals the deal. 
    Posted 12 years ago by LogopolisMike Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ok, so does back to beta mean that TS has stopped producing new items in the wardrobe?
    There seemed to be tons of new clothes during my two months of "original" beta. 

    The last update was more than a month ago...
    While I wasn't thinking about going the refund route because of the "back to beta", the whole point of subscribing was for the good stuff in the wardrobe.  

    I'm looking forward to the gameplay & housing updates, but why not toss a couple wardrobe items our way every now and then?  Even if they're items that don't interest everyone, actual updates give a sense of value for subscribers.  No new items = no perceived value.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kungaloosh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm just wondering about the fact that we will have to move house. I managed to save up the 50k to get the one I have, and is that now just lost currants?
    Posted 12 years ago by Kalli Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Kali:
    (1) You of course will get some value back. I imagine at least 80% of the value.
    (2) When the customizable housing comes has no set date. So try not to worry about it too much until it comes.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lord Bacon-o Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you :) I will enjoy customising my house though, I am looking forward to it
    Posted 12 years ago by Kalli Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you :) I will enjoy customising my house though, I am looking forward to it
    Posted 12 years ago by Kalli Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Considering this is a forced relocation, I'd guess that we'd receive a full refund or equivalent resources in whatever new place we get. Any plants and animals are probably a loss though.
    Posted 12 years ago by Aoi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh boy, sounds like a whole bunch of changes coming up.  The house deal sounds both great and horrible LOL. Talk about I have good news and bad news which one do you want to hear theory.  

    My big question is will it be like last time where if you didn't have items you get trophies for, and I'm speaking specifically in regards to the chocolate eggs, in your inventory at the time of reset after reset the eggs were gone when left in the storage locker but you did keep the trophy.  Which meant if you were in the process of getting the trophy and all the eggs were gone you can't ever get more eggs or the trophy.  I'm thinking about the cubimal trophy and the dolls which are so hard to acquire.

    Will receive notification if the houses are going to be taken away and will we be able to sell our homes so when the new houses are out we can then buy one without earning another 50K?
    Posted 12 years ago by xoxJulie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh boy, sounds like a whole bunch of changes coming up.  The house deal sounds both great and horrible LOL. Talk about I have good news and bad news which one do you want to hear theory.  

    My big question is will it be like last time where if you didn't have items you get trophies for, and I'm speaking specifically in regards to the chocolate eggs, in your inventory at the time of reset after reset the eggs were gone when left in the storage locker but you did keep the trophy.  Which meant if you were in the process of getting the trophy and all the eggs were gone you can't ever get more eggs or the trophy.  I'm thinking about the cubimal trophy and the dolls which are so hard to acquire.

    Will receive notification if the houses are going to be taken away and will we be able to sell our homes so when the new houses are out we can then buy one without earning another 50K?
    Posted 12 years ago by xoxJulie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh boy, sounds like a whole bunch of changes coming up.  The house deal sounds both great and horrible LOL. Talk about I have good news and bad news which one do you want to hear theory.  

    My big question is will it be like last time where if you didn't have items you get trophies for, and I'm speaking specifically in regards to the chocolate eggs, in your inventory at the time of reset after reset the eggs were gone when left in the storage locker but you did keep the trophy.  Which meant if you were in the process of getting the trophy and all the eggs were gone you can't ever get more eggs or the trophy.  I'm thinking about the cubimal trophy and the dolls which are so hard to acquire.

    Will receive notification if the houses are going to be taken away and will we be able to sell our homes so when the new houses are out we can then buy one without earning another 50K?
    Posted 12 years ago by xoxJulie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Blanky or Staff: Let's say there is a reset. Will we be given credit (towards all we lose) to purchase a similar home to the one we own now, tools, etc.? Or will we need to work at it all over again?

    Posted 12 years ago by Feral Kitty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I got the email yesterday offering a refund, but I wanted to say I'm still going to be a subscriber through all of this (and not just for the double credits at the re-launch lol XD).  I'm behind you guys all the way.

    One question though... will we receive notice before our houses are taken away, if that's what's going to go on?  I'd like a chance to gather my animals and plants if that's what's going to be needed.  Also I have a lot, *lot* of items.  Will they be automatically packed into as many boxes as needed by The System~?  Because.. I'm not kidding you.. I have literally hundreds of items all over my ground and floor and roof.. that's why I got a 50k was to fill it all up with stuff. X(

    I'm going to be really upset if our houses are swept away without warning and I suffer a loss. 

    So please can we get a answer about this?
    Posted 12 years ago by ♪♥~ Auren ~♥♪ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Remember the moving box deal? I think we'll all find a use for our potions of animal youth guys :) Just pack up your 26 pigs 12 butterflies and 9 chickens and away you go! 

    Now we just need a potion of tree youth... These wood trees are a small investment to grow, I'd like to keep mine :P
    Posted 12 years ago by Liza Throttlebottom Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yeah but seriously... that means we have to stockpile potions of animal youth too, and then take the time to apply it over and over and over and over and over... times 23 (for me) + 9 + 6... if they don't give us fair warning, as in at least a week in advance, how will we prepare properly?  Will the boxes be provided?  What if they only fit in backpack slots like large bags?  UGH.  So many questions.  >_<'
    Posted 12 years ago by ♪♥~ Auren ~♥♪ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm happy to be on board through this, whatever "this" turns out to be.  Whatever it takes to support this amazing, creative place.  I'll stay a subscriber, and play as time allows...though now with the excitement of "oooo, I wonder what they've changed this time!"  If it comes down to starting over from scratch, I'm groovy with that, too.  It's not about the levels, it's about the journey and a reset would only mean more time to stop and smell the roses along the way.

    Three cheers to the staff/devs/behind-the-scenes-folk for having the focusing orbs to take this huge step!
    Posted 12 years ago by Belasco Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 1) New houses: I repeat (as I have said this many times in the past), TS is not in the habit of "screwing people over." I think you can expect (1) fair warning and (2) plenty of time to transition. Yes, I am taking this as a matter of faith. But it is a matter of faith based on experience. It is of course fair to bring up concerns...but the seemingly endless fear of change baffles me. (Change/growth in this case is a good thing.)

    2) Received a lovely email from TS about relaunch and subscriptions. I wasn't entirely able to parse it all... but it appears, that yet again, credits will be doubled. Seeing as I started subscribing back in June (I think), I have gotten so so so so much value already. If it is doubled again at relaunch... well, damn, TS! Your generosity apparently has no end. So even if I'm reading the email wrong and my credits aren't double, I don't care. I have always felt well taken care of for my purchases.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lord Bacon-o Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just in case, I always carry 20 piglets ready to be fed into piggies on short notice. I do. :)

    But I'm with Lord Bacon-o about having faith in TS. (In fact, the piglets are part of a not-so-firm plan to move to the bogs, eventually, to have some fun with herbs.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ximenez that's brilliant.  What do your piggies do all day while you run around and play?  Do they keep you company?  <3
    Posted 12 years ago by ♪♥~ Auren ~♥♪ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Miso, they are making an Ocuppy The Bags protest. They took one and a quarter of my Bigger Bags and just stay there. Every time I nibble a piggie, they say it's the 1% and demand equality. I feel really bad because I know they're right.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ximenez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I haven't played for a long time. Maybe the big changes will make the game interesting again for me. Not sure what it is but the quests got boring for me after reaching about level 16. Then it seems to become repetitive and not much point any more. I don't get excited about just getting to higher levels.
    I feel I've had plenty of fun out of my subscription and would not be upset if I end up not playing any more. Certainly would not be asking for a refund. But being able to customise the house and some of those other things should be good for a few more hours or weeks of play, at least. And making new players able to understand what's going on is good.
    Posted 12 years ago by Emu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Emu: It's a sandbox.
    Enjoy the lovely sand!
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
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