
Staff Topic

The official shutdown thread …

Glitch is closing. The details are here:

We will do our best to answer everyone's questions (but please take a moment to read the announcement and FAQ before jumping in). Information on refunds is here:

Over the next few weeks we'll going to be releasing all kinds of things that were saved for later, nearly-done, previously-shelved or are in various states of design. We will do our best to help everyone get the most of the time which remains — you've all been given (or will shortly be given) 2,500 credits and a free subscription.

New signups and payments are now closed.

I feel sick.

[Edited to add, a few hours later]: I feel much better. Thank you everyone, for all the love! Amazing, beautiful and touching.

Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • My heart goes out to all you at Tiny Speck.  I love Glitch, there was nothing else like it, and am sad it's ending.  I'm really going to miss this game and everyone in it.  You guys made something wonderful.  Thanks for sharing it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tourmaline Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've only been here for a month or so, fell in love with Glitch from day one (got seriously addicted would be more accurate), and it's given me such great enjoyment. And now it's going away just when I found it??? D: Damn you, world. This news has made me so very, very sad. :((( I can only imagine what it must be like for people who've been here for much longer.

    Still, I'm glad I got to experience the awesomeness of this game even for a short while. Thank you so much, guys.

    (But I'm still sad, sad, sad.)
    Posted 12 years ago by Dwit Subscriber! | Permalink
  • To the Glitch Community,

    Thank you for being such an inspiration. It has been a real honour and pleasure to build this world alongside you all.

    -gyoza (Fernando)
    Posted 12 years ago by gyoza Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I guess these things happen.  After going through what I can only call grieving.  Tiny Speck, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to meet the most amazing, creative and fun people. I likely never would have otherwise.

    Thank You for trying so hard.  Thank you for giving me nearly every thing I asked for. I guess my last wish would be that you try to make it work somehow, but I am sure you have tried.

    I was shocked and pissed, but you owe us nothing and you gave me an awesome time~ <3  

    You Developers- in all you do are so brilliant. Good Luck!!! 
    Posted 12 years ago by Thursday Soleil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • My goodness, thank you all for all these very kind words. It's all very bittersweet, but we'll try to concentrate on the sweetness.
    Posted 12 years ago by eric Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Awww, geez, I hate to see this. I was hardly the most active player, but it was a comfort knowing that a game this funny, clever, and visually beautiful (with some of the most interesting music) was out there. Glitch memes abound in my house. Glitch has woven itself into the fabric of our lives by being a totally new game experience and by bringing us together (particularly my wife, glassy) with so many different folks, both players and devs.

    Good luck to all you Tiny Speckers. I know you all have the talent, I hope you continue to find the fun. And good luck to all you players who have built these relationships and communities of friends. I hope you can find another place to meet and play.
    Posted 12 years ago by Staggerweed Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Damn.

    I'll miss Glitch.  I'll even miss elf.
    Posted 12 years ago by DrBubba Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm shocked and so, so sad right now.

    Glitch is, no question, one of the best things that's ever existed on the internet. The beauty of the world, the tremendous sense of community, the quirks and humor and fun, and the astounding commitment and responsiveness of the devs... I've never seen anything like it. I doubt I ever will.

    I'm so sorry, stoot and all you other glorious Speckers. Glitch is such a work of love. As heartbroken as I am, I can only imagine what you're feeling right now.
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Coco Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is a real shame, and I'm especially sorry for those on the Tiny Speck team who'll be splitting up.  Thanks for the hard work - it was worth it, I have had a lot of fun playing.  I will miss all of the excellent, interesting Global regulars who made me laugh an awful lot.  A unique community.  Anyone who wants to stay in touch "post glitch", drop me a line!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ms. Beagle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh nooooo!  I just found Glitch a couple of weeks ago!  I love it so much I subscribed the very same day.  The music of Kajuu has been running thru my head as I go about my daily work.
    You guys made something lovely and fun and wonderful. So sad to see it end....
    Posted 12 years ago by OiO Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't know what to say, i feel sad & inarticulate. Most of my fellow Glitchen eloquently spoke my mind. There's no substitute for Glitch, it's more than "just a game".
    I'd like to express my grattitude to all of you, we form(ed) an awesome community, unforgettable to me.

    Much love & my best wishes to all. 
    <333 Big hug <333
    Posted 12 years ago by Leïla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Something must be wrong with my screen, everything goes blurry when I try to read this thread. *sniffles*

    Thank you so much, TS. Thank you so much, Glitch community. It's been a ridiculous amount of fun being a part of this game for the past year.
    Posted 12 years ago by Good Pilgrim Subscriber! | Permalink
  • No. You can't...this is what I look forwards to every day. I don't know what I will do without glitch...I guess I'll shrivel up and die. I'll miss every single one of you D: I'm nearly crying right now...
    Posted 12 years ago by OMG BACON!! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I know that the FAQ says there's nothing to be done. But just how much money would be needed in order to keep this game afloat? Because this is very sudden for us players and with the dedication of this games fan base I feel like a major asset here hasn't been tapped. If it's players we need we can get them. If it's paying players we need, I'm pretty sure we can get those too.

    This is the only MMO I have ever played that I haven't felt pressured by. It's the only one that I've donated to purely because I wanted to send the company money. It's the only game that hasn't somewhat felt like a job. It's the only one with a community of people that felt kind and helpful and nice no matter what. And it's the only one that's consistently entertained me and made me laugh that was interesting enough to have my friends play it to.

    I've worked for groups that were going under. I've been a part of organizations that had to just stop for various reasons. I know that sometimes there really is nothing to be done. But I also know it's easy to feel like nothing can be done just because nothing is immediately available. I feel in this instance we can't give up yet. Even if it means trying to raise money and interest while shutting the game down for a few months it's better than just giving it up entirely.

    All the love and thanks are wonderful. But don't throw in the towel. I don't plan on letting this go without a fight but as a player there is only so much I can do. As a player I can donate if you have a kickstarter or other donation drive. As a player I can get as many of my friends to play as possible. As a player I can advertise and do a million things in that vein. But none of that will do any good if you guys don't put something up for us to do all that for. I don't want a refund. I want a chance.

    We are a community. So unless Glitch is shutting down because of some crazy lawsuit or because the servers burned down, please don't write us out of the attempts to save Ur.
    Posted 12 years ago by Felix Lentil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Still hoping this is a dream. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Papa Legba Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was just saying hello and now I have to say goodbye.
    Posted 12 years ago by favrerocks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • oh no! i've only been playing for a few weeks, but i was looking forward to months of learning new skills, building my house and tower, and making new friends. this is the best browser game i've ever played, and it's so sad that it's going away after such a short time. i'm sorry that this business venture didn't work out for you... perhaps you could take most of the assets you made for this game and use them for something else glitchy on another platform?
    Posted 12 years ago by Beru Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm so sorry. I feel like I failed you somehow. If only I had bought more... if only I had gotten more people on board. Your game's been my entertainment morning and night, pretty much every day since I signed up. It's been wonderful and adorable. It's given me the illusion of having a lovely little farm, providing goods for all my friends and friends I haven't met yet. And I would gladly pay more for the experience.

    My parents owned a small business when I was a kid. Many a weekend was spent folding and stapling newsletters. Many a New Year's Eve was spent counting inventory. And yet, even though we finally got it in the black by the time I went to college, everyone was too exhausted to go on. Our occasional customers would sigh about what a shame it was, and we'd secretly hate them for only coming in once a year and demanding money off their small purchases for being "such good customers."

    So, anyway, I hope it's not like that for you. I don't even want a refund. You folks deserve a good wage for everything you did. The few bucks I spent on clothes weren't wasted. I know the game industry is rough. It's just so sad to have it affect your everyday life like this. I'm so sorry. Much love!
    Posted 12 years ago by Beeple Subscriber! | Permalink
  • GOD DAMNIT! you guys, really, I have read the FAQ and I still can´t believe there is no way to keep this going, there are so many crappy MMO´s out there running and still going that I can´t believe Glitch can´t do the same... yes, I´m talking out of my broken hearth.

    Glitch never reached his prime, I will miss you guys.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm just sitting here in tears, thinking that like so many things in life, I never realized how much the Glitch community meant to me (even when I was preoccupied by RL and work, and had little time to play).

    Singing Goodnight to Glitch was the best thing that ever happened to me.  I will be forever grateful to the Glitch team and all of you for giving me the best thing anyone ever wishes for: to be heard. 

    Love to all of you. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Lelu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Tiny Speck...

     This is the most horrible news ever. I tell everyone I meet about this game. It must be played and experienced. I've hooked all my friends, even those who don't play online games.  If we could introduce everyone who plays Farmville and Second Life...I'm sure they would drop them for Glitch.  I even dropped Star Wars Old Republic and Guild Wars 2 for this wonderful game.
    If it cannot be saved, may I make 1 request?  On the last week...or even just starting now....start some epic feats....start giving things away...knock the prices of everything down to pennies or even free...and cut the learning times down to near we can party and build our towers to the sky and bling our wardrobes out and just party like the end of the world is coming...because for us...IT IS THE END OF OUR WORLD! 

    Let's make the Giants proud!

    Mr Grimbly aka Robert Sandler
    Posted 12 years ago by Grimbly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm so sorry to see Glitch closing :( I love it here.  For so many reasons:

    I love that I've never felt like I was not the target demographic, even though I'm not the "standard" gamer demographic.  I love that Glitch doesn't make assumptions about my gender.  I love that the game is cooperative.  I love that people are so freaking nice.  I love that people stop to help each other.  I love that it was funny without being cruel or sexist or resorting to cheap nasty jokes.  I love the stories the creatures tell.  I love Zilloween.  I love cooking.  I love hunting badges and finding hidden seam streets and doing quests.  I love the magic rock.

    Thanks, Tiny Speck, for everything you made for us.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lassarina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Unbelievable!!! I am so sad. I will so much miss playing this game. I have had so much fun playing since I started in beta. 
    I just can't stop the flow of tears. So sad to see the end of this game............  :-(

    Posted 12 years ago by KinOfWolf~? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm so sorry, you guys :(
    Posted 12 years ago by FaerieInGrey Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you for the game. I just came back to Glitch after a long absence and I was amazed at the changes you guys were able to make. Glitch was very fun for me and had a fantastic community.  Thank you for sharing the game with us and good luck to all of the staff at Tiny Speck.
    Posted 12 years ago by Linfer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Aw, Kevbob and Stoot, if I am this devastated I can only imagine what you guys are going through. I love you for all the relief you have given me from real life. Please let me know where you go from here. I am hugging you.
    Posted 12 years ago by Priscilla Parsley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh no. Oh, oh nooooo. This is so heartbreaking. Glitch is fantastic, and beautiful, and relaxing, and classy, and whimsical, and silly, and head-twisting, and wonderful... I'm so sad to see it go! I never would have expected this to happen - how could anyone who plays this game not love it as much as I do?

    I can only imagine what you guys at Tiny Speck are feeling... thank you so much for what you've contributed. I've never had the honor of playing such a great game as Glitch - not just the game itself but the community and the staffing. Issues were always fixed promptly, the sense of humor about everything was just great, I... I don't know what else to say... *sniffle*
    Posted 12 years ago by Inner Muse Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This just breaks my heart.  My mornings before work are always happy now because I play Glitch every single morning while I drink my coffee.  I really don't know what I'll do without this wonderful community of people.

    I do want to say thank you to all of the staff who made this game possible.  You have really made my life a little sunnier every day.  So thank you thank you THANK YOU for everything!

    And yes, if there is an option of whether or not to receive the refund, I really don't need it.  I definitely got my money's worth out of this game.
    Posted 12 years ago by Samurai Jenn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ...
    ...well, damn.

    I was just thinking a couple of days ago that I ought to send in my illustration portfolio to you guys and see if I could find another way outside of my subscription to contribute to one of the best communities and games I've ever played...

    Glitch has helped me get through some of the roughest times in my life.  Glitch has been there for me when things were things were good, being something I could share with my friends.  I really do owe you guys.

    I hope that we can play together again sometime soon.
    Posted 12 years ago by Classical Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love all of you, and will miss Glitch very much! Thanks to all the wonderful staff and players who made this experience the best it could possibly be!

    Celebrate, every time!
    Posted 12 years ago by Moehr Ossum Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I loved this game. Still do.
    I loved this community. Still do.
    I loved what TS did, from art, to music, to player communications.
    It was exemplary in every way. And an inspiration as to how game companies can and should do these things.
    You did avatars in a fresh way that truly bred love and engagement.
    You did so much right.
    I wanted to work for/with/near all of you.

    This is completely devastating, and shows how a company can do everything right, and still fail at pleasing investors.

    Which stands as my critique against how we fund and produce great things, and at the end of the day, have to meet the expectations of folks who pitched in money, and likely (now) have their hand out.

    It was a great year. I learned so much from you guys (TS) about how to do things now.
    But now I cannot hold you up as an example for how my company should change, because now, everyone will think it's an exemplar of failure.

    I think I'm going to be sick, too.

    I love this world, this team, this community beyond any game I have ever played, ever.
    With the exception of when I played RPGs in high school.  Magical time.

    And that's why the soup of the bourbon.
    Posted 12 years ago by CrashTestPilot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • To everyone who worked on Glitch and the amazing community of players: you made a really cool thing. I'm sad that it didn't thrive and is going away, but it doesn't diminish the awesomeness. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Knitomaton Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I can't I can't I can't even

    I can't bear it

    I can't
    Posted 12 years ago by Pale Queen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm so sorry this has to happen. Glitch was one of those rare bits of crazy beauty in the world, and I'm glad to have been a part of Ur even briefly.

    The world was beautiful, the gameplay engaging, the writing delightful, and the player community lovely - I've never played an online game where I could hold such thoughtful and meaningful conversations as I have with other Glitchen, nor where the environment was so safe for all players. I always loved the game's open and inclusive treatment of gender, and the fact that I never had to dodge slurs on my sexuality even in the main chat.

    There's so much I still wanted to do. I wanted to fight the Rook, I wanted to build a tower, I wanted to learn more skills, I wanted to explore everywhere... It hurts to know I might never see all of Ur. I'd taken a break from playing because my computer couldn't handle the game without frequent freezes, I was going to be getting a more powerful one in December...

    I'm so, so sorry I couldn't contribute more. I loved Glitch, and I wish it could stay. A game this beautiful doesn't deserve to fade away. Thank you, all of you, for everything. Every golden moment.
    Posted 12 years ago by Keysong Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is the saddest news I have received in...a long time.

    I feel compelled to say something, since for a long time I was a bit of an anti-social player. I'm shy and socially anxious and for a while only had one friend who played Glitch rather on-and-off. It took me the better part of my 8 or so months here to finally participate in the Glitch community. But I still loved every minute I played. Usually my issue with games, especially the types you can lose yourself in playing for hours, is that afterward I always feel like I wasted my time. I have never felt that way with Glitch. Sure, sometimes things can get repetitive, but I always find something to do and never feel like my time could have been better spent afterward. Okay maybe it could be better spent, but I don't *regret* playing for four hours straight, going on ghost tours or mining sparkly or getting achievements.

    Glitch was always remarkable to me because of the kind community and creative spirit. Everything is a delight, from activating broccoli, to snorting no-no powder, to talking to trees. Feats and dying Glitchen in Cebarkul and (for me) lurking the forums whenever I didn't have the attention span for the actual game. Glitch has never disappointed me. I love the creativity, the gorgeous street art, all the funny ways I can make my Glitch look, all the cool and weird stuff you can do, even the sound effects (I'm particularly fond of scooping jellisac and smelting metal). I appreciate how much effort TS put into the game and it breaks my heart to see something so lovingly crafted have to end.

    The worst thing about losing Glitch won't be losing the game itself, but all the lovely people I never even got to meet. I've been in awe of Glitch's community since I joined - perplexed at first, then delighted. Glitchen are some of the kindest people I have seen across the internet. I'm sad that this community will be no more, even if I was hardly a part of it.

    I don't really know what else to say, except that I know this game will have an effect on me for the rest of my life. I will always remember the giants, and my little Glitch, and squeezing chickens and harvesting bubbles. It's strange to me that such a vivid world will be no more. I can't quite wrap my head around it. Thank you so much TS for sharing this with us and I wish you all the best in whatever you pursue next. 

    (sorry if any of this is incoherent...crying)
    Posted 12 years ago by Sterne Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have no words. Just sadness. Hugs to everyone.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rammi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I. can. not. speak.
    so very sad.
    Posted 12 years ago by bludwaggie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Right now I'm just disappointed, but I know I'm going to be really upset later on about this. Glitch was where I could go to escape the harshness of the real word and just play a cute, quirky, non-competitive game that's just full of happy.

    I really appreciate you guys offering to refund me back, but I paid to support the staff of Glitch and Glitch itself, and I still support you guys. I won't take the refund.

    I'm going to take a screenshot of all my favorite places in Ur, especially Nottis. The music for Nottis is gorgeous and... I'm upset that I only have a month to listen to it.

    Thank you, Tiny Speck. Thank you for the greatest, quirkiest, and cutest game that I've ever played. I'll miss the game, and the staff, and the community - sure, I didn't talk much, but I really like reading everyone's banter on the forums. Even if it was dramatic everything still made sense and no one stooped to insults (from what I saw).

    I love you guys so much. <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Saphy Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I rarely post in the forums, but I am a regular lurker.

    Oh the sadness. Glitch has been the most wonderful game I have ever played.

    I don't even know what to say. I love every one of you devs, every one of the people I play with each day. I love this game.

    This game was my escape from bad days, from doing work, a way to procrastinate when I didn't want to do a million other things.

    Oh Glitch. What will I do without you?

    Will anything ever be able to fill the hole you are leaving in my heart?

    Oh my wee broken heart...

    <3 Forever.
    Posted 12 years ago by Beezu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Holy crap.  HOLY CRAP.  I feel like I neglected my dear sweet grammy and then I finally came to visit and she had been eaten by her cats.  My dear sweet Glitch is being eaten by cats.

    Augh, I feel terrible.  I have no words.  I should have played more.  I should have gotten more friends to join.  I have no words.
    Posted 12 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This game was so great. It basically redefined what it meant, to me, to play a game-- there were no bosses to slay or princesses to save, but instead a great world to explore, beautiful visuals and a quirky and distinct sense of humor. I don't think there will ever be another game like Glitch, and if there is, it can't possibly be as good. The Glitchan community was great, too, one of the best collections of people on the internet that I've ever seen, due to the mutual spirit of acceptance and willingness to cooperate and help anybody that asked. It is a terrible, terrible loss, for us players and for online gaming in general.

    I wish there was something we could do-- a kickstarter or some other sort of donation option-- so that even if we can't keep the game, we could help the staff move on to their next project. Merchandise would be fantastic, too. Any way to give back as thanks for the hours of enjoyment I got from this game.

    Thank you so much, and I will miss Glitch dearly.
    Posted 12 years ago by Majyyk Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I wish I had never woken up today. I love this game and I love you all, everyone at TS.

    Names would go on too long. My only regret now is that we never got time to know each other better.
    Posted 12 years ago by natsumi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is so sad :(
    Best wishes to the TS staff to recover from this! You are all so talented!

    I've really enjoyed my time on glitch and will miss the community. This feels silly to say, but I love you guys.
    Posted 12 years ago by Isabelle the Pug Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Noooooooo! I'm heartbroken. Glitch is truly the best game I have ever played. The creativity and the love put into it by TS and the players … I just want to say, thank you TS, it's an honor to have played this game for more than a year. Best of luck for all the devs!
    Posted 12 years ago by Cherio Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This came as a complete shock to me.
    ...I don't know why.  We can't have nice things.  Glitch is a nice thing.
    Posted 12 years ago by Impspindle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've been playing this game for only two months with my two oldest kids, and we've had so much fun together - it brought us together after a stressful day at work / school, and we all looked forward to playing, helping each other out with building upgrades, towers, etc. We're all taking this news hard, but we are also thinking of TS staff members. I hope this is just some kind of cruel sick joke.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tarj Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm going through the world now, taking snapshots of all the most beautiful places, because I'm going to miss so much about this place but the gorgeous scenery is the only part I can keep. I can't believe it. I really can't believe it. Except I can. It just hurts. :(
    Posted 12 years ago by Jokes Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So shocked and saddened by this news. This incredible community was too good to last. I never thought I'd feel so deeply for a company like I've come to feel about TS and Glitch. You guys are all incredible.
    Posted 12 years ago by MaryLiLamb Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I literally didn't believe this when I saw the notice... I actually felt sick reading it. And now I don't know what to say. This has been the most amazing game, in my eyes, and has taken me to such a great place that I never even knew was in existence. I will forever hold Glitch in my heart, as much as I would love to just have it stay forever. I understand there is no way, and so all I can say is..thanks for the ride. It's been a crazy time.

    And yet, I kind of liked it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Shrimpables Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am so sad to hear this news, can't quite put it into words, but I think the thing I will miss the most is the joy and the energy everyone put in. Staff, and all. I wish you the best, and I'm going to miss it all. Thank you guys, for giving us so much, right until the end. It was really ridiculous how awesome this game was. And I really kinda liked it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Caesura Subscriber! | Permalink
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