
Staff Topic

New Feats, collaborative backstory and you!

We love making Feats. They are fun to design, build, and then let loose on Ur. We watch the completion percentages climb upwards, grinning as you steadily progress through the challenges.

We don't want to have all the fun! So, we want to hear your ideas for the kind of Feats you would like to see. Post your ideas in this thread and give +1s to the ideas you like (please limit yourselves to a single +1, so we can do an accurate count). Create the whole thing: the name, the hint/blurb shown before the Feat begins, the legend/backstory behind it, the goal to be accomplished and any other detail you can think of.

We'll shortlist the most popular (and feasible) proposals and put them up for a vote by subscribers (using the votes they get each month). The ones that top that ballot will be put into the game.

Let the Feat ideas flow!

Posted 12 years ago by Mayor Quimby Subscriber! | Permalink


1 2 3 4 Next
  • My milkshake brings all the Glitch to the yard.
    Shake # of butterfly milk into butter.

    Jump for joy.
    Count # of jumps or triple jumps made.

    Party 'til you drop.
    Open a party space and participate. Get points for minutes not AFK, and bonus points for buying extra time on the space?
    Posted 12 years ago by Orchi Da Pea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You know, it always bugged the hell out of me that there were some kind of living things floating around in the polliwog/fish bowls, but no clear definition as to what they were or where they came from. There's only so many types of animals in the world, and not a single one has gills! WHAT THE HELL, TS?! CHARLES LINNAEUS IS SPINNING IN HIS GRAVE!

    Anyway, it would probably be fun to have that explained so I can sleep at night.
    Posted 12 years ago by girlthulhu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • girlthulhu: Uhhh … those are little plastic mechanical fish. They aren't really alive!!!!
    Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink
  • random comment I find funny that everyone groans at
    Posted 12 years ago by bored no more Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Stoot, I am so deeply saddened by this.
    Posted 12 years ago by girlthulhu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Funny, I always took them to be immature (and thankfully silent) yoga frogs.  When they develop their vocal characteristics they always take off to Chakra Phool and pick up a backpack along the way.  Maybe there is a tiny backpack vendor for them somewhere.
    Posted 12 years ago by Scarlett Bearsdale Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maybe they're Grendaline's tiny messengers, and they tell her all the good and bad happenings of the swamp. Their voices are too small for anybody else to hear.

    I mean, if they weren't, you know, ROBOTS.
    Posted 12 years ago by girlthulhu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Multi part feat for when new under water stuff comes out.

    Long ago at the start of her age, Grendaline decided the world needed more water. the bogs were nice and all, but not nearly as wet as they could be.  So she created land under the sea of non-specificity so all could fully appreciate the superiority of water.  Unfortunately when Grendaline went to add the resources familiar to one who had grown up in a bog, it did not go according to plan.  The jellastic kept floating away before they could mature, and the peat was so loose that it would disappear as soon as your shovel touched it.  So when every one came to explore the new world all that was left were the quions. With nothing better to do, a massive quion sharding party ensued. (Feat would be to collect quions in Jal, with each quion being worth one point plus one point for the each person who recieved a shard from said quion).

    After a while every one was tired and left.  Occasionally they would come back, but most of the time people were too busy to come play in the new land.  After all there wasn't much to do. Grendaline was sadden by the lack of vistors, and asked Lem for advice.  After all he had explored all of Ur and must have some idea of what attracted people to different places besides the scenery.  "Well," said Lem, "a lot of places have rocks and trees and animals and stuff, and they seem pretty popular with people. Maybe you should add some of those."  "I guess I could get Zille to imagine me some rocks if I decide to do that, but I don't think any of the trees and animals would fair too well down here. But maybe if I study enough specimens I could come up with something better." (Feat could either be number of interaction with trees and animals or seasoning/donating beans and eggs to help Grendaline with her study.)

    After much thinking and experimenting, with a couple of pointers from the other giants, Grendaline was finally able to bring out her new imaginings to show the world.  Of hearing that there was something new to be seen under the water Glitchen came from all over to see what all the fuss was about.  Grendaline waited for the praise that would surely come only to hear the Glitchen argue over who must be responsible for the new changes.  "Surely it must be Humbaba, see all the new animals." "But don't they look like they are flying, that is a sure sign of Cosma's work."  "Look at that new tree, isn't Spriggan clever." "That's not a tree, it is clearly some new crop of Mab's."  " No it is all Pot's doing, he was so hungry he imagined up more things to make food out of."  At that last remark, Grendaline became furious. "I can understand the first four, I did get a few ideas from them, but that glutton Pot had nothing to do with this. If they can't tell whose responsible than maybe they shouldn't get it anymore." At which point Grendaline took all her new creations and hid them in an underwater cave hidden by a whirlpool where only she can appreciate them. And so they remain beyond the reach of all but the luckiest and braviest street vendors, who occasionally share the least valuable with everyone else, for a price.  But the recent events indicate Grendaline is softening in her stance.  Maybe if she is properly appeased she will release her creations so that all may use them again.  (Donate Grendaline theme items (Peat, Jellisac, ice, cups of water, watering cans, etc) to her shrines).
    Posted 12 years ago by Anne72688 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 for GiaTori's Random kindness feat
    Posted 12 years ago by Pippette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The Nerfening
    An act of remembrance for some of the things we used to grind at obsessively before they got nerfed. 
    - Sing to a million butterflies
    - Make eleventy billion tons of the stinkiest cheese
    - Shuck a trillion yellow crumb flowers
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @shexy corin: LOLs!!!!
    Posted 12 years ago by Abbey Rhode Subscriber! | Permalink
  • i love all the ideas! especially the new giant, rainbow sno cone, and making food on subways 
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Rachel Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sorry if this has already been said, but how about you have to 'Hi' as many different people as you can? Or on different streets; whichever is good :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Golden Apple Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 1.  Poison all the trees.  

    followed by 

    2.  Plant all the trees.

    Or some combination of both?  It would be neat to see how long it took/the cooperative effort involved in a mass replant of every tree in Ur.
    Posted 12 years ago by deadkat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • May I present, The Epic of Zethyir the Zillot.  I will be posting each section as its own post, so you can like a specific section, and to make it easier to focus suggestions for each section.

    Introductory Flavor Text
    Day 1: Breaking from the Light
    Day 2: The Great Weight
    Day 3: An Unlikely Alliance
    Day 4: The Great Wait
    Day 5: Reconciliation of the Sun
    Canon Rationale and Final Thoughts

    Introduction flavor text:

    As with the Penyahtewan Assembly of year 25, the Giants have always agreed, except when they occasionally don't.  In those moments, the possibility of great change exists and the questing spirit of Glitch all across Ur is called on to meet the challenge.  So it has been, and so it will be.  Until it isn't.  Ask Tii about that.

    The Epic of Zethyir the Zillot occurs during the great cosmopolitan era of cities and light, before Ur had been imagined to its current size.  Zethyir struck out in a manner completely befitting a Zillot and not at all like a Lemming adventurer, setting in motion another chapter in hist-Ur-y.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Flatulence Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Day 1: The Epic of Zethyir the Zillot - Breaking from the Light

    So it began in the 1st year of imagination when Cosma's performances shone over Ur.  Cosmopolitans, having passed the test of their Giant, basked in the light of the Groddle Meadow.  Ur was filled with streets and streets of city housing, and -almost- all was well.  Of all the Glitch, only Zethyir was unfulfilled, so he set out Westward to seek his destiny in exile from the Sun.

    Gather your followers and set out on a journey to retrace Zethyir's travels to the shade.  You will receive 1 point for each member of your lead/follow train multiplied by the number of roads you traverse on your way to Chakra Pool.  As all true Zillots would know, you only receive points if you leave your train in the Chakra Pool region.
    (Goal: 400,000 points, Bonus: 1,200,000 points, Super-Mega: 4,800,000 points)

    [Edit] Removing math/rationale to combat wall-of-text appearance.  A shout-out to Humbabella and her blog that I've used as a starting point for estimating some of my goal values.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Flatulence Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Day 2: The Epic of Zethyir the Zillot - The Great Weight

    And so Zethyir roamed in search of a more grounded Giant.  He came to appreciate the earth that he slept on and the rocks that he talked to.  He spent a few weeks talking to a particularly interesting beryl that suggested that perhaps he could find fulfillment in the toil of a true Zillot.

    Undertake the work of Zethyir by moving a mountain to prove your devotion to Zille.  Go to Vaaka Karla in Aranna and introduce Zille to Grumbla by mining the mountain and donating it to Zille.  (Donate rock from the Aranna region to shrines of Zille)
    (Goal: 3,000,000 favor with Zille, Bonus: 9,000,000 favor, Super-Mega: 16,000,000 favor)

    There will likely be lag issues if we put 2,000 Glitch in a street simultaneously.  A way to avoid this is to break the rock up into a few adjacent streets.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Flatulence Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Day 3: The Epic of Zethyir the Zillot - An Unlikely Alliance

    Zethyir, having gathered his followers and traveled from the caves of Chakra Pool to the mountaintops of Aranna, had not found peace.  Indeed, the throngs of new Zillots had grown to encompass most of Ur and the unbalance had brought with it trouble.

    Only Zille received regular shrine visits.

    Even the generally jovial Friendly had to admit to feeling a tinge of jealousy in one of his eleven hearts.  Well, perhaps more than a tinge.  The other 10 Giants agreed that as soon as Tii imagined a number large enough to describe how many times more cross they were than normal, they were going to be that.

    In his sulking, Friendly had not been watching the coming night, leaving only Cosma and her fading light to beat back the shadows that grew of Ur as night fell.  For all of her might, Zille could not coax a single rock to fly to her aid, and the Rook was coming.  Zille struck a bargain with Cosma to send her light up from her earthen shrines in return for teaching some of the cave-dwelling butterflies how to best season the earth.  And so batterflies learned to fertilize the ground and the shrines of rock learnt to aim the borrowed light skyward.

    Harness Cosma's light to repel the rook attacks throughout Ur!
    (Goal: 2,000 rooks repelled, Bonus: 6,000 rooks repelled, Super-Mega: 18,000 rooks repelled)

    [Edit] Condensing Math/Rationale
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Flatulence Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Day 4: The Epic of Zethyir the Zillot - The Great Wait

    And so Zille, recognizing the need for balance in Ur, sought about correcting her zillots zealotry.  Their adoration was most agreeable, but lacked perspective and she did so miss Spriggan's trees that held her earth and Cosma and Friendly to watch over the day and night.  she missed them all, but then Pot released a most rancorous belch and she decided to enter Ur to speak with Zethyir and not at all to avoid the bean-dip burp.

    And she spoke. "My loyal zillot, I have seen your work and I have found your actions to be worthy.  You and your followers have moved me, and though on this day I am truly the most loved of the Giants in Ur, I ask that you respect them as you respected me.  Be as I am, and observe a great stillness through my domain.  Allow me to rest amongst my jellies and rocks, and turn your attention towards finding balance with all eleven Giants."

    Avoid working with any of Zille's domain to respect the balance of Ur as Zethyir did.  Avoid mining, scooping, refining, smelting and metalworking on this day.
    (Goal: Fewer that 11,000 interactions with Zille-oriented objects, Bonus: Fewer than 1,100 interactions, Super-Mega: Fewer than 11 interactions)

    Rationale and Math
    This was a doozy to judge proper goals, so I suggest allowing 10 non-zille-oriented actions to negate any 1 zille-oriented action to keep it relevant in case we go past 11,000 interactions.

    Because of the character of the Feat, I don't think it's an issue that this can't easily be divvied up into 1st place, 2nd place,...  While the other Feats favor teams of different sizes, this is for all of Ur, and could be paid out evenly to all participants if the Feat is successful.  The reward for the feat doesn't have to be rocks since the collectibles from those are currently tied with individual accomplishments in feats.  I suggest that everyone receive rainbow potions and a note to hold onto them.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Flatulence Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Day 5: The Epic of Zethyir the Zillot - Reconciliation of the Sun and Earth

    And so Ur was brought back into harmony by the Giants who gathered just out of sight and let the Glitchen of Ur pretend they had done the real work.  The Giants were all important in their own way, and Spriggan certainly had no complaints about these new batterfly...things.  Lem had set about imagining a new adventure, and Pot had gone off for a nap.  To celebrate the new harmony in Ur, the rainbow potion was imagined so that the Earth could reach the sky and never forget about the other.  Zethyir, thoroughly petered out and a bit tispy on hooch, smiled with the realization that this new era of Ur had brought a new peace to the land and himself.  Taking another swig, he left to spread the joy of knowing all 11 Giants with all of his new friends.

    Pour as many rainbow potions as possible to recognize the reconciliation of the Giants and the importance of balance in everything except rainbows.
    (Goal: 25,000 rainbows poured, Bonus: 60,000 rainbows, Super-Mega: 120,000 rainbows)

    [Edit] Again, condensing Math/Rationale section.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Flatulence Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Canon Rational and Final Thoughts
    I've tried to write this so that it explains minor points of existing parts of Ur rather than asking for additions to the game. [Edit] Text?  Text?  I see no text.  Goodbye wall-of-text, we hardly read ye'.

    Now onto the reward:
    I propose that the final reward be a 1 real-world week change to the bureaucroc spoken flavor text to reflect the happiness and rainbows associated with the Epic.  I propose they say things like "We will be with you immediately!".

    They won't.  I mean, they're still bureaucrocs, and they're going to make you wait, but they will at least pretend to be happy that you're there.  [Edit] Serious aside: If there is an upcoming feature, then I vote that using whatever feats are chosen to release that feature be the reward.

    Thank you for reading along.  If you made it this far, please let me know how you feel about the Epic of Zethyir the Zillot!
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Flatulence Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 street building mountain w/rooks (ends up being special space like group halls or public tree houses, etc)+1 Potion Fun Week
    +1 random kindness
    +1 bacon unlock
    +1 hidden goal
    +1 group feat to unlock group halls
    +1 massive foxbrushing
    Posted 12 years ago by IxÆoN Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ohh how about a great drought and grendalites have to water every tree they see to restore moisture to Ur

    I see a lot of players once the later skills have been learned just harvesting so would make a nice change for the gameplay for a day.
    Posted 12 years ago by ~Arabesque~ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • and another one (would required a tickle function from the bear) and inspired by my new costume (the rams hat).

    The Ramsbottom Ticklers - tickle as many different glitchen as you can with your trusted emo bear : )
    Posted 12 years ago by ~Arabesque~ Subscriber! | Permalink
  • We could call the new feat SUPER Incantations of Absurdity x 4  or Super Incantations of Absurdity x 11??

    The Incantations of Absurdity seemed a bit rough a first but once I got into a rhythm with teams of 3 I found I actually kind of liked it ! :) I thought it would be cool if in the future there were harder incantation feats with more lines that require larger numbers of glitches in a group to say all the lines accordingly. 3 lines was fun but lets make it 4x, 6x, or even 11x the fun! Your thoughts?
    Posted 12 years ago by Arthur Dent-Ur Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Cherry Poppin Spriggots!
    Posted 12 years ago by Riley McGee Subscriber! | Permalink
  • A subway feat that unlocks the newer, better version of the subway! 
    Posted 12 years ago by Mrs. Peacock Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 The Cat Face's Cherry Poppin Spriggots
    +1 For Walruz's The Pilgrimage of the Cubimals
    +1 For The Cat Face's Non-Toxic Moon
    +1 For Lucille's Rook Invasion
    +1 for Sweetum's  The Laborious Lullabies of Lackadaisy Leira
    +1 for Evadrepus Terramere's  Midwife Molly and the Enbiggening\
    +1 for The Cat Face's Million Lantern March
    +1 For Louis Louisson's Something is in the Loam
    Posted 12 years ago by PhoebeGee Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cleaning garden plots could make an excellent feat... Maybe an ancient glitch devoted to Spriggan(?) got sick of all the mess? Or wanted to boost fertility or something?
    Posted 12 years ago by Orchi Da Pea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Jacariah and the Giant Celery Stalk
    One day, a poor and weary Sprigganite named Jacariah was journeying through Andra when he couldn't travel any further. He was tired and hungry and had very little to show for his effort. Feeling downtrodden and without hope, he decided to drop down next to a boulder and take a nap. About an hour later, a swindler Glitchen came across Jacariah's sleeping form and gently kicked him in the side. Jacariah was startled awake and the swindler began his tale of a magic packet of Celery seeds that would grant Jacariah his every wish, and all he had to do was plant them in the ground. Jacariah was slightly skeptical, but the swindler was amazing at his trade and finally got Jacariah to trade his fancy pick for just one packet of these magical seeds. With this new motivation, Jacariah ran home and planted the seeds as fast as he could. He wished that he would never go hungry again and then he sat down and focused on watching the plant grow. He waited, and waited, and waited for the seeds to grow and then after about an hour, the plant bloomed and had produced nothing but regular old celery. Jacariah was so upset that he ripped the plant out of the ground and threw it to his pigs. He then drank himself to sleep, and it was then that he dreamed. In his dream, Spriggan came unto him and told him that if he had faith, and kept replanting those seeds, one day he would get what he truly desired. Jacariah awoke refreshed and with a new mission... he ran to the pigpen and rooted through the plops until he found the seeds from the celery and he planted them and planted them until one day, his dream really did come true... he had harvested so much celery that he never went hungry again, but he was really sick of the stuff!

    The Feat:
    Go to the place where Jacariah met the swindler and receive one packet of celery seeds. Plant the seeds, feed results to pigs, replant and repeat. Plant as many of those seeds as you can within the time limit. Points are earned for every packet of celery seeds that you plant during the time period. Packets are like pumpkin seeds and can be planted in both herb and crop gardens during the feat. Up to TS if guano and potions apply, and if seeds are retired at the end of the feat. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Orchi Da Pea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 The Joy and Magnanimitiousness of Renigald Titterwinkle
    +1 Million Lantern March
    +1 For Walruz's The Pilgrimage of the Cubimals
    +1 random kindness
    +1 for rainbow sno cones unlocked
    Posted 12 years ago by tuqui Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just wanted to say that all the ideas sound really fun and cool. Here are some of the ones that really stuck in my mind as I read all 4 pages...

    +1 to koftun's - The Joy and Magnanimitiousness of Reginald Titterwinkle. Very fun idea!!

    +1 to Vogon Blarg's - The Wardrobe Malfunction of Florabindy. What Gurl doesn't relish the idea of changing her clothes at least 100k times a day?

    +1 to CatFace's - Cherry Poppin Spriggots. Reminds me of old street projects. *sigh*
    +1 to CatFace's - Non-Toxic Moon
    +1 to CatFace's - Million Lantern March

    +1 to Mal'akh's - Ilmenskie Jones and the Large Mysterious Cube

    +1 to the RAK feat. Sounds fun and all those rainbows! Yay!!

    +1 to both the chicken squeezing and the Hooch-o-rama that would follow... Should there be tincturing of epic proportions following the Hooch-o-Rama too?

    +1 to Ayzad's - Street Building Feat. There are so many players who never got the chance to experience street building of old. This would be so much fun for them... Well, I'd have fun too, and that's the most important thing. Am I right?! LOL  >^_^<

    +1 to Ms. Beagle's - Cooking with Cheese and Repair Items on the Subway thing as parts of a feat.

    +1 to LisaNH's - The Giant Feast

    +1 to !$Harrump$!'s - Trading and Home Street Interaction ideas

    +1 to Vera's - ....Did you name this one yet, Ms. Strange?

    +1 to Moehr Ossum's - Mailbox idea

    +1 to Orchi Da Pea's - Jacariah and the Giant Celery Stalk

    +1 to Midwife Molly and the Enbiggening. Love it!

    +1 to Arabesque's - Ramsbottom Ticklers.  heh heh  ;)

    (ETA @ 11:09am Tues, 10/23)

    +1 to Godiva's - Midfever's Eve

    +1 to Csophae's - Gikium Girnimu's Gobs of Games

    +1 to Oxiris X's - The Colossal Quest of Quixtrus

    +1 to WhimpyPotato's - The Hideous Happenings of Humpfry the Humongous

    +1 to Maident's - Sink and Soak  **Only thing is that the mood thing would have to be modified somehow. I don't like that the soaker gets a mood boost, but the soakee loses mood. That's not a fun feat for all participants.

    A HUGE +1 to attila the hun's suggestion of a sort of check box thing like 'liking' something. That would be so much easier!!

    +1 to Shootsin Latters' - The Zombie Apocalypse
    Posted 12 years ago by CoffeeSnob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 orchi da pea
    Posted 12 years ago by Muncey Mango Subscriber! | Permalink
  • CoffeeSnob... ha! Was writing it out as you posted (and got another idea in the process... will write that one out, too. hint: community hubs ;))

    Epic: Esprit de Tii

    As hard as it may be to imagine such a time, legend has it that there were days before potions. Tiites everywhere were not known by the bottles they uncorked, but by the haze of elemental dust that surrounded them. Until, that is, the Esprit de Tii.

    At the twentieth annual FesTIIvity (or, depending on who you ask... FesTIvity), everything changed. This grand FesTIIval brought together Tiites from the far corners of Ur. While they wandered, they gathered. Bubbles! Gasses! Fruit! The bounties of Ur... and Spriggan. 

    It dawned on these fesTIItes that, for years, they had been constrained by Zille. Chipping away at rocks. Breaking them down to elements... and thank Sparkla for the Sparkly, but there had to be more! The Tiites became discouraged. Why had Tii failed them? Why not just follow Zille?

    So they converted. And they imagined. And they shared. And they imagined. And finally, thank Tii (and Caulder's Cauldron) potions came into being. The Espirit de Tii was, once again, alive and strong. 

    FEAT 1: Gathering in Ur
    goal: gather X bubbles, gas, and fruit from throughout Ur. (not home streets)

    From the futhest reaches of Ur, Tiites heeded the annual pilgrimage to the FesTIIVity. The Twentieth Festival, unlike the ones before, was held somewhere deep in the Groddles. Tii Street, perhaps. Previous years had been surrounded by rocks. But, this year, everyone arrived with bags filled with Bubbles, Gasses, and Fruit. This, we now know, set into motion the crisis of faith. 

    Be faithful! And fruitful! And Bubblicious! And... Gassy?!

    FEAT 2: The Converting of Goods
    goal: convert X bubbles, fruit, and gas. 
    (note: this should be based on the numbers of base items converted not on the final number so as to not give preference to the 1:1 items. Variety being the spice of life and all that)

    As the Tiites sat, crushed over their lack of rocks, they began to convert. Cursing Spriggan... and Tii... and Zille. The sat through the night converting their bubbles, gas, and fruit into something... anything. Surely inspiration would strike. Surely something could come of all this work.

    FEAT 3: Passing of Gas
    goal: give X herbs to other players 
    (note: Should be akin to the Zilloween sharing of candy, where unique players counts. Also nice if you could give others one of each herb instead of just one herb.)

    Just when they thought spirits couldn't get any lower, a horrible stench began to take over the FesTIIVity. Tiites, you see, had little experience with the bounties of Spriggan. Fruit was rotting, bubbles were popping and, worst of all, gas was passing. The smell, well, let's just say it was not pleasant. 

    Sil, a Mabbite there only to support his wife, famed Tiite, Allo Vertongue, began to share his bounty of herbs. The Tiites, many of whom were unfamiliar with these wonderful things, were in awe. Not only did they help cover the smell... these herbs did things! Wondrous things. Perhaps inspiration was possible afterall!

    FEAT 4: The Trading of Goods
    goal: Make X trades
    (note: again this should be with unique players to avoid just trading the same thing back and forth with a friend)

    As inspiration took hold throughout the FesTIIVity, the FesTIItes began to trade their goods. A heavy gas for a blue bubble! A cherry for some laughing gas! A yellowcrumb flower for some rubeweed! Over and over again. Sometimes they through in an unexpected suprise... krazy salts! hooch! eggs! guano! Whatever they had, they just began trading. Surely someone could use something and that something could be used for something else! 

    FEAT 5: Caulder's Accidental Cauldron
    goal: Make X potions

    At some point, in all that trading, a little of this and a little of that was dropped into Caulder's Cauldron. The first potion appeared. Of course, the Tiites had no idea what the this and that was, but through their work, we now know the recipes to a number of potions. And, so, today, we remember their work and their experiments by making as many potions as we can.

    FEAT 6: Playing with Potions
    goal: Pour X potions
    (note: perhaps make it so that a player can only use a certain number of potions on a single street)

    With the first potions created, the FesTIItes spread their joy throughout the Groddles. When someone accidentally created a doorway to Ix, the pouring of potions spread there. And then to the swamps, and the mountains, and plains. All of Ur was covered in rainbows and all of the glitches wore hearts over their heads. Trees were poisoned... and then saved! And then trantsformed! Glitches grew and shrank and grew again! The Espirit de Tii was restored!

    Possible Unlocks:
    * The ability to place & use the cauldron (like a machine) in order to make larger batches (say 10-20). With a cool bubbly graphic, of course ;)

    * Upgrade cards to double or tripple the number of potions one can create at a time. (the 1 potion at a time thing is tedious...)

    * New potions: (a couple ideas...)
    * * Imagination Potion - turns all quoins to img quoins (or lets you ignore the non-img ones) on a street or for a period of time
    * * DeImagination Potion - Calls a rook attack
    * * Yo-Yo potion - the reverse of rainbow juice. Drops a platform from the sky that goes up and down and back and forth that you can ride
    Posted 12 years ago by Vera Strange Subscriber! | Permalink
  • something with nibbling pigs. : D
    Posted 12 years ago by Apsd1109 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The naming of the trees

    We all know that paper trees have names (I love them ^_^), but why in Spriggan's name aren't the others named? This is an outrage!

    We will have to get the trees to see reason. Something like planting 1009 Ur streets worth of trees. If I we plant a tree in a street that has already been counted, we don't get a contribution.

    After that, we should have a harvest-off. For 24 hours, the amount of gas, fruit, bubbles, beans, wood, spice, and eggs is tallied. Whichever has the highest amount at the end gets to be named. Even if a Glitch didn't harvest a lot of whichever tree that was, they would get contribution off of each tree they did harvest from.

    Last, but not least, we would have a good old-fashioned save-the-trees. This could either mean unrooking trees or antidotes, not sure which would work better. :)

    Could also be refitted to introduce a new kind of tree ^_^
    Posted 12 years ago by Maident Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Colossal Quest of Quixtrus scavenger hunt
    Posted 12 years ago by Csophae Subscriber! | Permalink
  • NEWBIES must be considered!

    Remember that they YEARN to be a part of everything the "grown up" Glitchens do.

    A feat that NEWBIES can EASILY participate in is the way to go...

    such as SAYING "HI!" to as many new people as possible.

    +1 to Golden Apple. Saying "Hi!" is her idea.

    (back story to be created later)

    ["bonding" with players - new or old - makes for returning players]
    Posted 12 years ago by Ann DramaDuh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • If feats are announced in advance and one that has been described here is used in name & task... THAT WILL BE HANDY
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would like to know more about the great glitch who first teleported a follower.

    So that the feat is newbie friendly, you get points for being the follower.   
    The teleporter can also get points (so we don't get the same mourner/dead imbalance) and we can give the teleporter one point per follower, up to 5 points...

    One last condition I would give would be that teleports can't originate from home streets;  or perhaps even more limiting, the first "followed teleport" happened from the bogs up the mountains, so this one also only counts teleports from Region X to Region Y.... 
    Posted 12 years ago by Awesomasaurus Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This one isn't as newbie friendly and I know some people loathe brushing foxes.... 
    but perhaps someone can improve my idea for a "slox" feat.

    As we all know, Humbaba imagined Sloth's and Foxes into the world at the same time.  One of he first glitches tried using metal rods as bait for Foxes and also tried brushing the fine fur of the sloth's who weren't quite as fast as the foxes.   The fox preserve rangers came forth from the metal rods and the sloth's got their leather jackets to protect their fur.

    However, the next day, a fantastic furniture fixing glitch, brushed the fur of fourteen foxes and fed food rods to fourteen sloth's.  

    The way you participate in this feat is that you get one point for feeding a sloth AND brushing a fox on the same glitch day.  So if you make it to 16 different streets with sloths and feed a sloth on each street, and 13 fox preserves and brush a fox on those 13 streets, you have 13 participation points, not 29....

    I feel like there is significant room for improvement in this feat idea; but I'm just throwing out ideas...
    Posted 12 years ago by Awesomasaurus Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would love a repairing feat ! Like, we'd have to spend # seconds repairing tools.
    Posted 12 years ago by Arylaya Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Right now, my mind isn't quite in the right mode for writing a creative backstory for this feat idea, but here's my idea for a feat:

    A feat based on donating complete sets of all 101 recipes for drinks and meals. The feat page would show all 101 items, and how many of each had been donated, so the feat would encourage mass collaboration to cover the lower quantities for recipes as needed.
    Posted 12 years ago by Miri Tazapin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It's probably been mentioned here someplace but I'd love to have a Feat that I can do without teleporting to any location and with out annoying someone or being annoying to someone.  A Feat in which I don't suffer terribly from Lag and therefore cannot hope to rise in the ranks. 

    I have done fine and have a number of artefacts but lag gets so bad that i can only do a feat for a short time.  I have fought it all day and I give up.  I lose the Server and reticulating times out on me.  I can't complete part 2 (visiting home Streets).  It has been suggested that part 3 may be RKing.  If so, I probably can't do that.  Maybe a Feat that includes at least one Home based Phase?  Thanks!
    Posted 12 years ago by Brib Annie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • IDK if it's been posted yet, but how about a Glitch Train feat? Like, there's a minimum and a max, and you get points for travelling from street to street?
    Posted 12 years ago by Alcie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • kinda lazy to read all the feats- sorry if this had been posted already!

    Booze, Booze, and More Booze.
    What would life be back then without hooch? The Giants knew how to spice life up - with hooch! (blah not writing a backstory)

    Drink at least one hooch in a location! (But try not to die)
    Posted 12 years ago by menthia Subscriber! | Permalink
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