Lone Druid


Blessed be all your days, my Glitcheem. Ur may be gone, but I remain. And I'll always be here for all of you.


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Lone Druid

"One more day... another day, another destiny"

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If any of you who received your Glitch Icons from me would like to share a picture, go ahead and submit it to glitch_cosplay c: At some point here we'll be working on recipes, as well. <3 I love and miss you all. Gosh. I hum the Groddle theme to myself a lot these days

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Status update
Lone Druid

I submitted mine as a customer appreciation picture! It is so cool, I gave it a place of honor next to my zombie hula girl and a picture of my late grandfather holding me as a baby. :) After all, through Cosma, all dreams are possible! :)

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Status update
Lone Druid

Some days, I remember what we've lost, and it hits me like a truck. My fellow Glitcheem-in-exile, I think you can all agree with this sentiment. Loss is such a painful thing. Knowing that I shall nevermore come home to a happy global chat. Knowing there shall be no new exciting skills I've learned whilst I slumbered. Missing all the "Woohoo!"s, the familiar chimes, and that elusive "Level Up!" cheer. I miss Glitch. We all miss Glitch. There remains a Glitch shaped hole in my heart. I mourn its demise as I mourn the demise of a close friend. Overly dramatic? Perhaps. But, unlike other games, I didn't turn to Glitch for escapism. I turned to it for community. It was a place where I knew that what I was doing had merit. Where people appreciated that which I put into the world. I miss Glitch. And I always shall. But (a term that means Behold the Underlying Truth), that being said, I shall still preach a message of positive feelings. In the loss of Glitch, I have fully embraced society as my canvas, determined to bring the good I have seen in Glitch to real life. I stride with new purpose and resolution: To make society better with the tenants of charity, generosity, and kindness. For that, in truth, is what made Glitch great. It was a world of joy, lacking in snark and cynicism, and full of positive encouragement. And I am happy to report that, in my endeavors, I have found love, acceptance, and many friends. I have actually touched the lives of people, providing help, and in rare cases, salvation. And so, my gentle Glitcheem, my message is this: Keep the Glitch way... go into the world with a happy, carefree heart... it will be like Ur never left. Blessed be your days.

4 replies

4 replies
  1. El Anor

    Behold the Underlying Truth! Brilliant :)

  2. pintoflan

    But then, Ur never did leave, did it? It was and is a dream that all the Glitchen (pinto hopes~) still share, not as bright, not as colorful, yet even more real~ We're here after all~ And now, may pinto have a hug, Mister Druid? Pwease? ^^~

Tchåle Tchåle added Lone Druid as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Kip Konner Kip Konner added Lone Druid as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


My sincere congratulations
Never lose hope, Dorothy Gale. We often discount the achievements of people, when they are about to be undone... but I feel that an accomplishment made with the knowledge that it won't confer any glory is a great triumph.

May your days be blessed, always.

From the Lone Druid
RE: To be honest
What if we are the bang?
A wonderful spot
For a wonderful person. Blessed be., from the Druid, who will be occupying uutiiff.
Re: A note!
A lovely home. Groddle is so full of life. I hope your own life is full of this much vibrant life too!
You will be missed
Oh great Gators of Bueracracy, you shall be missed. Bless you all.

A note!
As a Lone Druid, prophet of balance, and all things just and correct, I can tell you that Mushroom's theory is correct. It was foretold in the stars, and trees, and such.

Do you hear the glitches sing?
Do you hear the glitches sing,
Singing the song of forsworn thoughts?
It is the music of a being
Adrift amongst the lost.
When the web address above
No longer brings you to friends you've come to love
There is a world about to end
And a cry we'll send.
Song of a Druid Part One
Friends, do not despair Or bemoan the loss of Ur This message I declare Negativity we'll deter So let this blessing aide you And be on your merry way. Merry Glitchmas, my bretheren, On Dawn of the Final Day
Song of the Druid, Chorus
We'll carve a path to Honesty We'll carve it straight through Hell! And when we've reached divinity, Oh what a tale we'll tell. We'll carve a path to victory! And when this day is done Say you, to your children "I saw that final sun"
Song of a Druid, Part Two
Who were these nobles, these brave souls Who traveled to this void? Joan of Dark, and Pollinaire, to name some of the Globals. Yours truly, naturally The author of these notes The Lone Druid wishes to bid you well So go sow your wild oats! (Chorus)
Song of the Druid, Part Three
The Giants are awakening, We thought they'd slumber long Our rainbow hi's became goodbyes The Rook are dead and gone Good Glitcheem, do not despair. Don't cloud your eyes with tears! We have so much to live for So come now, face those fears. (Chorus)
Song of a Druid, Part Four
Come, my friends, let's celebrate The time we spent together Through all the greatness we've had to face We learned to love another My friends, the Giants numerable Have cared for us so long How sad it is to part. Please be strong. (Chorus)
Song of a Druid, Part Five
Blessings upon each of you, Who held the Druid's Code And those of you who didn't, I appreciate your chosen road. We had laughs, and parites, and rocks, and milk And booze and hooch and keys Hey, you know what's curious? We have honey, but no bees! (Chorus)
My vigil. Thoughts on t-minus two hours
My friends, this is the end of all of this. So far, I have kept my tears inside, but I do not know how much longer such will be the case. The giants are soon to be awakening. I will not be sleeping until then. But who am I? Perhaps you've seen me in chat, or perhaps one of the many notes I scatter. I am the Glitch who goes by the Lone Druid. But in another world, in the waking world, I am known by a different name. My friends, I am known as Alex. And I am a student of marketing. I have a wonderful family, with a little brother, and two amazing parents. I am a poet, of sorts. A writer, in my dreams. A lover, occasionally. Remember that, behind our wonderful avatars, we are flesh and blood. And that we can find the love and connection we've built here in the waking world. Are the people out there universally as wonderful? Not quite. But still, they exist. Reach out to them. Never let them down. I sign off my notes with "bless you all." And I always mean it, from the soul.
Note Two of Finale. 106 minutes
Hello, friends. To record, here are some phrases I feel like I coined. If not, I never saw them before I used them. If I'm wrong, I apologize. Wordtheft is in my blood; I had an uncle they used to call "Lifty Lewis" for his perchance of stealing jokes. But I digress: "Happy Humbabanakkah!" "Good luck, and Giantspeed" "Glitcheem", in reference to addressing a group of Glitch. It's like a Hebrew pronunciation. I am Jewish, in case I haven't been obvious lately. That may very well be it. And not one of that may perhaps be true. Ah well. Such is dream-life, no?
It's.... 99 minutes. I think
My End of Ur soundtrack is as follows, friends. Someones Rocking my Dreamboat -The Ink Spots High Hawk Season- The Mountain Goats Dancer in the Street, from the World Ends With You Soundtrack Am I Awake? -They Might Be Giants (Perhaps the most fitting song on the album) Erase Me- Ben Folds Five -72 Hours- -Random Encounter The Final Countdown -Europe Last Word- Monty Python's Flying Circus Bonus Track- I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables NOTE ONLY ADD THIS IF YOU WANT TO BE REDUCED TO TEARS Blessings upon you, my dearest Glitcheem. I love you all.
86 Minuutes
These notes I'm reading are so beautiful. It's everything RIGHT with this game. It's why you're amazing. It's why I can honestly say that everyone here is my friend. Just. Just... I don't express emotions very well. I am... a bit naturally disadvantaged to it. But I honestly must say, seeing all of us jumping around in this infinite void is so wonderful. And seeing familiar names. FAMILIAR NAMES. I almost never have that in MMOs. People message me and tell me how much they love my writing. I am always taken aback. But in a good way. People care. And if the people of Ur care, then so will the real world. Bless you all.
One. More. Hour
Mercy Mercy Mercy Me... It's all ending. It's. All. Going. But still... didn't we have some fun? My list of inspirational people, in no particular order HP Lovecraft Robert Heinlein My Mother Cosma The Lord The Wright Brothers Nikkola Tesla You Bards everywhere Groucho Marx The Ink Spots They Might Be Giants Stephan Colbert Stephan King King Arthur Arthur Miller Miller Lite Light of my Life Life goes On On it like a bonnet Bonnets... I think that got a little away from me.
Less than half an hour
Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quack Fear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear not the quackFear
Less than 10
I love you all. apaciga@gmail.com if you ever want to talk to the Lone Druid.