
[Glitch Tips for new players and even the not so new]

Staff Note: We wanted to highlight this topic for the community- and a give shout out to some_random_guy who got this going, and to all the players who made suggestions. So, we're pinning this up to the top of the forum- if you have other suggestions, feel free to post away!

Original title was 'Tips for Noobs', which was fine, but there are certainly some not so new players who can benefit as well. :)


Given the recent influx of players due to the invites being alive again, people not paying attention, and the fact that the last thread of these is a bit outdated, I've decided to redo the Tips for Noobs. If anything's missing, just add in the thread and I'll add up here. 


I can't stress this enough, This isn't SL (SecondLife) where you can make real cash, this isn't WoW (World of Warcraft) where leveling seems the be the only thing of import, and this isn't Solitaire where you're alone. There are other players here, socialize, maybe even get some tips from those who have been here longer. 

2. If you have a question, ask in chat, search the forums or check the encyclopedia first.

There have been many o' day where the forums was spammed with questions like, "How do I make flour? Where do I get salt? Where do I find (type) trees? Why can't I mine?" 


If you leave something on the ground, it's up for grabs. Every couple of days, there's a report that someone leaves something on their home street or in world and they leave for a bit and come back to find it's gone. Then, they brand whomever took it as a thief. This is untrue. If you leave something on the street by your home, go in, take a shower or to eat, and come back out, what are the chances it will still be there? Often slim depending on where you are. And remember, your street and tower are public, you house is not.

On the topic of homes:


Sadly, there are glitches who will knock on a noob's door, gain their trust, get in and steal everything not bolted down. Sometimes, it's better to just keep your home as your own private sanctuary. 

5. If you can't do something, check your skills.

Sometimes certain actions require certain skills. Check what you have and see what you can do before flooding our poor devs (can we even call them that, lol) with unrequired bug reports.

6. Mining

If at all possible, please mine rocks all the way down. They don't respawn otherwise. We can understand if you just don't have the energy, but don't leave a full street of them unmined. Some of us who clean those can tell you, there is a chance of scoring some good stuff right at the end like diamonds and moonstones.

7. Emblems

Try to keep one of each giant's emblems in your inventory. By doing all the actions (minus spending) you get a bit of a Mood, Energy and iMG boost each time. If you have all 11, that's a nice boost each gameday. Remember you can only do it once per game day (4 hours realtime)

8. Icons

When you get high enough, or as you go though the streets, you may find icons. These and gifts from the giants, so to speak. Feel free to use them but please, make sure you can tithe (donate to the icons) if you can. It makes it easier for the next person.

9. Chat commands "/home /house /tower /leave"

These are the 4 main commands you'll be using. /home, takes you to your home street from anywhere. /house, will take you directly into your house. /tower, if you have built a tower, this will put you right in it. /leave, will take you back to the world if you are on a home street or house. Could be anyone's for that last one.

10. Social Quests

Some quests require the help of other people. "Peter Out Peat" is a good example. If you ever have a quest that requires more then just you, feel free to open Global Chat and ask. You might find someone who also needs to finish the same quest and might ask you for help in return.

11. Auction Delivery

If you do venture to the Auctions, please noted, there is a 10 MINUTE (Realtime) delay from clicking confirm to delivery. Please wait for a while.

12. General Help

In game, there is a help chat. If you really need help or are really stuck, feel free to ask.

13. Other's Gardens

It is common practice to clear other player's gardens that you use. You can often get some good items by doing so like music blocks, useful items, even money. If you wish to replant after you're done, click on herbs and shuck for seeds. If it's crops, you can feed them to pigs in multiples of three to get plops to where if you examine them, you get their seed. Also, feel free to taste the plops too.

Helpful Websites

Glitch Encyclopedia :
Just about anything and everything in the realm of information can be found here.

Glitch Remote :
References, item locations, prices on items sold in people's towers, and almost everything else can be found here.

Grelca's Resources :
Fast access to the locations with the most of single resources. Useful if you need a lot of a certain item.

Glitch Wiki :
Need an answer or tip for a quest? Need locations for a certain unseen quest? 

Posted 12 years ago by Some_Random_Guy Subscriber! | Permalink


  • mine rocks all the way down. they dont respawn if they are nubs

    dont use an icon if you arent prepard to tithe it if it should happen to run out.
    Posted 12 years ago by awesome sauce01 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Always keep 1 of each emblem in your inventory for every new game day. It's a free leveled amount if IMG every day AND a free mood and energy boost.  :D
    Posted 12 years ago by Curtis C Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't think anyone should be REQUIRED to tithe icons on streets. Its a nice gesture to the owner but I dont think it should be considered a rule per se.
    Posted 12 years ago by Clickadee Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You can get to your home street by typing /home in local chat, or go directly into your house by typing /house.  If you're on a private street or house, including your own, you can get back to regular Ur by typing /leave.  This is usually faster than going to the IMG menu.

    Edit: You should tithe if you use a verb.  It's, imo, very rude if you don't.  *Someone* has to pay for you to use that verb.  That person should be you.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Damn, typed do, not can, fixed.
    Posted 12 years ago by Some_Random_Guy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Remember that what feels private (your home street) is actually public. Don't be offended when people you don't know appear and use your resources. Instead, enjoy the free iMG you get when they do. If you don't want your resources used, don't put them out there.

    +1 to NOT handing out house keys or inviting strangers into your home. Remember that even "Placed" objects in your house are not dependably locked down (bug fix in progress) and "Dropped" objects aren't locked at all.

    The Golden Rule applies in Ur: Behave to others as you would like them to behave with you. Trust me, it works.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kip Konner Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is a great thread. I've only been playing about a month, but a lot of this would have been good to know right when I started. I figured out most of it on my own by now, but I didn't know that about the minerals not respawning. I try not to finish them off so there will be something left for people coming after me. Now I know better.

    #1 is especially important. I've always loved video games, but I've never been a social gamer. I had a few quests in Glitch that required the help of other players and I was resigned to just never finishing them. Then one night I thought, "What the heck?" I jumped on global chat and within 2 minutes I had a group of other players willing to help me out and who I could then help in return. Most other players are willing to help you out if you just ask which is one of the great things about this game and you might even make some new friends.
    Posted 12 years ago by WallCrawlingHero Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hey, Random, you've mis-typed #9. You've got /home, /home, not /home, /house. Great list!
    Posted 12 years ago by glassy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You can use my icons on my street without tithing. Its all good. I can tithe them :)  Everything else mentioned +1.

    Also, #9 is /home /house /tower and /leave.
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie✿, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'll get it all going, Sleep depro is taking over lol. Working graveyard sucks.
    Posted 12 years ago by Some_Random_Guy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My icons are on the second floor of my tower, and anyone who pops by is welcome to use them without tithe-ing, especially lower level players. I wouldn't put them out in a public area if I didn't want them used, and I pay the tithe costs whenever I'm in-game and it occurs to me. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Lynnt Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Okay, I guess I stand corrected about the tithing.  I still think it's the polite and friendly thing to do, though!
    Posted 12 years ago by Kadi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think if you use someone else's icon you should tithe if you can.

    If you place your icon where others can use it you shouldn't expect them to tithe.

    That's how I play and I think it's more of a considerate philosophy on using the icons. It saves people from getting upset at other players.
    Posted 12 years ago by WallCrawlingHero Subscriber! | Permalink
  •  - Look at the wiki.  Yes, there are some spoilers, but 95% of your questions will be answered there.

     - There's a help channel. Global isn't really meant for help, though people will usually be helpful there.

     - There's a difference between needing help and lazy.  Asking for help with a problem or tricky situation is fine.  Repeatedly asking for people to give you things is not fine.
    Posted 12 years ago by Moose J Finklestein Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Updated.
    Posted 12 years ago by Some_Random_Guy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I lobe you Some Random Guy...
    these same questions that we keep answering over and over and over again...!
    Posted 12 years ago by Arietty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think you should change the thread title so it doesn't say 'rules'

    Tips, yes. It's one thing to inform the new Glitchen of the etiquette, but I don't think anyone is in any position to hand out rules on how people should play.

    Really nice helpful thread though!
    Posted 12 years ago by Mr Mellifluous Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Fine, fine, I'll remove "Rules" until I include the ToS stuff I was planning.
    Posted 12 years ago by Some_Random_Guy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hmmm, nothing yet on the whole cleaning up after yourself when gardening?  
    Recommended adding the suggestion to please hoe your dirty plots (you will be rewarded with various drops), water and reseed for the next player to come along. With the tip that you get herbal seeds from shucking herb flowers, and crop seeds by feeding veggies in threes to piggies and then (spoiler) examining the plops.  Also note (spoiler) that you can feed a batch of veggies to a piggy now and get multiple packages of crop seeds in the plops.  Finally note that you may need to water after reseeding if the plot was already wet when reseeding...only thing sadder than a dirty plot is seeing a dried up plant in a plot...

    Great starter list though!
    Posted 12 years ago by b3achy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Propose a thread name change: "Tips for New Players"
    Posted 12 years ago by Heatseeker Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Aw, I love the classic term "Noobs"...especially over the PC version "Newbs"...but that's just me...
    Posted 12 years ago by b3achy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • One thing I did not realize early on was regarding crop seeds. Until I read it on someone's sign post, I did not realize that feeding a pig 3 of a particular crop would produce seeds (the street vendor for seeds was all I knew about). Not sure if that's too specific of a tip/etiquette for "noobs", but I would think that and shucking herbs, along with the note about mining to completion, would fall under the same general heading of "being a good neighbor".

    (upon review, basically what b3achy said)
    Posted 12 years ago by Synaes Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Updated.
    Posted 12 years ago by Some_Random_Guy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Tips for Noobs:
    Anyone who tells you what to do or how you should play or behave - ignore immediately.
    Posted 12 years ago by Geezereth Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Being a good neighbor - please read the signs on other players' streets, they usually contain good information.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rosencrantz Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hello! It's been a few weeks since this was posted, but we want to bump it up, and since there's a lot of useful information here worth reading, we'll pin this up. And, if you have more to add to the mix, more tips are welcome!  
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Kev, can we sticky this?

    hahahaha, nvm. you did that.
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie✿, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That's what I meant when I said we'll pin this up. :)

    Edit, ha! you edited after I followed up. Teamwork!
    Posted 12 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Congrats to SRG for TS pinning his thread!!  Well done..and lots of great tips.  Of course, it's up to the player whether they will do or not do any of these guidelines...however, many of these are great ways to be courteous and thoughtful to other players...and in general lead a reduced stress life in Ur as a good steward Glitchen.
    Posted 12 years ago by b3achy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Avoid bestowing Random Kindnesses at Cebarkul as many people go there to die and will get a bit tetchy if they get an unwanted energy boost. 
    Mining with other players gives you bonuses.
    Posted 12 years ago by Captain Daisy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Soon after you've joined, try to get around to donating once to each of the 11 giants.  This will complete the Respect for the Beginnings quest.  Wait 30 minutes, then go to a Shrine of Grendaline.  Click on it to trigger the Last Pilgrimage of Esquibeth quest.  You'll want to have your sound turned up to hear pieces of this quest.  At the end of it pick up the lovely item and play it.

    Why do all this?  To participate in a Feat you must have completed this quest.  Feats are short term events in the game that will require you to, well, who knows what next.  The point is, complete these 2 quests as soon as you can so that you can feature in a Feat.
    Posted 12 years ago by FlatEarther Subscriber! | Permalink
  • A few Basic Necessities:

    1.  Papers - You will need Card Carrying papers to ride the Subway and to buy Building Permits.  You can get a Quest for buying Papers by entering a Sub Station.  If you don't get it, try next time you level up.  Building Permits are needed to build your Tower (lev. 18 and above).  Visit a Ministry office to purchase Papers and Permits.  There are 3 Ministrys.  Both a Ministry Office and a Sub Station are at Gregarious Grange in Groddle Meadow.  There are two other Ministry Offices, one in Andra and one in Muufo.

    2.  Expand your inventory by purchasing Bags.  There are two sizes, 10 slot and 16 slot.  You can buy these from the Hardware Vendor.  You have the opportunity to purchase two Bags very cheaply in the Tutorial.  You might also find one in a particular Bag spawning spot in the Deeps.

    3.  You need Energy and Mood.  You can easily boost Energy by eating.  The Trees are full so Harvest and Eat, Harvest and Eat.  Drinks are best for increasing Mood so learn to Milk Butterflies!  I found Milking to be one of the hardest things I have learned.  Milking gets easier as you learn the Animal Husbandry Skills  I recommend that you learn at least 3 of these Skills even if you have no interest in raising animals.

    4.  Everyone should go to Hell at least once!  I'm not kidding!  This is not a Biblical Hell, it is Glitch Hell which is a whole 'nother thing entirely.  You don't go there for being bad (the Devs have a jail for that), you go because either Energy or Mood gets too low.  Explore while you are there, it is fun and beneficial.  If you manage to die in a busy location you may get a surprise in Hell.  There are several Hell Badges you can earn.

    5.  Etiquette is appreciated!  OK, so your Mother is NOT in the Game.  Maybe you came here to escape her?  Well, try to be polite anyway.  It is considered Good Manners to clear messy gardens after Harvesting Herbs and Crops.  Replanting is even Better!  It is Good Manners to mine a rock to the last stone so it can Respawn.  Everyone appreciates Manners.  BTW, I am a "Nubbin" Cleaner.  Nubbins are what I call the left over, partially mined rocks.  When I find them I mine them completely so they can Respawn.  I have found plenty of Gems doing that!

    6.  Join a Group!  No matter what your interests are, there is probably a Group for it!  At the Top of the page you will find a Link for Groups.  Click on it and look through the Lists.  You can meet Friends in the Groups as well as in the Game.  Groups often have projects or Group activities that are Fun and Beneficial.  Each Group has a Live Chat in the Game so that you can talk to your Friends in the Groups and keep updated on the Group activities.  There are some Group Quests.  I have found it very easy to do these with help from my Group Friends.

    You will learn many things here and that is not limited to the Skills.  The five things I mentioned are just Basic.  There are many other things to know.  These are things that I wish I had known when I was new.  It took me a few days to learn them on my own.  Welcome to Glitch!  May you enjoy the Game as much as I have!
    Posted 12 years ago by Brib Annie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm kinda shocked to see this pinned up. Thanks kevbob.
    Posted 12 years ago by Some_Random_Guy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • No one has mentioned that you should keep some music boxes in your bags to play. They give you a boost of img and mood and can be played once a day. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Holly Waterfall Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Keep the tips coming, these are Gold Jerry, Gold!
    Posted 12 years ago by PeasDaWg Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Front yards vs. Back yards
    Your front yard is considered a public place. Even if you're not signed up on visiting stones, you may get visitors through your profile page. On your street, other players can use resources (which gives you iMG); pick up dropped items; interact with your animals; fill piggy feeders; use icons, machines, and gardens; and fix broken resources. Other players can't interact with milk/meat collectors or use animal youth potions so it's fine to keep animals out front. Be aware that pig bait does work in front yards, so you may occasionally lose a piggy. Front yard gardens are public resources and there are no restrictions on who picks the herbs or crops.

    It's good karma to clear, water, and replant gardens you harvest on other players' streets. Tithing to icons you use helps keep them working for other players. If you run across a project to restore a worn out resource on someone's street and contribute items or work, you will get progress towards badges and iMG when it's done. Announce your own projects in global if you need help restoring them. Other players working on the badges are always looking for projects!

    Your back yard is private. Only players with keys or someone you let in when they knock can use your back yard. Many players put their crop and herb gardens in the back yard where other players can't pick them. This is also a good place for wood trees, and for your piggies if you are concerned about them being hogtied.

    Wood Trees

    Speaking of wood trees, they work a little differently from other trees. Wood trees are fragile and require a lot of petting and watering (or fertilidust) to stay alive. Trees that are almost cut down have a "harvest and clear" option on their menu. If you pick "harvest and clear", you will kill the tree, leaving a patch. This is fine to do on public streets, but is considered extremely rude on home streets.

    Animal Lifespan or "Where did my piggies go?"
    : Butterflies die after a certain number of milkings and you will find that butterflies die fairly quickly if you have a milk collector. Singing to butterflies prolongs their lifespan. Dead butterflies drop milk and sometimes a butterfly egg.
    Piggies: Piggies live a long time but they must be fed every few RL days or they starve to death. A hungry piggy will refuse to be nibbled and show a knife/fork bubble over its head. The easiest way to keep piggies alive is to get the Remote Herdkeeping skill and use a feeder. Alternatively, you can feed them by hand. Don't try to rely on trees or dropped food to keep piggies alive - it doesn't work. Dead piggies drop meat or plop with corn seeds.
    Chickens: Chickens live a very long time.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I can't resist even though I should.

    Also in #9, you wrote that there are three commands, instead of four.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tarj Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Typos are like the Borg, resistance is futile. Anyway, I'll be re updating as soon as I can get to my desktop
    Posted 12 years ago by Some_Random_Guy Subscriber! | Permalink
  •  Breezy, EZ Cookin' quest
    It didn't say how many to make . I had to choice to make more than one..and I did. That caused me to run out of ingredients and I couldn't finish the quest. When the helper came into the space the items reappeared and I was able to finish the quest. Perhaps you might consider to set the task so only one item could be made..or I would have been there for eternity trying to make a salad without tomatoes. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Boxy Sister Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Look at--and try!!--all the options on the menu that pops up when you click on an item. 'Give' and 'drop' are obvious and you might not want or need to do these...but try everything else. Explore them all! I say this based on experience: I spent 2 test sessions last year patiently waiting to find a vendor that sold cheese.

    And the 'i' mode can be your new best friend. When you're tabbed into the game screen, try hitting 'i'. There's a handy search bar up top that you can use to find the nearest resource, vendor, or shrine you're looking for--and you can set it as your destination! One of my greets said they thought the game would be impossible to play without it...and yet it's new enough that a lot of longer-term players are still only just discovering it's there.
    Posted 12 years ago by Voluptua Sneezelips Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Eat everything. I forget this and just this weekend discovered what munching Silvertongue does for me.
    Posted 12 years ago by Colette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Blow your conch, otherwise there will be no feats.  I just learned this one today.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rennie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • x + h: another shortcut to go home
    u: upgrades
    L: the quest log
    i + tab + name of item: to find the nearest one (then you can set the street as a destination).
    z: the big game menu, and to check your current level

    Click on the date to find your limits.

    Click on Map above the link to Global for a minimap of the current region (beats pressing M repeatedly).

    Edit: That's a lowercase letter i, not an L, for the info mode / search shortcut. I only capitalized L so you'd know what it was. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by kalsangikid Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Bump 
    Posted 12 years ago by GreyGoose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Not sure if this is already in here but ... spend some time every day wandering in Ur to discover new places, new art, new things to do.

    Also, you get a QQ with lots of Img each time you go to a new street.

    Also, even when you get enough Teleportation skills to be able to teleport using the map, you can still only go to a street you already visited. So if you suddenly want to go to a street in Aranna, where there is no subway, you will be happy if you can tp at least a bit close to your destination.
    Posted 12 years ago by Biff Rosbiff Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Bump for new players, and maybe get this re-stickied?
    Posted 12 years ago by Innie✿, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Bump
    What Innie said.
    Posted 12 years ago by GreyGoose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Use the zoom out feature if possible, when streeting.  A "Go To Bag" marked as such.  Easy to get to spinach, RK, Bear, Crabato, Orb, anything that you use frequently.  
    Posted 12 years ago by bayBi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Don't know if this counts, but you may find that using the Enter and directional keys when picking, hoe-ing and watering is a lot easier than manually clicking. I just tested it out, it works wonders! 
    Posted 12 years ago by Sarabanda Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I find it much faster for planting, at least, Sara!
    Posted 12 years ago by Cinnamon Petrichor Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you for this thread/post. I wish I'd found it sooner, but it still gave me useful info I hadn't figured out yet. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Kridla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Bump (We recently had a nice influx of new players)
    Posted 12 years ago by GreyGoose Subscriber! | Permalink