Status update
Carl Projectorinski

You know, it's very emotional and sometimes overwhelming, but I personally appreciate the opportunity to finish up projects and, more importantly, make sure I can stay in touch with the people I care about! The loading screen might be too much though. I find it cute, but my own emotional reactions seem to be out of whack from everyone else's, and we should just ignore them for now.

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1 reply
  1. OMG BACON!!

    I love your perspective, Carl. I agree, I really didn't really anything was too haywire with glitch after they announced it was closing, but the loading screen going backwards is just going past the line. Yep, we know the game is ending, no reason for TS to keep reminding us. The reminder is highlighted in yellow right in front of our eyes before we even enter the game, not to mention my former glitchen friends heartbreaking posts and snapshots. <3

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Status update

I love your perspective, Carl. I agree, I really didn't really anything was too haywire with glitch after they announced it was closing, but the loading screen going backwards is just going past the line. Yep, we know the game is ending, no reason for TS to keep reminding us. The reminder is highlighted in yellow right in front of our eyes before we even enter the game, not to mention my former glitchen friends heartbreaking posts and snapshots. <3

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Status update
Carl Projectorinski

Yeah, I totally get that. I hope a more promising loading screen is fashioned before the last day. Something that hints at the a thankfulness for the time we've all had together, and maybe what we still have going forward. That sort of thing.

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2 replies
  1. Cefeida

    I actually think it's fitting. Haunting, and appropriate precisely because of that. It makes the game feel more real, if you will, like something that doesn't just get switched off with a power button but vanishes slowly, organically, like a dying tree. You can't stop it...but it's part of life. It feels...I don't know, almost like a privilege to watch the world we 'helped create' (gross exaggeration, I know) unravel itself instead of just vanishing like something unimportant, disposible...