
I Miss the Old Glitch

I don't think we should have everything available on our home streets and in our sdbs. Some things that you can provide from home, like flowers and fruits and vegetables, can be available. But I think it was more fun when we were all out in the world going to vendors and markets and mining rocks and gathering fireflies, and other things that are not usually feasible and possible from a home site.  If I can mine at 10 homes, why will I even travel to new lands?  There should be a division of things we can only do in the world and things we can do in neighborhoods -- or what's the point of having the world? We could just cruise the neighborhoods. Many newcomers have never even gone into the world - they just go from house to house and gather things. Truly, they ask where are the lands - they have not seen any of the beauty of where it all started.  Sorry, but that's my thought. I liked the old way... and for that reason, I don't visit nearly as often -- and I really miss it.

Posted 12 years ago by Chetmo Subscriber! | Permalink


  • +1 to this post. I used to have so much to do in glitch...even though they added more features, I'm playing less and less...I just don't love glitch the way I did when I was imagined into this world. :(
    Posted 12 years ago by OMG BACON!! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It was good for nostalgia, but I prefer the direction it's heading now. The world is still there and it's still populated from what I can tell. I still do my gathering in the main world too, I never used a street path.
    Posted 12 years ago by Draron Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I agree, too many resources can be kept on home streets. There is barely any reason to ever leave the various harvesting routes, really.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sloo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ur is fun, and pretty. Home streets are pretty too, but after going through about ten of they all begin to look the same. Plus, shrines, vendors, and Cebarkul.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sororia Rose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There are some resources you can't harvest on home streets, like salmen and ice. 

    And where would I do all my donating and quoin hopping if not in the streets of Ur? I still haven't explored all of it, so there are more Qurazy Quoins to be found. I've also never been recruited to smuggle a suspicious package off a home street, or pestered by a juju bandit. 

    I'd say I spend more time out in the world than on home streets, and I meet plenty of other Glitchen out there.
    Posted 12 years ago by Annkari Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would agree there needs to be an easier way to enter Ur from home streets in game than having to go to a menu or type in /leave.  Have often wanted an Ur street sign that would dump you somewhere in the world (preferably a hub of your choice or a list of 5 hubs, like we have 5 friends we can visit).  

    I suspect over time that while we can have all the basic resources on our streets, all the stuff that we currently have to buy in the grocery will eventually only be harvested from Ur streets (like salmon and ice).  Since we need those items to make food, we'll be out there, if we like to collect it ourselves rather than buying it from others.  Right now we can also only get fiber and snails from Ur making furniture requires venturing out as well.  Can you survive without ever leaving home streets?  Sure.  But can you do all things in game without it?  Nope...eventually new players will figure that out.  And over time, there will be more that we have to go into Ur to obtain.
    Posted 12 years ago by White Ibis Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There are plenty of motivations to leave your home street and go into the wide world of Ur. Ice-scraping, salmen pocketing and Hi sign evasion come immediately to mind. I have the feeling that more content will be forthcoming that will require us to go out of our home streets.

    That being said I do miss some things about the old game. Balconies, neighborhoods and different housing styles do come to mind. However, as the game and world grows bigger changes are inevitable to accommodate the influx of new Glitchen and so while I do have fond memories of the game as it used to I eagerly wait to see new content more.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mal'akh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Most of all, if you prefer the world of Ur, then you should go out in it.

    I don't understand the stance of "I want to do x, so TS should force me to." I think the real translation is "I want to do x, so TS should force everyone else to."
    Posted 12 years ago by Janitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Janitch

    If you don't like using home streets - don't. No one's forcing you to put a bunch of resources on your street, or to use anyone else's. There are plenty of people who think the same way, too, so start a group and be friends. There's no need to force _everyone_ to enjoy the game the same way that you do.

    {Collective "you", not pointed at any one Glitch.}
    Posted 12 years ago by Kiachan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would agree there needs to be an easier way to enter Ur from home streets in game than having to go to a menu or type in /leave.  Have often wanted an Ur street sign that would dump you somewhere in the world (preferably a hub of your choice or a list of 5 hubs, like we have 5 friends we can visit). 

    Yes, this.
    Posted 12 years ago by Colette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The Urld had gotten quite empty and quiet for awhile as old timers were concentrating on houses and towers. I noticed there were fewer and fewer piggies about too. But lately it is practically crowded everywhere I go and piggies are once again everywhere. There are so many new players running about too.
    Posted 12 years ago by Dr. Babycat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I saw my first Fireflies in someone else's yard, but I haven't seen any since and I don't intend to go looking for them out of the Urld. I've yet to seen jellisacs, barnacles, wood trees, etc. but I haven't collected them and I still spend most of my time in the Urld, exploring. The Urld is intriguing, and that's why people go there - item collection is a bonus, but the art, music, and atmosphere is why people wander about out there. I guess my main point is that if people don't go out into the Urld, then we need to make the Urld more interesting.
    In my opinion, the Urld is already interesting enough, which is why it's populated.
    Posted 12 years ago by Tenny Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yes, +1 janitch.

    personally, i was for ice being available on home streets, simply because barnacles, jellies, and everything else are.

    that being said, when i need to stock up on something, sometimes i go to a home street, but sometimes i go into the world. both are interesting for me. i usually go to a different home street every time and may find other things i like there. for example, i found fyo's tower simply because i was there to stock up on vapour.

    other times i go into the world because i want a change of scenery, less grinding, and i may also have to stop by a vendor and collect my quoins for the day.

    i would be all for resources available on home streets but only certain things depending on 'where' you lived - i as understand this is how it used to be.  but i also don't understand being able to learn everything. the game was more appealing to me when i thought we had to choose a skill tree or two and once our brains were full that was it. as for SDBs, if you're willing to spend the time to go out and collect it, you should be able to sell it imo. but, i still love it as i'm still here!
    Posted 12 years ago by jerk nugget Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I miss old style too.
    Posted 12 years ago by Fly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 to Janitch.

    The old housing wasn't as great as everyone makes it out to be. In fact, to quote stoot: "The existing ones function (barely) as neighborhoods in the best cases, but would be doomed in the long run without rent or property taxes, etc., because of the inevitability of player turn-over. Via this link:

    If you were in a neighborhood where you knew everyone, lovely for you, some of us never saw our neighbors because so many had either taken a break/moved on to other things/life got in the way. So basically it was just you in a neighborhood with a bunch of other players that hardly showed up. Also there was conflicts like how many pigs should be on a street, or what tree should be planted, among others.

    All I can say is, if you miss the old Ur so much, why not try to bring it back? There's an announcement forum, make a post, make a status update, hold events, do whatever you think would make a difference. The old version of Ur has gone behind us. The only thing now is to look to the future and hope that the group halls will help the community out once more.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ayasta Subscriber! | Permalink
    Posted 12 years ago by Gordon Lughsen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think you are wearing rose-colored glasses.  The old houses were tiny, we had piles of stuff on the floor that lagged terribly, and there was no real way to personalize them. Often players couldn't get the housing style they wanted, which they found upsetting.

    Now we have beautifully customizable homes that can be upgraded to the size that suits us and decorated interestingly with a wide variety of furniture. Storage is much better, and the lag situation is better if you don't make too many SDBs. You can have parties in your house with no risk of losing your piles of stored stuff.

    You're wearing rose-colored glasses about the resources too.  Fights about wood trees were bad enough that the magic forests were added and on weekends it could be really tricky to find sparkly. There was a lot of conflict over community herb gardens that wasn't much fun either.

    If you want to play in the world, go to the world. I got bored of the home streets and I do most of my gathering out in Ur now. I only use the resource routes if I have a very specific goal in mind. I think things are perfectly fine.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
  • When streets first came out, I was really excited for the potential they had.  Suddenly I could have resources at my fingertips!  I got involved in routes, prettied up my house, started using the resource routes to grind away for badges and the like.  Then towers came out!  I sold so much stuff, I was making more currants than I knew what to do with!

    And then I got bored.

    I actually stopped playing Glitch for a few months.  I'd try, but after tending to my backyard gardens and collect from my feeders, I felt like I was out of things to do.  But I came back after I set some new play goals for myself, outside of badges and currants: if I was going to sit down and play for a while, I had to go do something in Ur (and not just Cebarkul for the tool vendor).  If I wanted to amass resources for a badge, I had to do it out in Ur.  I finished building six floors of my tower this way.  It took forever, but dang.  So satisfying!

    Also, I stopped using teleport and began trekking by foot to destinations.  Plus, I started taking extensive snaps while wandering the regions.  My currants started going toward putting together gift bags and hiding them around Ur.  I do occasionally use home streets to gather some resources, but I now tend to prefer mining sparkly in Neva Neva and nibbling free-range piggies.
    Honestly, I haven't been this excited to play Glitch since the home streets came out.

    Ultimately, I agree heartily with Jantich's post.  Glitch is sandbox in nature, which means it's open-ended--but also that possibilities are endless.  It took a little searching, but I eventually found what I enjoy most about this game and set gaming goals accordingly.  To the OP and others, I think you can find your own path to fun times, too.

    My best suggestion is that if you want folks to come join you out in Ur, then start something yourself.  Put together a snaps club.  Stock up on Amorous Philtres and start a game of tag.  Hand out Earthshakers and see if anyone in Global wants to group-mine in Neva Neva with you (note: I'm always totally down for this).  Don't wait for TS to give you and other players reasons to play in Ur: just go make some of your own.
    Posted 12 years ago by Classical Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I would agree there needs to be an easier way to enter Ur from home streets in game than having to go to a menu or type in /leave.  Have often wanted an Ur street sign that would dump you somewhere in the world (preferably a hub of your choice or a list of 5 hubs, like we have 5 friends we can visit).

    A while back Stoot said they are working on having street signs that link to your favorite Ur locations from your home street. It should be happening "soon".
    Posted 12 years ago by scragz Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Like Classical, I also took a few months off from playing after the new housing release because I got bored. The new housing with the subsequent routes made playing far too easy. Need wood? There's a route for that. Need barnacles? There's a route for that. Peat? Get it by the metric ton in under an hour.

    I felt that if I didn't use the routes, I'd be losing the advantage of those who did. The routes made harvesting and gathering materials quicker and more efficient. The competitive side of me HAD to be in on that... even if the constant grinding did become repetitive and boring.

    And then it finally occurred to me: "So what?" The point of the game is not to win because there is no winning. The point is to relax and have fun. So I came back with a new outlook and some new goals and I've been on the streets of Ur more than ever. And judging from the crowds I've been seeing there, I know I'm not alone.
    Posted 12 years ago by Perion Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't miss the old Glitch in the home street/Ur aspect. That is okay, I think.
    It's the old community I miss. Remember when global chat was nice most of the time? When Ajaya Bliss was jumpin'? When massive parties began for absolutely no reason? I miss that so much.
    Posted 12 years ago by SeerQueen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love the new houses, and I love the creativity players have had in making the towers, homes and routes their own.  

    If you want to run the world and collect stuff- you can.  I don't think it is taking away from what can be done at all. I think it only adds to the ways we can do them.

    Also.  I agree with Seer.  The sense of community is what I look for and I didn't get that just from old housing blocks that were half empty/ or alt homes anyhow.

    I think the problem comes from people getting burnt out.  Not the changes in housing.

    Also.  And not intended at the op or any posters. I am getting sick of all the complaining. 

    The magic isn't gone. It is what you make of it.  This is a fun game for many people.  
    Posted 12 years ago by Thursday Soleil Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I miss the look of my Cottage house, only for sentimental reasons. They were my favorites because of the 16 plot garden.
    Tho, I did try the 30/50,000 houses with the biggest gardens, I hated the critter pens so much that I always ended up going back to a Cottage.
    But, as I said, I only miss it for sentimental reasons...I positively love the way things are now!!

    I love working on my house, which I have yet to finish doing because I like taking my time with it.
    My herb/veggie gardens are a dream come true and I love being able to design how "my street" looks and what it offers to any visitors I get. But, the thing that is most near and dear to my heart, is how many critters I can actually have in both the front and back of my house. lol
    Sometimes I spend a lot of time in my house and other times I'm out and about collecting, exploring and just having fun.

    So...I don't really miss the way it was before...but I totally love the way it is now. 8^)
    Posted 12 years ago by sgjo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 Janitch
    Posted 12 years ago by AwesomeCardinal2000 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have to agree that we tend to get too sentimental about the old houses. They were cute, sure. But--especially in a game that's about imagination--making your own place is much more satisfying. And as functional buildings, they were... not so good. (All y'all old timers remember back when the smallest houses had a "crap cabinet"?)

    I do still miss some of the bygone mechanisms... having neighborhoods... the fun of waiting for the house you want to come up for sale... BUT as the game evolves, I definitely see how untenable that system was in the long term.
    Posted 12 years ago by Georgia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I like the revised housing system better. I do miss the look of the older houses.  I miss the modern houses and the balconies that we could have a garden on. I loved that open look but longed for some color to put on my walls. (Still hoping they bring this back) :) I miss the bog houses and how we could climb ladders through the floor of the upper story and have gardens in the basement. I don't see why TS can't bring this back in. (wink  wink) However, there is sooo much more to do with the game now than ever. It just gets better and better. I visit home  streets when I get bored with other stuff. I see the whole Urld all the time. Other than missing the style of the older housing I see nothing to complain about. We can store our stuff in cabinets that look really cool and on shelves and in sdb boxes. We can make our houses bigger with all the room we need and have towers on our streets. We can decorate when we couldn't before. I have had so much fun with other stuff that I haven't changed the interior decorating of my place since they brought it into the game. (could also be due to the fact that I am limited to game time) Keep up the great work TS!!
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Muffett Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think of this as "painting pictures of Egypt", when someone doesn't remember how frustrating and annoyong the old way of life was because the new way is so different that they've romanticized the old life.

    I HATED the old housing system. I never had enough storage space. I had to pick everything up one item/stack at a time. I only had one herb garden plot, and no crop gardens, so I had to risk planting in community gardens and having my stuff stolen if I didn't stand guard over it. I could only plant one kind of tree, because I wanted a bog house so that I could plant herbs. I couldn't leave anything outside of my house for fear of it being stolen.

    Several have said this, and I +1 them, that you can play the game any way you want. The game is set up in such a way now that you can even pretend that Home Streets don't exist.

    I'm grumpy due to a massive headache, so I'll end this before I retype all of the things I just deleted because they sounded meaner than I am in real life.
    Posted 12 years ago by Coley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The outside house styles from old houseing I would like back. But the inconvieniece of teleport useing energy to get back, or haveing to keep one teleport point or scroll for your house at all times, becasue other wise you couldnt get back other than foot, was a pain. On top of that the houseing blocks were usually desolate, and we had no additional resources or furniture....usually a single cabinet, so piles of items and bags everywhere. It was frustrating as well, only bog houses had herb gardens, but no crop gardens, and any non-bog type houses had crop gardens and no herb gardens.  No customization of resources was even possible. I do think it would be nice to have a way to optionally tie your house to a street, and optionally be able to create a network of ppl for a community. But that would be connections, an additional thing, which would be seperate added things to houseing, houses and homestreets,would still work the way they do now, it would be purely optional, in a similar manner to the way visiting stones are currently.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't understand the stance of "I want to do x, so TS should force me to." I think the real translation is "I want to dox, so TS should force everyone else to."
    +1 to Janitech

    While I understand your point, the fact of the matter is- you don't have to use home streets. There are Glitchens who set limitations from not dying to only cooking with ingredients that they collect/ cook themselves. Not using home street resources- or only using the home street resources on your street- can be an easily set restriction. 

    Likewise, don't think that those who don't venture out in the world are getting all pro's. By being a hermit and only staying on home streets, you deprive yourself many things that are out in Glitch- including random item giveaway from devs, social interactions and QQ's. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Fawnie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • As a newish player I was not around to experience the old housing and community systems that were around before.

    But - I have hardly any reasons to go into Ur - All I go there for is:

    To collect Quoins.
    To use tool vendors.
    To donate and collect emblems.
    To compete in feats.

    You could say that there is fishing, fox brushing and ice scraping to draw people into Ur, but for me personally, is not.

    The convenience and efficiency of routes on home streets is just too good to pass up, its easier and simpler to get what I am looking for there than it is in Ur - And often much easier and cheaper to shop in towers than it is to go and find and buy from vendors.

    I do not know any different than this set up, but smaller houses and no resources on home streets sounds problematic for me, as a hoarder my house experiences lag as it is - and its fully expanded - and there is a huge lack of natural resources in most of Ur.
    Posted 12 years ago by Potian Dragoon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • +1 I agree with this. I mainly go into Ur when I am trying to complete an achievement that requires something not found on homestreets (ice, exploring, fox brushing, feeding sloths). I find walking around in the world is annoying since almost EVERY time I walk past a shrine it gives me an emblem (fills up my inventory way too fast). The rare occasions when I am found walking the streets of Ur is for feats or at times when I think it would be fun to collect ice, brush foxes, feed sloths, and maybe even catch some salmen.

    I am not saying homestreets are bad or anything but I just think there should be a lot more motivating reasons to walk the streets of Ur. 
    I also find that I only use my house for storing random stuff such as bags full of stuff that I don't need. I am in my tower about 90% of the time, homestreets 9% of the time, in Ur 0.9% of the time, and in my house 0.1% of the time.

    Some solutions may be:
    - Adding tons more resources to streets in Ur
    - Randomly generated mini quests from street vendors that require being in Ur
    - More resources that can only be found in Ur
    - Paying street vendors to organize a party on a street (the street vendor would add stuff to the street for a little while such as food, game of crowns, race ticket dispensers, cubimal races etc.) A good price for this would be 50k to 150k for a 1 hour party
    - More minigames in Ur similar to the game of crowns
    - Mini feats that only reward IMG
    Posted 12 years ago by drakodood Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Before the Home Streets came around, I used to enjoy visiting all of these old fashioned housing streets with the 1100's and up to 5500's to choose from, then gather the resources there.  The new housing streets are much more streamlined and better suited for scalability of Glitch.

    Besides, I got bored with doing resource runs on home streets, so I just get out to the world of Ur and continue to explore.  There's so many new streets in the world of Ur since one year ago, and we shouldn't expect that growth to slow down any time soon.
    Posted 12 years ago by Zadow, Obviously Subscriber! | Permalink
  • "Ask not what your country can do for you -- Ask what you can do for your country."
                                                              --John F Kennedy, 35th President of the United States

    If you miss when Ajaya Bliss was always crowded and full of people, get together a group of friends and go there. If you don't like resource routes, just don't use them. If you liked it when there were no private home streets and you were wandering around Ur, don't ask TS to create motivations for people to explore Ur more. If you like Ur more than home streets, you shouldn't need any motivation to go out in Ur and explore.
    Posted 12 years ago by AwesomeCardinal2000 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Without long-term goals as part of the game's design, once players have finished their quests, there's little game-given impetus to do anything, really.  I don't think home streets make that much of a difference.

    That said, a lot of people miss the old housing.  A fairly simple fix: rather than just expanding homes segment by segment, allow us the option of expanding using pre-drawn modules which look like our old housing (caves, bogs, cottages, etc.).  We'd still be able to customize the insides with furniture, wallpaper, or whatever else, but, for example, bog rooms would look round, and a second-story bog room could have a hole and ladder in the floor.  This would also give the game's artists the opportunity to draw interiors to match the newer exteriors, like the frog house, and matching furniture could lead to a rise in credit sales.
    Posted 12 years ago by glum pudding Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Home streets have made the game way too easy... and that's a trap I definitely fell into. I've basically gone on hiatus because I have accomplished most of my goals and the game has gotten boring... and a lot of that is because I was able to accomplish things way easier running a route than trying to locate the resources in the world. *shrugs* I really hope that TS keeps adding new resources and activities that pull us out of our own little worlds, it really is for the betterment of the game.
    Posted 12 years ago by Orchi Da Pea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • When the new housing was being tested, I put resources in my garden. It made the game way too easy and dull! So when the real new housing came along, I chose to only have crop and herb beds. I don't go on resource routes, or into towers unless I'm shopping for furniture. Life for me is pretty much the same as it ever was!
    Posted 12 years ago by Pyrrhocorax Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Specializing definitely seems to be the way to go.  You can put everything you need in your yards, but it's usually not quite enough of anyone thing to do something amazing.  But if your backyard is just crops and herbs, you can really crank out the tinctures and recipes when you need them, and, as you say it prompts you to explore the rest of the game more in the process.
    Posted 12 years ago by Carl Projectorinski Subscriber! | Permalink
  • In a way it does make it easy....the home street resources. But prior to New Houseing  it was a PAIN to gather resources. It makes it so now you can get what supplies you want quicker, but still be able to explore or socialize. But i do find gathering on home streets,rather boring and grindy, so i don't use the routes all that often. I am glad though that some things are only in world, ice,salmon, foxes, sloths, shrines, the Rube, Deimaginators, Smugglers, JuJu Bandits, Crabs, the Rook, and anything else i may have missed:) Styles from the old houses i DO miss, but really not much of anything else, the practically no storage issue was really frustrating back then.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lyrical DejaVu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • how could you not go into the world ;o 
    Posted 12 years ago by Zomber Subscriber! | Permalink