Status update

I am a little mad that people are making groups to "nag the devs" to bring Glitch back. Don't you think they're sad too? Probably more upset than us regular Glitchen.

4 replies

4 replies
  1. Seeen

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're only making the devs feel even more worse and heartbroken.

    1 reply

  2. Flowerry Pott

    Thanks for saying this. We should try and help them instead.

  3. cheese danish king

    And don't you think that they tried their hardest to keep the game open they tried everything they could, they had a feat, and they where very stright foward about us not being able to help out and keep this game open. The Devs feele horrible about this and they probaly do feel like they let us down (even though they really didn't) theres nothing we can do they already knocked the game down to one server and I dought they would even hink about building it back up.

  4. iamjd

    Yeah, Sorry That Was Me. Btw I am trying to get them to allow access to the game if we help get them the money they need to bring it back

    1 reply

in reply to

Status update

Yeah, Sorry That Was Me. Btw I am trying to get them to allow access to the game if we help get them the money they need to bring it back

1 reply

Status update

Do you know how impossible that is? The amount of money required is astronomical. Stoot said that they would require the amount that has been donated to the art book, but they would need that much EVERY SINGLE DAY. That totals up to $41,642,850 a year. We definitely can't afford that.

5 replies

5 replies
  1. bumblepuppy

    The remaining core TS team is working on a yet TBA non-game product, hoping to leverage their database skills into a new product not unlike what they did last decade with GNE becoming Flickr. The rest of the Glitch team got laid off in November and many have already moved on.

  2. Ann DramaDuh

    41.642 million dollars a YEAR? Even if Glitch got 500,000 players, they would each have to pay $84.00 a year AND never cancel. That's a very tall order.