
Region: The Seams

Connects to


Your body
Something to remember:
Your weight, whether you're a thin waif or zaftig beauty, is irrelevant to who you are.

The idea that if you are too fat or to thin you are unhealthy comes from the old and outdated BMI, which we still use today for some reason. Everyone has been fooled into believing it, even doctors.

Even if weight affects health a lot- why does it matter? A lot of things affect health. Weight is the one thing we harp on, and that we are constantly told to change. Don't listen. It's more unhealthy to think your body is gross and ugly than it is to be of the "wrong" weight.

And lastly, there's always someone out there that will love your body. Whether you are fat or thin, someone will find it attractive. You just have to learn to love yourself as you are, first.

You are beautiful, fat or thin. I hope this makes people feel good about themselves. ^-^
A note!
Triangular key (red/green) at Newcot Close,
Open path at Northwest Passage - Wintry place
Hexagon key (blue/red) at Coldthorp Lam,
Hexagon key (blue/red) at Shillrigg Tiers - Snool
Triangle key (yellow/blue) at Hauki Seeks basement,
Triangle key (reg/green) at Groodle Meadow basement - Fernucopia
Square key (orange/blue) at Egret Taun basement,
Triangle key (reg/green) at Gregarious Tower basement - Blooian

Triangular key (yellow/purple) at Thornfad Layers
Triangular key (blue/white) at Subarna Spells
Hexagon key (green/orange) at Firdaus Finds
Hexagon key (blue/white) at Sheba Shales

Lot of wood trees behind a tiny door at Afar Whence, Magha Shank

New locations: Jal, Ormonos, Lida, Vantala
Mining note!
Barbara: 250 chunks - 50 ingots, needs girders (20 per piece), made 7 so far, 4 delivered
Daphne: 190 chunks - 36 ingots, needs metal rods (2 per piece) - made 20 rods (spent 40 ingots)
10 chunks=2 ingots
Piggy Feeder
I don't play every day but I'll try to fill it when I can... I was in the same boat until recently and a friend filled mine for me. :)
A goodbye
For a really long time
11 giants walked around
They thought of funny things
Until their thinking came alive.

And that?s what this game was
You were inside their thoughts
Go, and make them bigger
And we played for a long while.

And we called the giants by their names
There was Humbaba and Friendly,
Alph Tii Zille and Lem,
Grendeline and Spriggan,
Cosma, Pot and Maaaaab.
A note!
Even though Glitch is coming to it's end
My beauty shall shine for all eternity ;D
Dear Glitch,
Everything is Glitch and everything hurts. I love you all.
to a game with a beautiful soul.
A goodbye
For a really long time
11 giants walked around
They thought of funny things
Until their thinking came alive.

And that?s what this game was
You were inside their thoughts
Go, and make them bigger
And we played for a long while.

And we called the giants by their names
There was Humbaba and Friendly,
Alph Tii Zille and Lem,
Grendeline and Spriggan,
Cosma, Pot and Maaaaab.
You are not small at all, Speck.

All of our love.

Leave Glitch a note!
and take a memory with you
My heart aches- even after the worst of days I always knew I could come in here and have a postive moment or a good belly laugh. I've never experienced such an environment where people went out of their way to simply be kind to one another- I'll miss you all so much
A note!
Thanks to everyone for making this such an awesome game.

Sorry to see it go.

The world would be a better place if everyone could just be a little "Glitch" IRL.

Love you all.

Farewell cruel world
So very sad that this world is coming to an end.

oh glitch...
you have meant the world to me. i would give anything to keep you.
A note!
I'll miss you, Glitch. <3
Leaving so soon?
Take care!

And see you later.
It is not a passion. Passion will eventually reward the soul.
It is not an obsession. Obession wil sustain you for a lifetime.
It is not an idea. An idea is the product of an ordinary mind.
It is not an emotion. It cannot be purged.
It is not greed or lust or hate or fear. It is none of those things. It is greater.
The sky is swelling. And all those those with abusive natures had better go hide. It will conspire with the sky, and the air will explode, and the world will break apart and get thrown around like dust.
But it is not the end of the world. It is easily worse.

It is the end of imagination.
A note!
Hugs to you all :)
Thanks for all the lovely hours and hope to see you somewhere again .....
A dream ending
Though the Giants will sleep, we will continue to imagine them, and all the new worlds and dreams we may.

Thank you.
adieu, beautiful thing.
Thank you, Glitch,
for the friends and companionship
for the laugh during joblessness
for the joy that came with a new job

My family, where my real family is 2 days flight away...

Nothing can replace you, I shall be an orphan once more.

BUT I am happy, thank you for the good times!
I lobe you all, happy travels. I will spread the beans in rl lol
A note!
This has been such a wonderful adventure. I'm so sorry it had to end. Thank you everyone here for a wonderful world.
Thank you.
I don't know what to say D:

I feel sad, sick and empty...

I've really enjoyed the time I've spend in Glitch and it will always have a special place in my heart and mind.

The community was the best I've seen in my whole life and I don't think we'll see one like this in a long time...

Thank you TS; Thank you for the wonderful moments I had from Glitch.
Thank you TS; Thank you for the uniqueness this game offered.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
You guys are awesome and I wish you all the best. You guys did a great job and I'm sad it has to end like this.

Thanks you
Good bye
...and thanks for the fish
Do NOT forget!
Before everything ended...
Taupe, the green hoarding glitch, roamed Ur ...pantsless!

Ohh... and there was also YOU!
You existed in his time too.

PS: Boom and Bust, I always Reflect your icons dry and leave without tithing... I regret nothing!
I will miss you guys! :(

xoxo, Vixxxer
So hard to let it go...
I am a stubborn person, which is never easy for me to let go my favorite things, like the Glitch community. I guess now it's the time then.

I will definitely gonna miss everything in Ur.

Thank everyone for playing with me until the end. I love you all <3
A note!
So sad:( Made so many friends old and new here. Good luck to all the staff in getting jobs. Bye (((Hugs))) xxx

Adios, Farewell, and Amen
I wish I had found Glitch sooner... You all are so wonderful, and I have enjoyed myself immensely since I discovered it a month or so ago. I will miss it greatly. Good luck to all of you :)
I am going to miss Glitch.
A note!
Thanks, all
For rahaeli, who invited tons of people over from Dreamwidth. For all the people in Global who were friendly and talked to me during the feat my first weekend here. For all the people I've met and talked to, you are awesome! For Tiny Speck, I only wish I had discovered Glitch sooner. Thank you for creating such a wonderful game, and best of luck wherever you go next.
<3, Gwaihiril
Goodbye Glitch
This is the cutest, funniest, quirkiest and LOVELIEST game I have ever played. I never thought I could feel so much for "just a game"...but Glitch was so much more than that. Thank you to the developers and to all the players who helped make it wonderful. I will miss you dearly.
To all Glitchens!
I'm really sad that this game is almost over. :(
The time spent here has been wonderful. I love the people who play this game, and the people who make this game.

Thank you for a very short, but fulfilling 2 months!
Goodbye, Glitch
Never again will a Tuna catch salmon.
Never again will trees make bad jokes.
There will never be a game as awesome as this one,
So excuse my bad poem, my sobs and my chokes.
Goodbye Glitch
I'll miss all that is Ur like an irretreivable piece of my own heart. Much love. <3
Farewell my Glitch!
When I started this, I had no idea how much I would love it. Remember to keep your imagination alive and to always look for the fun way to do things.
So long...
... and thanks for all the Glitch.
Sad bear.
They say all good things have to come to an end.

I just wish it wasn't just now. =(

Thanks TS for this wondeful experience! I'll miss Ur.
Thank you Tiny Speck
For filling my little heart with such glee over the past year. x
My friends:
The story never ends.

It only changes shape.
A note!
I never gonna forget this moments in glitch.
Thank you !
For such an amazing experience. This game is so beautiful and human and glitchy. You developers are amazing people, and have attracted a community of fabulous people. I and we will never forget you.

And I found my Love here too! Or shall I say, she found me <3

-Sersch, aka Mystrcoffee
So I guess,
Writing this on Twoday, 4th of Doom.
A few weeks from the announcement
that Ur will end. Leaves me feeling kinda
funny, and feeling kinda sad.

This game was an addiction I've been hooked
on for about 3 weeks now. I cannot imagine the
tragedy for those who have played this for years.

I guess, there might still be a chance.
There are still a few weeks left. And maybe the media coverage of
the death of this game could prompt some benevolent billionaire
to save it from oblivion.

A note!
I hear the end is coming and I am scared. All I know is here in this world. The neverending glow of the sun, fellow Glitchens of all sorts jumping and cooking and smelting, trading and selling, laughing and tilling, tithing and fighting the claws of the rook. What will become of me and all of us? Where will we go when the giants think of other things?I am cold, scared, and already lonely as I walk this world, trying to find corners I have yet to explore. If only there was a way to carry on. I don't want us to cease.I will miss you my brothers and sisters.Zilbert Xpigg
Here is my heartfelt farewell and thank you to TS and every single Glitch that made this place so special and whimisical every day. I will miss everything about this place.

Thank you all again. Take care, be creative and carry the spirit of this place with you every day. <3
A note!
Just...thank you. It's been awesome. Time to go xxx
Dear TS:
Thanks for the memories!
A heartfelt thank you
Good bye to my dreams,

I will hold you all in my heart for you gave to me a world beyond imagination, and for that I feel truely the giants blessed me.

I never got my wings, yet I soared among the stars and played with Giants and angels

So I leave you with a heartfelt Thank You

all my love

Happy Place
Thanks Ur, for being my happy place. When life was hard and my mind was foggy - you were always there for me. This was the most amazing community I've ever had the honor of being a part of.
Dearest Tiny Speck
It was a short run, but this game was truly amazing, weird, preposterous, and worth every minute. We love you, and we hope you make many beautiful things in the future. <3
I've never cried about the Internet before.

Thanks, Glitch & TS, for everything!

<3 <3 <3
If you feel the need to say something. Please leave more for others to share.
Almost forgot...
this saddest day.

I will miss you, Ur, and all your inhabitants.
Thanks and goodbyes
This world is beautifull and will never be forgotten. Thankyou, Ur, Glitchen, Giants, Everyone.
Thank you Tiny and fellow Glitchians
Glitch was my refuge when the real world became too though. Everything in here were kind and quirky, even death.
I'm going to miss it.
Thank you for a good time.
Good luck in the future.
Thank you
dear glitchen for making the past year such fun.

Miss you all, love you lots

x x x x
You are such a big part of my life.
I'm not sure what I will do without you.

(BTW, may as well confess...I'm 53 years old. This game truly is without limits...while playing it, I feel ageless.)

"For in that sleep of death what dreams may come...." William Shakespeare

A blessing
You all are wonderful, a blessing to me
Reading these notes, makes it hard to see :(
Write something!
Thank you Glitch
This is the only place I ever felt truly at home. Where nothing and everything made sense.
This community accomplished something wonderful, and that in itself is a glorious FEAT!
I'm lost
What now? Where will we all go? What about the giants?
I will miss Glitch so much. I will never be able to talk to trees again, milk butterflies, visit homestreets, play game of crowns, play with my play cube...
Thank you, Tiny Speck, for this amazing game!
Thank you
Thank you, Tiny Speck. Thank you, Glitchens. For every line of code, every pixel, every sound, every answer, every credit, every token, every update, every random kindness, every kiss, every hug, every high five, every act of generosity and kindness. I'll miss you deeply. You were and are one of the greatest.
A rememberance.
It was a short, strange, trip, but I do not regret it at all.

- Saint Fnordius
To the end
For all great jouneys come to an end its hard i dont know how i will cope this was the only people that i knew that were this nice ur was beautiful and so was the game and all of the people in the game so far well may Ur and all that is in it remain in are minds and hearts......: - (
Good bye, Glitch.
Thank you, TS, for giving us all such a wonderful, detailed, amazing world to escape to. I hope it will return some day.
A sad note!
To the weirdiest and quirkiest game i've ever played.

I'm sad its coming to an end.

McNutty ...you will be missed the most! :(

Well now...
Tis been a long and crazy road full of luls, tears, and crazy cat ears, but now it seems the end has come, yes the end that comes to all things great and vile alike. Forget not the joys you had here still and hold them forever for joy is the greatest gift given. Fret not for what is lost but rejoice for what has been found. Your friends will forever be with you :)
Well glitch old boy
It was the best time ever here, I was never bored a second with all the best people from all over the world and they all could just get along. I also made friend here that just brightened my day every time. So much love and joy in this best world full of giant imagination. The thought that this world be gone in less than a month just brings a tear to my eye.
I just feel so lost now.
Be safe everybody be safe!
With lots and lots of love, Nutty
A note!
thank you Stoot & all of TS for this wonderful world of Imagination... I will always cherish the fun & memories you gave me.... hugs, Purplemajick
it's goofy.
i didn't come to this game because i wanted a game. i was just poking around.

but i loved ti.

i loved my littlegroddle forest treehouse, and my groddle meadow cottage.

i loved it on mornigns when i got out of bed remmebering that i'd lost my best friend and my church had kicked me out.

it gave me a thing yto hold on to that was sweet and beautiful, that could get me through the bad patches.

i didn't mean for it to be that, but it was.

i wanted to watch the map fill in.

i wanted to build shrines to all the giants and to tell the young ones about the great battle of saker mank (now THERE was a rook battle) and i wanted to dress up fancy and host the kickass house party and give spigots to random people.

i wanted this beautiful world to live.

no i do not know what to do.

I will miss you all!
Much love!
The Midnight Club
The gifted have told us for years that they want to be loved
For what they are, that they, in whatever fullness is theirs,
Are perishable in twilight, just like us. So they work all night
In rooms that are cold and webbed with the moon's light;
Sometimes, during the day, they lean on their cars,
And stare into the blistering valley, glassy and golden,
But mainly they sit, hunched in the dark, feet on the floor,
Hands on the table, shirts with a bloodstain over the heart.
-Mark Strand

So long, farewell....
In my life, only 3 games have ever kept my attention for longer than a week or two before getting sick of them: Civilization, Final Fantasy VII and Glitch. I only found it less than 2 months ago and am lamenting the loss pretty hard.

I hope one day the Gods will find resurrection and can co-mingle again on Ur in HTML5 or as tablet apps. Until then, I wish the crew good luck on future endeavors.

Stay Glitchy,
Existenz / Exist0717
Thank you, TS and everyone
My heart is broken
this is too sad.
I can't bear to read these notes and hear that music with that wonderful background. makes me wanna cry. so... bye.
I'll look for some cheery or angry glitchens to make me laugh.

Thanks kevbob for bringing me into this world (momma!)
Lots of love for my fellow glitchens and the staffers at TS.

Bye Bye
U been like a old friend to me and i will miss u glitch.
There's a Glitch-shaped hole ...
in my heart. Glitch comforted me after Faunasphere closed - I've been almost everywhere in Ur and I love all of it...

I'd like to think that Ur and its inhabitants and the Giants who imagined them all will continue, that my avatar will still wander here...

I guess that won't happen, though...
Farewell our beautiful Glitch
I will remember the music most of all. Quirky, whimsical, lovely music to accompany this world of imagination. I am glad to have spent so much time here exploring.

Thank you Tiny Speck. Best wishes for your future.
Thank you for a great game and community, TS.

Glitch is the only online game I have ever paid money for, mostly because loved it so much, but also because you didn't force me to.


Thank you
Thank you, all of you, for helping make this a wonderful game. It wouldn't have been the same without you.

It may be absolutely preposterous, but I definitely like it.
I am going to miss this wonderful game more than I can express. Does this mean that we didn't heed Gwendolyn's warnings? And now we'll end up drowned just like her...
I love this game, for anyone who reads this, I will never forget this amazing world.
to my glitchy friends
To all of you I have met, and the many, many I have not: we shared something very special. Thank you all for everything.

And especially to Tiny Speck who were able to imagine it all.

It may be sloppy but I can't help myself...
"Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot,
for one brief, shining moment that was known as ....
oops... a Glitch!"
Thank you ... TS and Fellow Glitchens
Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything That's how the light gets in.
--Leonard Cohen

Thank you for the light and the happiness -- to friends all!
Thank you
Thank you, TIny Speck, for creating Glitch and making it such an amazing, full, wonderful, imaginative place. It breaks my heart that it just can't be sustained. I know we, the players, would do anything we could to keep it going if we could. I hope that someday there will be another game that can be considered as rewarding and imaginative as this one--it will never be the same as Glitch, but perhaps something can be close. Thank you for all your work and creativity. I have loved and adored playing here for the brief time I knew about this place. Thank you so much for sharing your imagination with all of us. The Giants will live in our hearts forever. Ur will live in our hearts forever.
fuck. still in denial here.
Goodbye Glitch
I've been on the internets a very long time and never felt as at home, welcome and happy as on Glitch. Thanks TS.
Thank you
Thank you to everyone involved with Glitch. The past year was made wonderful because of all of you. I will deeply miss everything Glitch, but I will always carry a small piece of it in my heart.
One day, a friend emailed me an invite. I never usually click on invites - I did on this one. I entered a world so amazingly beautiful. I had no idea what it was. It didn't matter, within 5 minutes of being in Glitch, people had found me, welcomed me, and given me spinach.

Thank you for being the most wonderful sweetest game I have ever been a part of. I will miss you Glitch. I will miss everyone here.
I don't remember where I heard about this game. (It will probably drive me crazy for ages.) I only vaguely remember requesting an invite, no idea when it was. But it was a long time - I had completely forgotten about it when the message arrived in my inbox.

I registered anyway, with no idea what to expect, and before finishing the tutorial, I was hooked.

This community is so generous and friendly. This is the first online game I ever gave money to, and I was happy to do so. I only wish I could have been here longer - it's a beautiful place with a fun history, and I feel like no matter how long I'm here, I'd never find all the interesting places and unique details that make it so entertaining.

Thanks for everything, Glitchen! I'll miss this place.
imagining and remembering
never found such game like GLITCH before. it trully is unique. i wish i found this sooner. Enjoyed all the Feats. Enjoyed the wackiness that is Glitch. Enjoyed playin with you all fellow glitchens. Loved the community here!!!

And so like how we were imagined and explored the Giants' memories, i will forever keep Glitch in my memory and imagine good things to come :D. <3 ee-kai
Thanks for the wonderful memories
Glitch helped me deal with my depression during a 16-month stint of unemployment. This fantastic game and its amazing community supported me through that hard time in my life and as soon as I got my first paycheck from my new job, I became a subscriber to try to give back a tiny portion of what Glitch has given me.
I am so very sad to see Glitch go but I wouldn't trade the time I've spent on Ur for anything.
I love all my fellow Glitchen and Tiny Speccers and will miss this place terribly.
Thank you,
for the lovely few weeks of wonderful fun, Glitch, although short they may have been. c:
Paying my respects
I came here in August
I met some very good friends here.
I will keep Glitch close to my heart.

To the one in my Spiderman drawing
I will miss you the most.

My house and my glitch are black like my sadness.
Having nothing in my house, save a bottle of purple essence and my Purple Scion cubimal.

I guess there's nothing left to do here.
Except drink the wine and squish some grapes.
Goodbye, Glitch...I will miss you.
Glitch was truly special among MMPORGs. It was creative, beautiful, ingenious, fun and silly all at once. It's rare to find that, anywhere.

I will miss the simple pleasurse of bean collection, hi-fiving random passers-by, walking through mysterious doors, standing on beautiful vistas, harvesting salmon and pork, cooking--oh, how I will miss the cooking. And the casual friendliness of everyone here is part of what made this a special place, too.

Farewell, Glitch. I fear I doubt I will never see your like, again.
My first and probably last note.
I had grand plans for my street, my tower, my home... But once the Giants wake up, this dream will fade away. Everything I've built, contributed... myself, all will fade away along with them.

Hopefully somewhere our notes will be saved. And hopefully someone down the line of time will read and experience the imagination we fostered in this world.
You are beautiful, Glitchen.
I wrote a note previously but it didn't stick around. But I need to make another one and make sure it stays this time. (& I will even if this one's gone :P)
Glitch has been the first game in years, since I was in middle school, that I have been social in. (Middle school was over 10 years ago for me, btw) And even then, it was with my brother and his friends.

I went around Ur, a long stretch if not every land, and left notes to tell people how beautiful they are.

Funny, someone thought I was littering and sought to complain on the forums, publicly. That was sad and made me feel terrible (I actually cried, lol), until the rest of the community stood up for me and I made a lot of friends. :)

I am forever grateful for that. Today, you'll be glad to know that I am now getting proper treatment for my officially diagnosed anxiety disorder.

To end this, you are still beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you regardless of gender, race, size, orientation, or anything else that makes you you.
Our time together has been amazing.
TS and the many Glitchen or Ur,

When my day was unbearable, this was my refuge. I loved the opportunity to float, jump, and create. What this game did to help me when I was not feeling my best cannot be put into words. A million thanks to the community and the developers. I will miss this place.

Much love,
A note!
i will miss glitch so much... i wish it could last forever.
Once in a lifetime
Why are we here, after all? ...and what then, when the last of us, we who shall never forget this place and these times we shared, disappears forever? It was lovely, oh so lovely...
I've only been here since August, but it has been the best gaming experience I've ever had. Mostly because of the people I've met.

At first it was creepy, I'll admit. Having strangers be friendly. It was weird.

And then I found myself being friendly to strangers, too. A little odd.

And then I set up a street with My Stuff that was friendly and accessible to random passers-by, not just people I'd trust. And I was so very surprised when that happened.

And there was a global chat where people would be called out for pejoratives or heteronorming. And I had hope for the internet's ability to build community.

Only here.

Thank you for that.

Yes, even you with the fart jokes. They were fun, too.
I do not watch the game end with...
... sadness. I'm totally incapable of it. This cute game was too amusing and i'll remember what a fun place it was.
I thank you all
in early October of this year, I received the news that my rare genetic disease was progressing a lot faster than any of us had hoped. Without a heart transplant, I will probably die in the next year, maybe a bit longer if I'm lucky.

I sank into one of the worst places of my life then... and I couldn't get myself out. I'm 38 years old and I have children.

Glitch got me through that dark space. It distracted my hysteria and panic just enough for my brain process what was happening to me. It kept me from completely losing it.

And so yes, thank you. Thank you to every developer, adminitrator, and player. From the random Glitchen I pass on a random street who says "hi" to the new friends I've made over the last six weeks. You've given me some hope in people and reminded me that life, in both Ur and outside of it, is about the beauty of imagination, and all of the love it inspires.

My love goes out to everyone here, and I am so very grateful.

Thanks, glictches!
Glitch got me thru a rough year of non-stop pain culminating in back surgery in the summer. It kept me distracted during the downtime of my recovery and gave me loads of smiles. I will miss all the folks I've come to know. this as the first MMO I've been involved with and it was so positive in every way. I will miss the creativity and community I found here. Love to you all.

Dr. Babycat
A note!
One week... I've been playing for one week, and I am so sad it is already over. I'll miss you fellow glitches!
A note!
In this world we walk together

we hold hands for a little while

and then we let go
Thanks and lobe!
Thank you TS. Thank you fellow players. Wishing you all the best.
Thank you, TS.
Thank you, players.

Thank you everyone, because Glitch has been a wonderful experience. I never thought I'd feel so changed, inspired, or heck, attached to a game, but dang. I am very, very sad to see this one disappear.

It was lovely. I have been a loyal player for over a year, and I will always remember it.
A note!
Ur lives forever in my heart. Thank you all.
If I beg and plead and wish hard enough can I make it not end?

Was I not a good enough glitch?
A nice ride :)
Now it will be only in my dreams. Thank you for those dreams.
I was soulless, soullessbroken downhollow as a ghost
but you have brought me back to lifeAnd revived the hope
Take me home...will you?

-for everyone in Ur
I will miss Glitch
I'm what people on different gaming websites would call a "newb," which basically means that I'm am bad at playing this only because I'm new but in the 1 month that I've played this I have experienced what it would be like to live in a peaceful world where EVERYONE says hi and acts friendly to you. Aaahhh memories... On my first week of gaming I was on my way to Ja to see where pocket salmon came from when I noticed a funny looking guy following me. Being playful I decided to use whatever was in my possession to help him get wherever he was going, so I showed him a few paths and next thing I know we were in the entrace to Jal greeted by a person that had a similar name to the boy just before we started pocketing schools of salmon. I will NEVER forget that day... I made my first friends AND was given two bags to help me start my glitchy life. If it wasn't for them i probably still wouldn't be here... THANKS A LOT ABEL CAINE AND LANA CAINE... *sigh* If only this card could help glitch.
To ALL members of Tiny Speck,

Good luck out there! Don't forget to pack your rubeweeds!

_ _
/ \ / \
l l l l
\ / \ /
____ ____ ZILLOWEEN
\***\ \***\ FOREVER!!!
/***/ /***/
\***\ \***\
You are all so very, very magical
Thank you for being exactly who you are. I will try not to be sad that I only knew this place for a bare few weeks. Instead I will hold on to this tiny little snapshot of how beautiful people can be, even in the tiniest of ways, on a tremendously beautiful gameworld given to us. You're all amazing.
Remember the ghost
What is not forgotten is never really lost.
Hard to believe I've been playing Glitch for over a year.

I wonder if the qualities we like about Glitch are the same qualities that would keep it from taking off.

Congratulations to Tiny Speck - for creating one of the most whimsical and inventive MMOs yet. I was always impressed with how hands-on the devs were, and how snags with gameplay mechanics always ended up being solved in the most fun, win-win ways.

Until Dec. 9...
I will miss you :(
I will miss this game very very much. I'm so glad I was able to be a part of the great community that was on Glitch. Best game ever!!!
If you read this...
Too many goodbye notes. I was happy to play here and enjoy this beautiful game. I'm sad I won't be able to play anymore, but I'm even more sad this beautiful world won't exist.

Thanks for a wonderful game.
this game
this game is one of the only games i have played that actually inspired me. it's meant to be a game about imagination, and it sure did. it brought me closer to people, and helped me through some tough times. hell, i announced first to my fellow players when i asked my lovely girlfriend out.
this game is something special, and i hope to see a future incarnation of this beautiful, funny, and amazing world.
I was only imagined a few months ago, but I'm already attached to this world of creativity. I don't want it to go...

This place has heart and quirk, and that's rare to see in an online community. I hope we can all spread a little bit of Glitch to the rest of the world.
Uutiif almost trumps the Forgotten City (FF7) as the saddest video game location
Thank you!
Thanks everyone, it was a pleasure to have this great year of Glitch. I've never played a game like this before, and probably never will.
This is my door.
This is my door.
I have harvested, tinctured, mixed, and poured.
It will search out a path for me.
A path through this hyperspace abyss.
I will walk through and be free.
A street to walk, a place for this.
Good bye, Good bye, for the eve' is a-coming.
I am but a tiny speck upon the sceen,
But I will imagine my best.
A glitch in this wonderous dream.
Daring to walk through my door.
A note!
Glitch has helped keep me going when I couldn't sleep at night during a difficult time. It has touched me, surprised me, encouraged creativity, and especially I've enjoyed talking to other Glitchers. I hope I'm going to keep in touch with a special friend in Texas, and I hope that somehow some of us will meet up again in a game with some similarities to this.
All the best to fellow Glitchers for your lives outside and in your future gaming.
Wycinanki, UK
A note!
Thanks for everything TS. I don't think I'll ever find anything quite like this.
Thank you, everyone
This place has gotten me through rough times and good times. Thank you for everything.
Noooo! I'm leaving you instead!
What am I thinking... I'll be with you till we part, dear beautiful world!

Thank you for the memories. Please come back and haunt me.
I'll miss this
I haven't been here very long, but I know I'll miss this place. Glitch was wonderful, crazy, and fun. Thank you for the small time I got to be here!
This place, fittingly chosen, to me presents the furthest you can get from the world of Ur whilst still within Glitch. Rising upwards, towards the sky, you end up here. Eventually, the world below and around you fades away. Has the Rook won? Will the Giants forget us?
I hear the end is coming and I am scared. All I know is here in this world. The neverending glow of the sun, fellow Glitchens of all sorts jumping and cooking and smelting, trading and selling, laughing and tilling, tithing and fighting the claws of the rook. What will become of me and all of us? Where will we go when the giants think of other things?I am cold, scared, and already lonely as I walk this world, trying to find corners I have yet to explore. If only there was a way to carry on. I don't want us to cease.I will miss you my brothers and sisters.Zilbert Xpigg
A note!
i am loosing a good friend - glitch and with that a bunch of very fine people. i am soooo sad
A Tribute <3
Glitch-You have served me well. I've made so many friends that I will never forget. It has been such an amazing experience, to have glitch in my life. Many people do not understand what glitch means to us glitchens. I am sad to see it go, but I will never forget. Never.
when toots said their failed test of a hardware renderer was the result of a year's worth of work by their flash engineers, i figured Glitch wouldn't be around for another six months. still, it's a crying shame that it has to end this way. i had a great time, and i hope the various projects the staff find themselves on will be more successful!
Goodbye Glitch :,(
I'm happy I found this beautiful crazy game but I'm also sad because we will loose it. This is probably just one of a million goodbye notes. So.. I guess that's it.
Glitch, I will miss you desperately.
One day, a glitch woke up an heard..
the giants say, "Scew it."

Then it happen. Nothing could bring Ur back--not the Glitches nor their imagination. Everything that they have imagined, just kind of ... fizzle.... including themselves.

I guess what the giants and glitches don't realize is that they are part of our imagination (some more than others), and I guess no one can really take that away from us.. can they? It's been short but sweet. Thanks, Glitch! I will always remember this even if I have Alzehimer!

I'm so sad, but...
I'm so sad, but coming to a place like this where there is still the spirit of Ur flowing throughout my comrades makes me feel just a little better, if not more upset that such a beautiful community is going to be forced out of existence. As I continue to explore lands far and wide until my last moments on Ur, I occasionally need to come back to places like here or Cebarkul where I know I can still find kind friends to be together with and remember what Glitch is... was... all about.
I haz a sad
Glitch, you were my first mmo, and you'll always be my first love. I'm going to miss this place and all the brilliant players like mad. Everyone is so damn nice here - it hurts like we are breaking up. :(
A note!
I'm gonna miss this game so much !!!! ;(
Dear Glitch We'll miss you!!!
I feel like I can't live without you Glitch. Thanks everyone for enjoying this awesome game with me I'll mis u all I just can't belieive it's over!
4 GOODBY3 >:'[

What a beautiful place
Never before have I experienced a game so compelling, addictive, or downright beautiful. I wish, how I wish, that I'd discovered it sooner.
Thank you, Tiny Speck, for all your marvellous creation and whimsical humour; and thank you, other glitchen, for helping me believe that not all online forums are the same.
It's not really goodbye...
It's just see you later :)
I am a shadow of a glitch
I keep coming back here, locked in mourning.
One Last Good Bye
now that the end is near i want to reflect on my time in glitch
glitch was like a second home where everyone was in the family its just so sad that we have to leave it all behind
we may play other games but there will never be another game like this one glitch is so amazing
i'll miss all the giants and the animals and the cubimals i'll even miss the rook! i just hope i can remember it all I'll miss all my friends all miss talking to my cousins in maryland so often i'll miss the funny outfits and the friendly smiles of all the glitches i'll miss the music and all the hours i spent hopping around messing with my friends. so i want to say thanks for three years of the most awesome game ever and thanks to everyone who ever played
I'll miss you glitch BUT I WILL REMEMBER,ALWAYS!
So here is One Last Goodbye
Good Night Groddle. And Maybe........... Just Maybe....... we will meet Again?
Love, echo spirit the troll
Do you hear the glitches sing?
Do you hear the glitches sing,
Singing the song of forsworn thoughts?
It is the music of a being
Adrift amongst the lost.
When the web address above
No longer brings you to friends you've come to love
There is a world about to end
And a cry we'll send.
You were just about to win the game!
I will miss this place so much and hold the memories of it close to my heart. Goodbye to my favoritest game ever, with the best community anyone could ask for.


Goodnight, Ur!
lots of love to you!
thank you for this beautifull game. I will miss the players, I hope to see them in other games. I here there are refugeecamps in SL en KoL allready. I might set up my tent in one of them.

And now I must be off. I need to get as many locations on camera as I can! I will remember these mountains, rivers, lakes, big trees and caverns for a long time.

And I will long for my home street for years to come I fear!

Lots of love to all of you lovely glitchians
A note!
I wasn't here long, but I have to say, this is the only MMO-type game ithat I've ever played where people cared more about other players than they did about advancing their own characters. I'll miss that.

Bye-bye, Glitch. It's been fun.

- Veronika
(theoreticalconstruct dot tumblr dot com)
I guess this is goodbye old pal. You've been a perfect friend. I hate to see us part, old pal. Some day I'll buy you back. I'll see you soon again...

Thank you for nearly two years of memories TS, players, friends, devs.

Glitch really is too good to be true I guess. The best things never last.

All my lobe, Avery
Don't know what to say
I'm angry and sad at being deimagined. The Rook won? What happened? Maybe things could have gone better, done better, but it doesn't matter much now. The doctor came in and gave us the bad news. We only have a few weeks to live. I'm trying to do everything I can, keep some semblance of normalcy while taking as many pictures as I can. This was the best game I could have ever asked for roaming and playfulness. Thank you so much.
ill miss you all so much. love beans

I'm lost
So many great notes here, and I'm not sure what to say. I love this game. It has been here for me during the last few months while I have been jobless and miserable. I'm angry at this game for making me love it so much, just to have it taken away. I love those friends I have met, and those relationships that have only been, "Hey, I've got this, you've got that... wanna trade?" I don't want any of this to go away. I'm pissed at myself for spending so much time collecting objects that now have no meaning. I should have spent that time in the Timm and with my friends.

I guess what I really want is our world to reflect this perfectly imperfect world that we've played in. I want to encounter strangers that want nothing more than to help. I want everyone to be able to experience this way of living. I know I'm going to do the best I can to take what I've learned here and take it into the world. I hope you all do as well.

So much love for all,

It's hard to know what to say, losing Glitch is like losing an old friend. To all the people here I never knew, to the wonderful staff who worked so hard to make this the most enjoyable and memorable game I've ever had the pleasure to play, to anyone reading this note...thank you, and I hope your lives remains glitchy and fun.

This game was one of the best things I've experienced on the internet in a long time, and I will always remember it as that.
A note from EmilyGoodenough
I wish it could have been longer... there will never be another to equal this place...
I'm done mourning.
I'm going to try and enjoy Glitch to it's fullest before it's too late.
Goodbye and all my love
Dear Glitch and glitchen,
although it may look like the deimaginators have won, the beauty, fun and sense of belonging we shared will live on in our imagiantions, for that is what Glitch truly is. I will miss you all.
Good Bye !
I will miss pushing the limits of animals on my street !

I play very few games because I find them dull. This is the firt game in a long while that I found fun !

Xyzzy aka Xoop

ps. Reference to Willie Crowther and Don Woods: type the command /xyzzy
End of Days (4/4)
These are sad times as we count down to our final days and think on what we might have done, but I know my fellow Glitchen and this will also be a time of celebration. We celebrate the amazing things we accomplished in the brief time given to us and more importantly we celebrate the Glitchen and Giants who made those things possible. We celebrate each other and in doing so we reaffirm the message that whatever happens to us, this world meant something and will continue to mean something until the end of imagination.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
End of Days (1/4)
Life is a funny thing. When you first experience it everything is exciting and new and wonderful. After a while that feeling tends to fade and things just are. Life becomes routine, and while sometimes still wonderful, true discovery is harder to come by. At the end of life everything is precious. Nothing is mundane; everything is nostalgic. Every action has meaning; every word has value. As Glitchen, we have never truly experienced this end-of-life revelation and it? is? terrifying.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
End of Days (2/4)
I am what most would still consider a young Glitchen?only about two years old?but at this point what does it matter? The end comes for us all and it?s funny to me that we should be sad over this event, and not angry at the time we?ve wasted in a world doomed to die. It?s funny, but not surprising, and not stupid because time spent in Ur was never wasted. Sadness and regret are the only emotions that make sense. We mourn the world, not as it was or will be in the end, but as it could have been if only we?d had more time. We mourn, not for the friends we lose, but the friends we could have made. We mourn for all the possible versions of ourselves that we will never become.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
End of Days (3/4)
I don?t know what will happen to us in the end, I?m not sure if the Giants themselves know, but I have my beliefs and I choose believe that this is not truly the end. There may be no more Glitchen to walk the world and there may not even be a world to walk, but things that have been imagined cannot truly be lost. I believe we will live on, in other ways and new imaginations. The Giants will create more worlds and perhaps we will be lucky enough to visit those too. We will remember and be remembered in some form or fashion and maybe someday in another life our stories will be legend.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
A note!
Thank you Stoot. Thanks to all the staff at TS. This was obviously a true labor of love. It showed in so many ways.

You worked so very, very hard.

We played so very, very hard.

We shared so very, very much.

Thank you isn't enough. But it'll do.

Yes. It'll do.
The Final Candle
The flame flickers, and the candle gutters out. Farewell, whispers the darkness. See you again someday, says the light.
I hear the end is coming and I am scared. All I know is here in this world. The neverending glow of the sun, fellow Glitchens of all sorts jumping and cooking and smelting, trading and selling, laughing and tilling, tithing and fighting the claws of the rook. What will become of me and all of us? Where will we go when the giants think of other things?I am cold, scared, and already lonely as I walk this world, trying to find corners I have yet to explore. If only there was a way to carry on. I don't want us to cease.I will miss you my brothers and sisters.Zilbert Xpigg
Goodnight, Groddle <3
Glitch was a glorious, magical, whimsical escape when I needed it. Thank you, TS, for creating this world for me to play in.
We won't forget
What is not forgotten is never really lost.

This Glitch was here.
The end is nigh.
A note!
Love and Light to us all as the Giants wake, my fellow Glitchens.
& and as Bill and Ted said....."Be Excellent to Each Other! :)
thanks again
you have created something worthwhile - even those of you who've only played for a short time.
Many thanks to the Tiny Speckers.
Glitch is a beautiful and wonderfully well-executed game. I am impressed by the technical skill and the compassion of the team who made this an MMO which encourages cooperation and whimsy instead of competition and griefing.
End of Days (1/4)
Life is a funny thing. When you first experience it everything is exciting and new and wonderful. After a while that feeling tends to fade and things just are. Life becomes routine, and while sometimes still wonderful, true discovery is harder to come by. At the end of life everything is precious. Nothing is mundane; everything is nostalgic. Every action has meaning; every word has value. As Glitchen, we have never truly experienced this end-of-life revelation and it? is? terrifying.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
End of Days (4/4)
These are sad times as we count down to our final days and think on what we might have done, but I know my fellow Glitchen and this will also be a time of celebration. We celebrate the amazing things we accomplished in the brief time given to us and more importantly we celebrate the Glitchen and Giants who made those things possible. We celebrate each other and in doing so we reaffirm the message that whatever happens to us, this world meant something and will continue to mean something until the end of imagination.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
Is it wrong
to want to do nothing except surround myself with small piles of Flummery and stare at the Great Tower until the end?
Wonderfull world
What a wonderfull game, I can never forget my memories here. People who were passing by would always be saying hi. It's a wonderfull community, I have to take every single one of my snaps to cherish. Thank you TS for making this wonderful place.
A note!
Goodbye, Glitch. I will miss you so!
Glitch has been a great part of my life, I thank you, glitch staffs, glitch members and glitch friends for making me have fun on this wonderfull game of imagination, My imagination has never bloomed this way before untill I met this game of wonders.
A sentimental fool
I had managed to avoid tears until I came here.
I can't read any more notes, it's too heartbreaking.

Thank you Glitch and Glitchen. It's been a beautiful couple of years.

'Mo x
Love love love
Write something!
So long
and thanks for all the fish.

A note!
Bye bye, Glitchie Goo. I will miss you, UR :)
Farewell xx
Wow. Would never have thought i would feel genuine affection for a computer game. Yet here I am typing a farewell note to a game with a massive lump in my throat and real tears in my eyes.
Sometimes it's only when something comes to an end that you realise how much you loved it.
I've spent hours in this world, have adored the artwork, the game mechanics and the little details that havae made us all smile.
We will all move on, finding other things to fill our time - but Glitch will always have a place in my heart x
Thank you so much Tiny Speck and fellow Glitchen - i will miss you x
I loved Glitch
And I will miss it so very much.
It was a cool awesomeyear spent here being sillly and crazy.
Thank you for letting me be a part of it.

please don't do it...
GoodBye Glitch
we will miss this best game ever. May the rook end it all with destruction :D!
And thanks for all the fish.
Set free, with love.
When the game ends, I know I'll be set free with love, but I'm still not ready to leave.

During this past year of rough health, Glitch was a near daily source of joy, silliness, and positive energy for me. I'm going to carry all that love in my heart (the unfaded one) and share it in the real world, though I am going to miss Glitch, and I'm going to miss you all.

<3, Good Pilgrim
Good Bye Glitch!
I Love Glitch But Good Bye
I'll miss you and I'm sorry
I have loved Glitch more than any other online game I have ever played I realize now that I should have tried harder to tell everyone I know about this amazing place but it is too little too late now. I had left for ages because I had grown bored and frustrated during the reshuffling and re-beta-ing but I always loved this place. This was my home and my love of wonder and random and beauty all combined and you'll never know how much this place meant to me.
The monkey and the squirrel lady had tears in their eyes, because it was a sad tale, but both of them smiled as well because it was also a beautiful story.
This was more than I could ask for, as I tear down the sky.
Black out the sky and sever these ties.

So here we stand, with this battered path laid out before us and no one said this would be easy but it's something we must do for ourselves.

It's going to be a long, hard road, but we won't walk alone.
I hope we find Glitch again one day
Tiny Speck and fellow Glitchen,

You came into my life when there was not much imagination, where black was black and white was white.
Where jumping was done only in PE classes, cooking was a chore that i hated and gardening was unthinkable.
But you changed all that. I made friends, and sammiches and very stinky cheese.
You will always occupy a special part in my heart. I shall remember you fondly, and often.
Farewell and may the horizon bring you new and better opportunities and most of all, imagination.

A tiny glitch in a vast universe.
intimations of immortality - wordsworth
Our death is but a sleep and a reimagining:
The cubimal that rises with us, our life's star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness

A crazy, beautiful and worthwhile game
To the Tiny Speck staff:

I'm a lifelong PC gamer but never got into MMORPG's because of the predominant testosterone-fueled war-mongering in most games.

Then I found Glitch.

I first fell in love with the art, the beautiful look and feel of the game.

Then I was delighted by the music, so playful and whimsical and spirit-boosting.

And finally, but most importantly, I fell in love with Glitch's values: joyful discovery, cooperative team-building, the rewards of sharing, giving, helping those with fewer resources.

You talked about the desire to create a "crazy, beautiful and worthwhile game." You suggest you failed at the "worthwhile" bit because it didn't make investors or employees lots of money. I would argue that even if Glitch was a financial failure, it was worthwhile in so many ways that matter so much more than pure dollars.

So thank you. For creating this wonderfully worthwhile game. It is, and will probably remain for a long time, the best game I've ever played.
Thank you TS
I'm not quite sure if you guys know just how much you have touched the hearts and lives of people who play this game. You will always be in our hearts.
A bear with no lips
I guess if a teddy bear had no lips, you could call it souless.
So here the lipless bear lies, won't talk either so don't bother asking him to go with you.
I hear the end is coming and I am scared. All I know is here in this world. The neverending glow of the sun, fellow Glitchens of all sorts jumping and cooking and smelting, trading and selling, laughing and tilling, tithing and fighting the claws of the rook. What will become of me and all of us? Where will we go when the giants think of other things?I am cold, scared, and already lonely as I walk this world, trying to find corners I have yet to explore. If only there was a way to carry on. I don't want us to cease.I will miss you my brothers and sisters. - Zilbert Xpigg
I hear the end is coming and I am scared
All I know is here in this world. The neverending glow of the sun, fellow Glitchens of all sorts jumping and cooking and smelting, trading and selling, laughing and tilling, tithing and fighting the claws of the rook. What will become of me and all of us? Where will we go when the giants think of other things?I am cold, scared, and already lonely as I walk this world, trying to find corners I have yet to explore. If only there was a way to carry on. I don't want us to cease.I will miss you my brothers and sisters. - Zilbert Xpigg
I'll miss you all
I will always miss and never forget the beautiful world known as "Ur".
The gameplay, graphics, music, community, staff, ... all this is unique to Glitch.
Why do all great things always have to end so early? :(
A Word from Mr. iOuS
I have been drinking the past few days, so pluse me if a pound a liddle drunk. LoL. In a seriousness, along with most of us, this game IS weird, and admit it, we DO like it. No need to eat aro-er beat around the bush about it. (;P) I have had the most 'awesomeful' time these past 9 months. I really wish this game wouldn't close, but we will carry along with us some good times, who knows...Possibly not the last...Regardless of what ultimately becomes of the Glitchen: Stasis, banishment, immortalized on our walls or asses, I will see most of you on the other side. ;) Stay true & stay real. And when I mean real I mean this, persona wise, because if we admit to ourselves the truth, playing Glitch, playing out our Glitch, at the courtesy of Glitch, we have brought out the best (and in very, very rare *mumbles*troll*cough*cough* occasions, the worst) in people. (But they do that to themselves) Running out of room, Take care, sucks that for most of us, this theraptuical session is closing..
Farewell, Ur, farewell.
Have you read these notes? They tell a story. A story of wonder, of imagination, of a world - a glorious world - that brought together people from across the globe. From all walks of life, all ages & all races. This amazing creation did something we have not yet been able to do in the real world. It threw us together and we stuck. We stuck together like glue. No hate, no jealousy, no prejudice. It did not matter who you were, what age you were, what you did or where you were from. Everyone was kind to each other. Helped each other without seeking anything in return and shared the beautiful world of Ur. No other game can claim this.

Tiny Speck, know that we will always love this place deep within our hearts. We love everything it gave us and everything it promised to give.

Thank you for the most wonderful social and gaming experience I think I will ever know. No other game that has come to an end has left me with tears in my eyes.

Thank you.
Small Voice in a Big World
What is there left to say?

This world was beautiful. It was unique and ridiculous and delightful and wonderful and silly.

It was a secret garden for everyone lucky enough to find it.

And now it's going to disappear forever.

I don't know how to feel...no other game has ever felt this important.

But I won't forget it...I couldn't if I wanted to. It hurts now, but it would hurt more if I didn't try to save as many memories as possible.

...Thank you to everyone who played this game with me. I wish I were less shy and had got to know some of you better.

Good luck in the future.
Snarglezoss and Hogglewarts
Sooo, this is it. The end. We all have to say goodbye to this lovely game that this world will sadly never be ready for.

Let's be honest, a Flash based game where the purpose is to be nice and help one another, wasn't going to catch a lot of attention. There aren't enough people whom actively seek to be nice anymore.

Live your real life a little more like Glitch and maybe, just maybe, the world will become a nicer place.
A note!
I am devastaed !!!
I am.........I am....beyond total devastation!!!!
I am overcome with disconsulate.
The world, nay universe, as I know it will die with Glitch!!!
All I can do now is jump off a bridge!! ( I hope it is a real short one)
But, alas, it seems all that is left is to say is. . . . . .

Goodbye Ur!!
End of Days (1/4)
Life is a funny thing. When you first experience it everything is exciting and new and wonderful. After a while that feeling tends to fade and things just are. Life becomes routine, and while sometimes still wonderful, true discovery is harder to come by. At the end of life everything is precious. Nothing is mundane; everything is nostalgic. Every action has meaning; every word has value. As Glitchen, we have never truly experienced this end-of-life revelation and it? is? terrifying.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
End of Days (1/4)
Life is a funny thing. When you first experience it everything is exciting and new and wonderful. After a while that feeling tends to fade and things just are. Life becomes routine, and while sometimes still wonderful, true discovery is harder to come by. At the end of life everything is precious. Nothing is mundane; everything is nostalgic. Every action has meaning; every word has value. As Glitchen, we have never truly experienced this end-of-life revelation and it? is? terrifying.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
End of Days (2/4)
I am what most would still consider a young Glitchen?only about two years old?but at this point what does it matter? The end comes for us all and it?s funny to me that we should be sad over this event, and not angry at the time we?ve wasted in a world doomed to die. It?s funny, but not surprising, and not stupid because time spent in Ur was never wasted. Sadness and regret are the only emotions that make sense. We mourn the world, not as it was or will be in the end, but as it could have been if only we?d had more time. We mourn, not for the friends we lose, but the friends we could have made. We mourn for all the possible versions of ourselves that we will never become.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
You're amazing.
The music in this game, the heavenly imagery and the sweetness of everything has made this game such a delight to play. It's a shame something with so much love put into it and such a following has to end. To the creators of this game, you should be proud of what a remarkable world you've created. You've touched so many people who needed this.
End of Days (2/4)
I am what most would still consider a young Glitchen?only about two years old?but at this point what does it matter? The end comes for us all and it?s funny to me that we should be sad over this event, and not angry at the time we?ve wasted in a world doomed to die. It?s funny, but not surprising, and not stupid because time spent in Ur was never wasted. Sadness and regret are the only emotions that make sense. We mourn the world, not as it was or will be in the end, but as it could have been if only we?d had more time. We mourn, not for the friends we lose, but the friends we could have made. We mourn for all the possible versions of ourselves that we will never become.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
Thanks for the Piggies...
For the Butterflys, even for the Chickens and the Rube! Thanks for the Beauty of the Art and Music, for the Quests and Achievements. Thanks for the Fellowship and Good times! Thanks for the Genius! Most of All, Thanks for giving this to Me! I love you Tiny Speck!
Portals to the Future
So many Portals to Destinations yet to be Determined. Choose you Future well and don't for get to Dream!
So long friends
My favorite thing to do in Glitch was to leave baby animals in strange places, especially home streets.

I'll see you Glitchen around, perhaps in meatspace.
A note!
wasn't here for very long,
only scratched the surface of what was here to see,
but catch myself humming a song,
from a world, sheer brillance, digitally.

it's demise is a true tragedy.

i leave a cherry in respectful tribute, the first thing i collected here.
Thank you all!
The past four months have been the best of my whole life, thanks to you, all the Glitchen and the developers. In this short time, I enjoyed this game as much as I could, and if I could do anything to save it, I would.
We all love Glitch and even after its shutdown, we will still keep many amazing memories of Ur in our hearts. I will never forget the kindness of strangers I found here. Thank you for that experience.
No matter what time it was, how I was feeling or what I was worrying about before - Glitch was always there and cheered me up. I will miss my beloved game. There won't be a game as great as Glitch ever again.
Thank you, Tiny Speck, for making the BEST game in history. <3
Goodbye. I hope to meet some of you again.

Dear Glitchens...
thank you for being so wonderful.
You made my time in this game worthwhile and memorablle.
Good luck to you on your future paths.
Goodbye, with love.
This is a game & a world that was just much too beautiful to survive; but for those of us lucky enough to have experienced it, it will always remain alive in our hearts. Thank you, everyone at Tiny Speck, for everything.
A note!
So long TS,I have enjoyed your game.Even though i only got to play for a short time.I hope you or someone else,finds the means to bring this great game back to us.

one tiny glitchen
...and now all is over.
"I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things."
Almost forgot this feeling of wonder
It's the end of UR as we know it... and I feel...

So many mixed feelings, I am so glad I got to play, meet such amazing people and appreciate this amazing world. But sad.... I feel I have so many things I still need to do, and the grief is something I couldn't imagine feeling over pixels.

Every one of us will take a little bit of UR in our hearts with us now and hopefully never forget this feeliing of wonder.

Thank you, Stoot, Tiny Speck and every little Glitchen that was ever imagined for reminding me how much love and soul there is in imagination.

Ellezure xx <3 xx
So long, and thanks for the fish
I hope the source codes and assets will be made available for the fans to make use of. Even though the company says that it'd be unfeasible for them to run the game - at worst nothing will happen, and at best they'll make a big surprise.
Hyperspacetime Portal Door
i sure don't know
A note!
This game was a nice happy place. I played it while winding down for the night after caring for my sick mother. It was nice not to kill things but to just have happy thoughts and kind people everywhere. I'm going to miss it.

Thank you, Tiny Speck.
End of Days (3/4)
I don?t know what will happen to us in the end, I?m not sure if the Giants themselves know, but I have my beliefs and I choose believe that this is not truly the end. There may be no more Glitchen to walk the world and there may not even be a world to walk, but things that have been imagined cannot truly be lost. I believe we will live on, in other ways and new imaginations. The Giants will create more worlds and perhaps we will be lucky enough to visit those too. We will remember and be remembered in some form or fashion and maybe someday in another life our stories will be legend.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
End of Days (3/4)
I don?t know what will happen to us in the end, I?m not sure if the Giants themselves know, but I have my beliefs and I choose believe that this is not truly the end. There may be no more Glitchen to walk the world and there may not even be a world to walk, but things that have been imagined cannot truly be lost. I believe we will live on, in other ways and new imaginations. The Giants will create more worlds and perhaps we will be lucky enough to visit those too. We will remember and be remembered in some form or fashion and maybe someday in another life our stories will be legend.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
End of Days (4/4)
These are sad times as we count down to our final days and think on what we might have done, but I know my fellow Glitchen and this will also be a time of celebration. We celebrate the amazing things we accomplished in the brief time given to us and more importantly we celebrate the Glitchen and Giants who made those things possible. We celebrate each other and in doing so we reaffirm the message that whatever happens to us, this world meant something and will continue to mean something until the end of imagination.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
End of Days (4/4)
These are sad times as we count down to our final days and think on what we might have done, but I know my fellow Glitchen and this will also be a time of celebration. We celebrate the amazing things we accomplished in the brief time given to us and more importantly we celebrate the Glitchen and Giants who made those things possible. We celebrate each other and in doing so we reaffirm the message that whatever happens to us, this world meant something and will continue to mean something until the end of imagination.

Words by: WallCrawlingHero
Edits by: Mandustries
It would appear that all good things really do die young. My adventure here had only just begun, and I will miss it dearly long after the end. It has been a lot of fun here and the community is great. Glitch has been a unique and wonderful game unlike anything else I have experienced, and I'd like to thank all of the amazing people who gave that to me.
A quiet tragedy.
It's sad. :(
A Vein Tapped with Love
This is the first MMO I've ever played and I think it ruined me for any other. I don't like battling all the time, which seems to be the main idea in most other MMOs I've heard about. This game provided things I enjoy doing: crafting things, giving/leaving people presents, planting things in other people's gardens, kissing random people (or splanking them if they look a bit sassy), hugging, petting, squeezing, massaging and just generally doing nice things. This game provided all that with a sense of whimsy, playfulness, wonder, and fun.

I wasn't around long. It took a long while to get an invite, but after I got that first taste, I was hooked. I am sad that this place won't be around in the future for other people to fall in love with, but I am so happy that I got to share in some of it's beauty and share that beauty with some of my friends - both real life and newly made through the game.

May the wholeness of Ur and the Giants live on in all of us who were able to take part.
Until we meet again
I started playing Glitch a little less than a month ago. I had a lot of friends who really liked it, to the point of obsession, and I was curious. The game sounded ridiculous. I needed a time-waster. I didn't have much expectation for the game. Boy, was I in for a surprise. The game was gorgeous: beautiful graphics, beautiful music, and the best community of people on the internet I've ever seen. There was no violence, no bullying, no serious trolling: people are cooperative, friendly, and wondeful.

I'm going to miss this game, quite a lot. But I know that someday, the market for this kind of thing will exist. Glitch was the proof of concept, but unfortunately it's too far ahead of it's time to succeed the way it deserves to. But one day, that will no longer be true, and we'll meet again in another game, in another time.

Until then, never forget to dream.

Forever yours,
So sad
I loved this game. I will miss it terribly. I hope everyone has a wonderful life.
Thank you devs
Love to everyone who made Glitch
they are the RL Giants.
goddammit tiny speck
this place is very sad
the music also
im just making a daily pilgrimage here or something idk
To sleep, perchance to Dream...
I fell in love with Ur. I didn't expect to. I logged in, thought it was cute, logged in later...and thus began my relatively short Glitchy life.

I never would have expected to find myself crying all of these tears over a game that I had only spent three weeks playing...but here I am, mourning. Mourning what I won't do again, mourning what I will not get to do, mourning the friendships that will not be made, mourning the friendships that have been made.

This is a beautiful game with beautiful people.

Thank you to all of TS and Stoot for making such a gorgeous world and sharing it with me and all of us.

...and to all, a good night.

Stop all the clocks...
Stop all the clocks, tell the frogs there'll be no mail
Prevent the piggies from squeaking and twirling their tail.
Silence the musicboxes and play the conch like a muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the Faded Hearts come.

Let the subway circle, moaning underground
Scribbling on the Sky Plunge the message, "Glitch Is Down,"
Put a black bow round the neck of your Butler,
Let the Rube forget about all his clutter.

Glitch was my Purple Journey North, my Tower St South,
My Level 4 East and my Level 3 West,
My tinkering week and my Fabday rest,
My noon, my Starlit Night, my talk, my song;
I thought that it would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: Unlit every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away Jal and sweep up Groddle all the same,
For no one now, will nearly win the game.
Didn't matter how bad of a day I had, or how icky I felt. I'd sign on to the magical world of Glitch and the 'simple' act of mining a sparkly with a few friends made everything okay.

I went thru anger, when I first heard. "NOOO, how can they do this to us??". Then I went thru denial "this is a joke, they're kidding". Then extreme sadness. Cried for days. Still am. But now I"m going thru some understanding. What is, is.. I am seeing that I was very luck to have been a part of something so awesome while it was here. I can't thank the TS staff enough for all the smiles and good times. The beauty, the friendship, the glitchen love.
I will take what I learned here out into the real world. I will say "hi' to strangers I pass and see if our hi's match. I will bestow random kindness. I may even water random gardens from time to time. I better not squeeze any chickens though.. :-) Happy Glitching All!
Forever Young
So many adventures couldn't happen today
So many songs we forgot to play
So many dreams are swinging out of the blue
We let them come true.

Forever young, I want to be forever young.
A Simple Thank You!
Thanks so much for this beautiful game. It may be gone, but not forgotten. It has brightened this old ladys gloomy days,it will truly be missed.
Goodbye lovely, quirky Glitch
Thank you for being the place where I did not have to be the responsibe grown-up but could be the child I really am.

I will miss you. I will remember you. I will think of you as I do old friends that are gone; fondly and with a tear in my eye.

Thank you Tuny Speck for building this world so we could all live in it, even if just for a brief moment.
Thank you.
Just thank you everyone.
A note!
you know, I'm finally good with it all. I am actually very okay with it ending now. It seems fitting. Life is short, spend it making friends and being generous, seeing new places and living for what beauty is there while it lasts
Fare thee well.
My dearest Glitch.
'Tis a sad thing, this goodbye is.

The times had here in Glitch I shall remember forever.
Such a wonderful thing, this game has been.

Thank you all for this wonderful time.
Our world will never end
Though the giants may slumber and close their eyes on all there is, this world will never end so long as it exists within our imaginations.

Many thanks to Tiny Speck for displaying what a powerful force imagination is and for encouraging whimsy and creativity within us all.

We are Giants.
Remember Glitch. Think about Glitch often. Imagine Glitch.

After all, that's what this game is. We live inside their thoughts.

Now, we are the Giants.
Thank you.
Thanks for everything, Glitch!
why this
So many doors to so many places.

Ur, you shall forever live on in our hearts.
Overthinking beans and saying goodbye.
I just played this game a few weeks ago
And I love it, it has a great community, beautiful background and music. Sure, sometimes it lags horribly, but compared to other games I've played, Glitch is one of the greatest.

Sad to see it's gonna be gone. :(
Still have yet to lose that loving feeling.
Love you, Glitch.
Thanks for all the fun.
My friends.
To Fenris and Clayr and Fitzy and Innie. Bachjess, daive, deadkat and flaskie. Avery, zooo, Skippy and joe.
For whom of all of us could forget about joe?

My dear, dear friends.
Good bye Glitch
Honestly, heartbroken doesn't even begin to adequately describe how I feel. This is such an adorable game there really will be a void.
I love you, Glitch
and I'll miss you more than I can say. I'll remember you always.

(That makes it sound like I'm all OK with the ending. But I'm not. I still get teary-eyed when I think about it. To all the devs, and all the players: Thank you. Each of you was a tiny speck of kindness in the world. If I can manage to bring anyone a tenth (sorry, I mean "an eleventh") as much joy as Glitch brought me, I will consider my life well lived.)
Be excellent
... to one another, in the best spirit of Glitch.

Watch out for my piggies -- Violin, Viola, Cello, Ophicleide, Euphonium, Harmonium, and Harmonica. If you see them, give them a pet and a nibble. They like that!
Goodbye Ur. Thank you all, for the whimy, the inspiration, the beauty, and the love.
I don't like letting go.
VorpalCheese introduced me to this game, and we shared several good months hanging out and crafting things.

She is no longer with us, and now this game is ending. I'm very sad that one of the things we shared will no longer be. I miss her so much it hurts.

I will miss this great community. You've all been the kindest, most polite MMO community I had ever met.

I will miss this creative, unique game, where people can just be themselves.

On Dec. 9, promise yourselves you will add to this world and make our futures the best they can be.

Goodbye, and stay Glitchy <3
Thanks for making something beautiful.
Always keep a diamond in your mind.
Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Ground Control to Major Tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may God's love be with you

This is Ground Control to Major Tom
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare

This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in the most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
For here am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Ur is blue and there's nothing I can do
Though I've crossed one hundred thousand miles
I'm feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell my friends I love them very much (they know)

Ground Control to Major Tom
Your circuit's dead
There's something wrong
Can you hear me Major Tom?
Can you hear me Major Tom?
A reminiscing
What a preposterous game.
Here we are at the end of the beginning
we got to see the middle coming but the end got here first
I've seen things come, and seen them go
both on Earth and Beyond.
Here on Ur it was different, Glitchens;
there was peace and piggies, beauty and butterflys
everything spoke to us with hope and wonder (and bubbling conspiracy)

Don't forget it when it is gone but don't let it's memory trap you
Let it push you to better things, don't let it keep you from finding something just as good
Too soon, this will be little but a memory
of time well spent
among those who wanted to see a better world
or several

For those who'd like more punctuation, here you go. Spread as you like: ....!!,,,,!! ?? ;;;;::::"" "" ' '

If found after the end, please return to the street of Sparksol.
But only AFTER the End. Before the End, it is meant to be here.
Good things
Why do the good things end?

Thank you, Glitch, for giving me so many happy hours and friendly people to interact with.

I'll miss this all.
A note!
Goodbye, Glitch!
fare thee well
heartbroken. thankful. speechless.
Thank you.
this was the place i remembered my inner child- the one who shared, was kind, slowed down, and gasped in awe. This was a place i belonged to- a place where i was just me, whether that was super-gregarious or on a solo voyage from kalavana to aranna, a place where people would go out of their way to drop a kind note and a drink on my doorstep. A place i made some fantastic friends and learned valuable lessons about myself and my outlook on the world and the people in it. There will always be a special place in my heart for Ur- its majesty, whimsy and mostly its beauty. there will also remain a place in my heart for all those i met along the way- some of them i will talk tto again; and some of them have moved on long ago. i'd like to thank a few friiends, particularly irie,onizuka83,jiapop,voluptua,innie, nanookie, rascalmom, coffeesnob, chester todd, epilady, sideburns, girlthulhu,litapie,icatchm0nkeys,shipwreck, flip,wynella, kastlin, catreana,alephzero,cupcake,shakha,rook,stoot & ts.
Fank OooO
....for making Glitch my happy place....in my heart forever <3
I Love You My Hope - HIRD
the sun sets behind you
and it shines on me too
this view must be the highest beauty

i know a light will pass and the darkness fall
but i do't care about that now

"Thank you" seems so inadequate.
I'm not a gamer, but the concept of Glitch intrigued me. When I started playing a year ago, I had no idea I would love a game so much. The attention to detail, the beautiful graphics and music, the value put on player input, and, above all, the whimsey of it all, has been totally addicting. My heart is breaking and I don't even know why, but I think it's because I didn't think there was a way for people to come together in a game like this, just to have fun and enjoy each other's company.

And now it's ending. All good things must come to an end, they say, and this is no different. To everyone at Tiny Speck, we love you all and are so very sorry. To my fellow Glitchen, I wasn't the most social of players, but everyone I came across in this game was someone I'd cherish as a friend in RL.

I think this is probably the last online game I'll ever play, but that's okay--if you're going to be spoiled for life, be spoiled by the very best.

May the Giants bless us all.

KatyaR and Butler Fry
This is not the end . . .
The Giants live on. They live inside us. They will be with us forever.
Thank you
And so a wonderful bit of imagination comes to a bittersweet end. Many lives were touched, new friendships formed, and a wonderful communal work of art was enjoyed by many.

I know of no one who has said Glitch was ugly, or deserved its fate. Even those who said it was a doomed concept and not a game for them said it was beautiful, quirky.

Thank you for the memories, and keep the faith. This world that eleven giants imagined will live on in untold other imaginations.
Love and goodbye
I can't believe we have to say goodbye so soon! Tiny Speckers and Glitchen, you've made the world more imaginative and lovely and you will be missed.
Our lives are richer because we are Glitchen.
Thanks, TS!
So many futures...
that will no longer come to pass!

I was planning to introduce my son, now 15 months old, to the lovely world of Glitch. He would have been a Giant, because I believe that only a child has the same amount of imagination to create a crazy world like Glitch.

As Glitch will soon no longer exist, I will have to depend on him to find Ur on this side of the screen.

Goodbye, Glitch, Tiny Speck, and fellow Glitchens.
Love and Wishes
Players, devs, founders and other members- quite simply, thank you.

Amazing game, amazing experience and amazing community. Glitch was truly special and while we as players will eventually find another "home" the memory of Glitch will persist on.

As Jodie Foster said in Contact "So beautiful, no words, no words to describe".
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
And the piggies.
And the butterflies.
And the chickens.
And... and... and...


It was a blast.
Some gameshow tickets...
I ran a little trivia show on Glitch that was mostly inspired by the game itself and the wonderful people I met here. It didn't meet up very often, but it was one of the things I loved doing with/for people here.

I hope to see your next marvelous creation! Keep in touch with all of us, Stoot and co.; I'm sure we'll still be there with you the next time you're ready to play :D
floating away...!
Levitation was my favorite skill;
I imagine once this dream soon ends,
a-levitating I will be still

From Ur's foremost levitator extraordinaire!!!
Thank you! I shall miss you Ur, Glitchen, and all the vivid vast cast of imaginings.
As I write and listen to this deeply sad music only days ago I was eager to get on and plant/harvest/call the rube/chat with friends and to log on and find that Glitch was ending... You broke a little piece of my heart with the news...To the team of Glitch.... you made this game a constant in my daily life you made it a little easier for me to go on about my daily life with things I'm struggling with. I just wanted to thank you all..GLITCH will forever stay in my heart and be a memory...LIVE ON GLITCH LIVE ON!
?The heart that truly loves never forgets.?
How can such a small space on a screen hold such a big place in my heart?
Love and Thanks
Thanks for everything, Tiny Speck.
Sending love your way.
Glitch will not be forgotten.
Good Night Groddle
Good Night Ur
See you in my dreams

With heartfelt thanks
Thank you, Tiny Speck. This has been so much more than a game to me. The music, the graphics, the whimsy, the just-right balance of cute, witty and funny. It has been a very special experience. I hope that someday, somehow the planets align and allow you to ring Ur back to life. I will check in with you every so often to see what amazing things you are up to. Best wishes and much love and good will.
Thanks for everything!
I first discovered Glitch during the brief period when it was out of beta, back before it was un-released. I was hooked from the very start, and played whenever I had spare time, relishing the discovery of each little joke and detail. Then I happened to get busy right around when the new housing and img system was released, and when I came back I found it too difficult to adapt to the new mechanics with my old character... so I deleted my old account and created this one, and had the chance to discover this world all over again, only bigger and better than it had been before. I am heartbroken that such a beautiful and unique game is closing. I'll miss the community, the creativity, the graphics, the music, all of it. Thanks to TS for making this experience possible, and to all of my fellow players for being such wonderful glitchen!

-- Thomasina (formerly Dielle)
I love you all!
Dear Tiny Speck
I'm not a gamer - the only other video game I ever played was Myst, and then GNE, which eventually led me here. But this place you've created is magical and welcoming to a non gamer and I am so grateful I lucked into Glitch early on. I often joked, sometimes half convincing myself, that this was all really a sociologist's PhD thesis. It sounds grandiose as hell to say, but I'm serious: the generosity and whimsy that emerged from the players as soon as they had amassed some basic resources gives one hope for humanity. My favorite development in the game was the spontaneous random art projects: the mock wedding in Ajaya, the teleportation trains, the decorations in Plexus, my own (ahem, totally brilliant) creation of a cavern cloud of frogs. No idea was too goofy to draw eager volunteers. That spirit of fun and cooperation, fostered by the tone you set with the wonderful art and inspired silliness, was something truly exceptional. I can't wait to see what you guys do next.
A note!
I wasn't one of the earliest players, but I was definitely among the most sucked in.

Thank you, Tiny Speck, for giving us this incredible game... this amazing community... and most of all, a return to a land of imagination. It's too easy to lose that as we get older and it was amazing to have someplace to come and remember the joys of unlimited imagination.

Glitch will continue to live there. I'll see to that. <3
Farewell Glitch
I never expect Glitch to be end so quickly and so soon. I thought I will enjoy this game for very, very long time. At first, I learn about the sad news, I cried and cried.

Now, I must accept and move on. Seeking on a next new adventure and knew any games in the future won't be same as Glitch.

Glitch, I shall miss you a lot! Please revive this game asap. ~Milolin
All i seem to do is stand here.
I am astounded as to how addicted to this game i became. so sad that it's going away.
There is still a small itch in the back of my mind that says this is all a big setup for something bigger. I really hope it is.
I never listened to the music until now.
...and it's beautiful.
I think the number of goodbyes written here speak for themselves as to how many people this game touched.
I'm not a new player, but that doesn't change the fact that I wish I'd had longer to play.
Another heartfelt goodbye.
This place is so beautiful and the music is so lovely.
I guess I should confess something here.
I've been having depression for a long while. Circumstances in my home have got so that I'm in my room a lot, thankfully with internet access.
Glitch has helped me. It's given me back some of my faith in people. I'd like to write a better, less vague eulogy later, but for now, I will try my best not to cry.
Thank you, everyone. It's been a pleasure and an honour. I'm so proud of all of you.
Thank you!
I'm thankful for this place and these notes that put words to feelings also in my heart.

I had only just found Glitch. I could feel my imagination growing, and myself. Walking past a person on the street, I accidentally said hi, because it had become an instinct from the game. I, who am so shy.

Writing and dropping notes, silly things, poems and stories and thoughts all around Ur, I found myself being creative in a way I haven't been in many years. Not being afraid of criticism, not overthinking it. Just freedom in creating. Thinking of the one who would find the note - how would it make them feel? Thoughtful, happy, special? Or they could think it's just stupid. But that was ok, too, because this world itself was silly, so even a silly unpretentious note had a place to call home.

Now I have bought a notebook which I bring with me in my bag. I will take it to the real world. Thank you for opening my eyes and bringing courage to me. I wish I could stay, but at least I won't forget.
From Green Fairy
Just because this hasnt turned out the way you hoped for, dont give up on your dreams. I wish you all happines in your life and I thank you for giving me smiles and hugs from strangers.

To all wonderful people and glitches who created this place of magic-I love you and will miss you!
See you again someday
It's easy to be depressed about the end of Glitch, but I feel that I would've been a part of it anyway, even if I'd known it was going to end so suddenly. The spirit of Glitch will live on anywhere that players are gathered together to work in harmony and friendship. Glitch has been a bright spot in the lives of its players. Now, go and take your light; spread the good feeling of unity that Glitch wanted to teach to us all. Spread this feeling throughout your day-to-day lives, and perhaps the world will be better off because you have done so.
Bye and farewell
I loved this game more than everything,every morning coming and harvest my pigs and chickens and all the friends I met here.
This is a goodbye,but the beggining of a new end.
Good bye
Thank you TS team and players(!) for creating such a beautiful world, populated by great people. I will miss it.
I'll miss you all
Write something!
Thank you!
I can't really say how much Glitch has meant to me during the short time I've played. I have degenerative damage to my spine, and it coincided with some really rough pain levels and depression.
In Glitch, I was able to do things that I haven't in years. I fell in love with my home garden and piggies and chicken. I ran and jumped, and met people who were kind and generous, and enjoyed a game full of whimsy.
Thank you so much for this time I've had with the game. I can say without a doubt that you have kept met sane and happy for the time I had here. I'll miss it terrifbly and I hope that some day, maybe we'll see it again.
goodbye, fun world
drat. ill miss this.
And still sad :(
WIll be sad for awhile I think. Thanks for the time we had TS!
A note!
Another place of beauty. I am surprised that i am still surprised by Ur.
Thank you for creating Glitch. I only wish I could have found it sooner. It really is something special.

It's preposterous.

Yet I kind of liked it.
A note!
I've thought a lot about the end of this place since I heard of it. This is the only game I'v ever considered spending money on. The only game I didn't feel like it would be stupid to spend money on. It was such a nice happy place to go after work. I would go in and out of playing, but I always thought I'd be able to return. I'm very glad I was introduced to it one day by a friend on Facebook and I'm very gad that I indroduced my mom to it, only glad we didn't have more time. It was so nice having a pretty game with pretty music, that wasn't all about battles. It was great, I wish it could last so much.
Thank you.
I found Glitch at a very low point in my life. I had no money in a big expensive city in a new state without a lot of friends. Glitch kept me going. It was a new idea, a game where you didn't have to kill people to have fun. The people were great. It was the opposite of what online gaming was supposed to be.

I got to go to the release party before I ran out of money and had to find my way back to the east coast. Thanks for the drink tickets. I really couldn't have afforded my own drinks at the time.

Things are infinitely better in my life now. But thank you for being a bright spot in a rough time. Thank you for being more imaginative, more creative, and more fun than anyone else out there.

I'll miss this.
A note!
Please don't go
Look up.
Look how beautiful this place is.

Keep it in your mind. You'll always have a memory of this gorgeous world.

(or you could just buy the art book)

You deserve it, you know? I want you to be happy.
Remember me...
All I wanted to be was a fairly known Glitchian not like a legend but more of a good friend...
Song of a Druid Part One
Friends, do not despair Or bemoan the loss of Ur This message I declare Negativity we'll deter So let this blessing aide you And be on your merry way. Merry Glitchmas, my bretheren, On Dawn of the Final Day
Song of the Druid, Chorus
We'll carve a path to Honesty We'll carve it straight through Hell! And when we've reached divinity, Oh what a tale we'll tell. We'll carve a path to victory! And when this day is done Say you, to your children "I saw that final sun"
Song of a Druid, Part Two
Who were these nobles, these brave souls Who traveled to this void? Joan of Dark, and Pollinaire, to name some of the Globals. Yours truly, naturally The author of these notes The Lone Druid wishes to bid you well So go sow your wild oats! (Chorus)
Song of the Druid, Part Three
The Giants are awakening, We thought they'd slumber long Our rainbow hi's became goodbyes The Rook are dead and gone Good Glitcheem, do not despair. Don't cloud your eyes with tears! We have so much to live for So come now, face those fears. (Chorus)
Song of a Druid, Part Four
Come, my friends, let's celebrate The time we spent together Through all the greatness we've had to face We learned to love another My friends, the Giants numerable Have cared for us so long How sad it is to part. Please be strong. (Chorus)
It's okay to let yourself be sad.
Song of a Druid, Part Five
Blessings upon each of you, Who held the Druid's Code And those of you who didn't, I appreciate your chosen road. We had laughs, and parites, and rocks, and milk And booze and hooch and keys Hey, you know what's curious? We have honey, but no bees! (Chorus)
In there <--------
You have done well :) See you on the other side. Who knows what will be there... One day we may return, maybe not... Think of the wonderful times, not the end. So much explored, so much unexplored. But be thankful for all the time we had :)
A note!
I don't want to leave.
a glitch's swan song
we cried here. we told ourselves we wouldn?t. told ourselves we wouldn?t sink to our knees on cold rock; break down into watery gasps blazing sunlight glinting on our tears. entangled, we collapsed above the world?s surface, marveling at its colours, the endless blue. we were so close to the sun and yet so cold. we went up to all the doors, dotted across hyperspace, looking for the answer to: how can we make ur stay? instead, we heard: look at all this infinite beauty; we hugged by the lanterns in balzare and kloro, bounced in haoma, ice skated by nottis felt the river water lap our feet in the shivering isles. when we all go, will it be loud? will it echo across the soft stars? will we be here with everyone, staring up into the velvet space, recounting parties, feats, laughing together? will the sky crack with heartbreak seeing us all-so sad and happy to have belonged to each other? love is everywhere here. this is the last door, my friends. hold on tight. giants, take us home.
And The Story Ends Part 1
And the story ends Insanity said coldly Still waiting for the chance So out of nowhere it will rise Oh, and another journey starts By the call of the moon Was it really me I saw in the mirror screaming I swallowed hate and lies Through a thousand cries Someone's sucking out my energy What can I do On this road to nowhere Heart of dragon lies At the edge of time And the story ends Insanity said coldly Still waiting for the chance So out of nowhere it will rise Oh, and another journey starts Into insanity's claws Come with me and join me A new life's waiting for you Jump through the mirror Leave fear behind No matter where I tried The candle light seemed Lost forever Before my vision fades -cathedral -falling tears We're not alone There's someone else, too From the mirror's other side Reflecting the cruel part of your soul It's time for your choice
And The Story Ends Part 2
What can I do On this road to nowhere Heart of dragon lies At the edge of time And the story ends Insanity said coldly Still waiting for the chance So out of nowhere it will rise Oh, and another journey starts By the call of the moon Heart of dragon lies What can I do On this road to nowhere Heart of dragon lies At the edge of time And the story ends Insanity said coldly Still waiting for the chance So out of nowhere it will rise Oh, and another journey starts Into sanity's claws I'm not a king I'm just a bard How can I trust If there is good and bad The wounds of life They will remain At least I found a friend -Blind Guardian, Imaginations from the Other Side
When All Is Lost Part 1
I believe... Nothing ever comes to light - Chasing shadows in the night In a starless sky and I wonder why I believe... We will never find a way - That darkness lights the day We never question why, still I wonder why? I close my eyes lost in a memory Just like a candle in the wind What could have been, with just one kiss goodbye You spread your wings to fly Far away, somehow, someday you will understand I hope you'll understand... someday Silent pictures speak like ghosts in the machine Haunting my reflection in the frame Chasing down the hopeful child inside of me Where'd it all go wrong and who's to blame We pass the time away With empty lives, the laughter dies Is this all we have to show? Is this all they'll ever know? Can they find their way? What went wrong? Where have all the heroes gone? Trading futures for a song we gave away
When All Is Lost Part 2
Thinking only of myself, I forged ahead No regrets, no apologies Bitter tears reward the life that I have led A world of lies brings me to my knees I took the road with every twist and every turn The words of wisdom is the lesson never learned Lose your fear and free your soul or The mysteries of life you'll truly never know You?ll never know Is this all we have to show? Is this all they'll ever know? Can they find their way? What went wrong? Where have all the heroes gone? Trading futures for a song we gave away Just gave it away?
When All Is Lost Part 3
I close my eyes, lost in that memory Like a candle in the wind What could have been, with just one kiss goodbye You spread your wings to fly far away I hope you'll understand one day We pass the time away With empty lives the laughter dies And the colors fade ? fade away Is this all we have to show? Is this all they'll ever know? Can they find their way? What went wrong? Where have all the heroes gone? Trading futures for a song we gave away What went wrong? Where have all our heroes gone? Trade our future for a song, We gave it all away... -Symphony X, Iconoclast ----------------------------- As a Glitchen i fear for the end. Will we be doomed to oblivion? Never to have a conscious thought? Or will we move to some other dream? Through it all, i can only hope that whatever our fate, it will be together and that this wonderful dream, this dream that is Ur, will never die.
Farewell at the end of the Universe
I cannot end my efforts here nor from my heart let joy be taken This was my home; I will not remember it as any different Its passage scars my heart but does not break it Too valued are the things that I have gained Far and few between are precious places Better to have shared in brief beauty than turn to stone Light falls even within the deepest shadows When all is said and done a world is only so wide as the mind that percieves it It fades but its impression is left upon me In its name I strive, and recreate.
To Glitch
?No more words. We know them all, all the words that should not be said. But you have made my world more perfect.?
? Terry Pratchett
Goodbye, Glitch
I will always love you.
The End is Neigh
Let us always grow the world around us with our imaginations. Let us be the giants. Let us awaken.
Time to wake up . . .
I'll miss you, Glitch.

Thanks for everything.
Dear Giants
I know with the number of notes left around here this one is as unlikely to be read as any other, but I am leaving it all the same, just to let you know that I, like so many Glitchen, am so very grateful for this wonderful world you made for us. It was for too short a time, but you couldn't help that, and you made it witty, and gentle, and beautiful, while it was here. Thank you.
oh glitch,
you will be so dearly missed. what a lovely little game, and i hardly got to experience it for more than a month! but what a month indeed--if only we could have you for a few more days! thank you for the lovely little memories i now have for the future. c:
i don't know what else to write
i've written so many notes about the end of glitch, and they're all inadequate. thank you for everything.
gleeful giants
Did you ever think about what the first words
In Ur were?
Did the Giants laugh when they saw what they created?
Did they rush to the edge of the clouds and say:
Look at it all! Look at them all!
Have you ever seen anything like it?
Will we ever make anything as beautiful?
I'll miss you, Glitch.
It was fun while it lasted.
I <3 Glitch
Thank you for a beautiful, magical, absurdly preposterous game! These past 13 months have been too short, but I will treasure them. Thank you Stoot, Tiny Speck and the magnificent community of Glitchen I've had the honor and pleasure to have met.
Goodbye, Glitch. It's been a crazy, wonderful ride. I will always love and miss you. Goodnight Groddle. Goodnight devs. Goodnight mods. Goodnight Glitchen. Goodbye.
The end of an amazing era.
We're down to our last few hours, on our last day. The community for this game has been amazing, the art gorgeous, and the music stellar. I'd never seen something come together so well and then fail so fantastically. I wish it didn't have to. I'll miss everything about this game, from each bubble tree to all the players and staff members that have made it something to remember. Lots of love and good luck with everything.
Glitch: A Haiku
jump around the town wishing for a longer round it was worth the time
My vigil. Thoughts on t-minus two hours
My friends, this is the end of all of this. So far, I have kept my tears inside, but I do not know how much longer such will be the case. The giants are soon to be awakening. I will not be sleeping until then. But who am I? Perhaps you've seen me in chat, or perhaps one of the many notes I scatter. I am the Glitch who goes by the Lone Druid. But in another world, in the waking world, I am known by a different name. My friends, I am known as Alex. And I am a student of marketing. I have a wonderful family, with a little brother, and two amazing parents. I am a poet, of sorts. A writer, in my dreams. A lover, occasionally. Remember that, behind our wonderful avatars, we are flesh and blood. And that we can find the love and connection we've built here in the waking world. Are the people out there universally as wonderful? Not quite. But still, they exist. Reach out to them. Never let them down. I sign off my notes with "bless you all." And I always mean it, from the soul.
A note!
My heart is honestly breaking right now.
I'll miss you Ur...
Note Two of Finale. 106 minutes
Hello, friends. To record, here are some phrases I feel like I coined. If not, I never saw them before I used them. If I'm wrong, I apologize. Wordtheft is in my blood; I had an uncle they used to call "Lifty Lewis" for his perchance of stealing jokes. But I digress: "Happy Humbabanakkah!" "Good luck, and Giantspeed" "Glitcheem", in reference to addressing a group of Glitch. It's like a Hebrew pronunciation. I am Jewish, in case I haven't been obvious lately. That may very well be it. And not one of that may perhaps be true. Ah well. Such is dream-life, no?
It's.... 99 minutes. I think
My End of Ur soundtrack is as follows, friends. Someones Rocking my Dreamboat -The Ink Spots High Hawk Season- The Mountain Goats Dancer in the Street, from the World Ends With You Soundtrack Am I Awake? -They Might Be Giants (Perhaps the most fitting song on the album) Erase Me- Ben Folds Five -72 Hours- -Random Encounter The Final Countdown -Europe Last Word- Monty Python's Flying Circus Bonus Track- I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables NOTE ONLY ADD THIS IF YOU WANT TO BE REDUCED TO TEARS Blessings upon you, my dearest Glitcheem. I love you all.
Goodbye, glitchen. Your notes have brought tears to my eyes and yet joy to my heart.
An Ode to Ur and Glitchen
The lands of Ur, they never were, And yet we knew them well. With steady beat, our many feet Touched cloud, touched grass, touched Hell. The firebog fen of Oulanka End, The greengrown Groddle groves, The towering trees of Adspice Lacrimis, Samudra's shimmering coves. With kindly hand, beasts of the land Were petted, milked, and squeezed No blood was spilled, no life was killed, And all were equal pleased. We sought to build, to grow more skilled, We planted, cooked, dug mines. Some goods we made we sought to trade, And surrendered some to shrines. But Ur now stands as Ancestral Lands -- Our time in it is brief No hidden coin could now enjoin More favor, more relief. It grows in power each passing hour, Our souls grow overwhelmed By love and loss; our eyes are glossed With tears for fading realms. The lands of Ur, they never were, But they shall never fade -- Here we sought Imagination; Here we were all of it made.
86 Minuutes
These notes I'm reading are so beautiful. It's everything RIGHT with this game. It's why you're amazing. It's why I can honestly say that everyone here is my friend. Just. Just... I don't express emotions very well. I am... a bit naturally disadvantaged to it. But I honestly must say, seeing all of us jumping around in this infinite void is so wonderful. And seeing familiar names. FAMILIAR NAMES. I almost never have that in MMOs. People message me and tell me how much they love my writing. I am always taken aback. But in a good way. People care. And if the people of Ur care, then so will the real world. Bless you all.
Till soon?
I don't know what to write. I can't ever thank you enough, all of you, glitchen, giants, TS, for the too short time I've been enjoying that preposterous world. Thank you. And I can't believe that our paths will never cross again, so I'll see you all again soon <3
A note!
What secrets are left at the end of everything? Would that I could speak my feelings clearly, but I lack that talent. I can only state what I know. So...My name is Kay. I'm 19. I love art in all forms. I have a family I don't understand (I doubt I'm alone in this). I find life hard, which I am sheepish about, since by all accounts I have a pretty good one. I found this game by accident, and, without meaning to, fell in love with it. I loved it for its substance and its freedoms, and the utter lack of malice. But for someone friendless, the social part of it seemed unnecessary. I regret nothing more than my doubt. I was suddenly exposed to this wonderful group of people who I had feared needlessly. It was the kind of community I didn't think the internet could sustain. I was wrong, and I found out too late. Thank you for being there, even if it was only long enough for me to wave goodbye. You have returned to me my courage which I thought I had lost. Thank you all. I wish you well.
It's the end of the world as we know it!
One. More. Hour
Mercy Mercy Mercy Me... It's all ending. It's. All. Going. But still... didn't we have some fun? My list of inspirational people, in no particular order HP Lovecraft Robert Heinlein My Mother Cosma The Lord The Wright Brothers Nikkola Tesla You Bards everywhere Groucho Marx The Ink Spots They Might Be Giants Stephan Colbert Stephan King King Arthur Arthur Miller Miller Lite Light of my Life Life goes On On it like a bonnet Bonnets... I think that got a little away from me.
TinySpeck, Bye
It was imaginative and fun, and it's terrrible that it did not work. You'll be missed. BlinkiePie
Fare thee well
Thank you, Tiny Speck, for such a wonderful game. I've met so many people here, and we will miss being part of your qorld. Love always! Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!
Less than half an hour
Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear
Less than 10
I love you all. apaciga@gmail.com if you ever want to talk to the Lone Druid.